ありがたい の訳語→ appreciate attractive delightful easy excellent glad God-sent grateful handy happy like lucky perfect relieve sweet welcome
いい の訳語→ acute allowable beautiful better can care charming cool desirable encouraging fine forget great grown hope impeccably lovely neat nice O.K. optimal perhaps plenty positive pretty probable promising proper reasonable regular right satisfied smart successful super suppose upright vote well well-to-do wonderful
いいこと の訳語→ balm break now remember secret up
いける の訳語→ doable safe viable work
うまい の訳語→ decent deft delicacy fortunately master mild plausible remarkable tactful
うまく の訳語→ all artfully beautifully cleverly deftly easily effectually efficiently gracious proficiently properly quite really savvy shrewdly splendidly successfully tightly
うれしい の訳語→ enjoy friendly gleeful gratifying pleasant pleasure sweetness thankful
おいしい の訳語→ delectable delicious fragrant topical treat
おめでたい の訳語→ altruistic
おもしろい の訳語→ amusing exciting fun funny inspiring instructive interesting odd-looking thought-provoking
かなり の訳語→ again almost amazingly appreciably considerable considerably extremely fairly goddamned heavily how increasingly lot more much nearly positively rather serious some somewhat substantial very widely
かなりの の訳語→ appreciable bit certain enough goodly pocketful significant sizable sizeable substantive
きちんと の訳語→ carefully clean correctly daintily do duly effectively even exactly just nicely precisely precision smack squarely strict strictly through
きつい の訳語→ arduous baleful bitter broad corrosive demanding explicit fierce grave hard nasty painful palpable sharp sharply sharpness shattering steep strong stubborn tough
けっこう の訳語→ especially hugely modest surprisingly tidy
さんざん の訳語→ bloody brutal cruelly dozen everywhere freely nightmare often roundly ruined
しかるべき の訳語→ appropriate due should suitable
しっかり の訳語→ certainly cleanly close completely definitely fast firmly fully indelibly powerfully real safely soberly solid tight together
しっかりしている の訳語→ dependable mature
しみじみ の訳語→ appreciatively incredulously quietly
じっくり の訳語→ closely extra fastidiously long methodically patiently relish seriously smooth thoughtfully
すぐれた の訳語→ blue-ribbon bright brilliantly gifted major paramount skilled useful well-made
すごい の訳語→ amazing astonishing fabulous fantastic gee gnarly God hell kick-ass kickass knockout monster rum sensational sheer something terrible tits uncanny wild
すばらしい の訳語→ admirable bionic brilliant dodger elaborate grand idyllic incredible magnificent spectacular splendid swell tall terrific veritable whizbang winning zingy
すばらしく の訳語→ glamour gloriously unbelievably wondrous
せいぜい の訳語→ about altogether anyway bare barely extent jolly only remarkably
そう の訳語→ correct entirely follow meet oh same seem so such sure this truly why yes
そうか の訳語→ ah-ha hmph indeed then yeah
たっぷり の訳語→ absolutely bunch clear deep generous gust lashing lavish rich time
ためになる の訳語→ benignant informative serve
ちゃんとした の訳語→ legitimate official okay reputable respectable sound well-adjusted
できる の訳語→ able assemble capable chance develop give have know manage offer open permissible possible power provide understand will
どんどん の訳語→ aggressively constantly dramatically eagerly fair gradually keep quickly rapidly steadily
なじみ の訳語→ acquaintance chum
ぴったり の訳語→ belong match near word-for-word
ほとんど の訳語→ alike few half hardly largely little majority most practically rarely singularly totally virtually
ましだ の訳語→ count credible prefer
まず の訳語→ but example first initially probably simply sort
まっとうな の訳語→ functional good-natured honest mainstream straight
まともな の訳語→ civilized commonsense controversial decently direct full-sized important normal orderly ordinary praiseworthy reasonably responsible sane wise workable
も の訳語→ also another despite else equally himself including partly still
もってこい の訳語→ comfortable
やっと の訳語→ before begin belatedly eventually finally laboriously last soon where
やり手 の訳語→ best boy expert wheeler-dealer
ようく の訳語→ good-and-well
よく の訳語→ always common deeply dreadfully enormously exceedingly frequent frequently further intimately many mostly occasional once periodically prolonged sometimes soundly strongly usually vigorous
よくできた の訳語→ clever intelligent
れっきとした の訳語→ acceptable authentic creditably distinguished unmistakable valid
わきまえる の訳語→ display realize respect sense understanding
ハンサムな の訳語→ good-looking handsome
安全 の訳語→ harmless safety security
医者 の訳語→ doctor medic physician
一人前の の訳語→ full-fledged old
一流 の訳語→ big-time eminent first-class first-rate leading light
一流の の訳語→ ace mighty quaint rarefied top-notch
価値 の訳語→ caliber dollars impact stuff value
快い の訳語→ blissful cheerful comforting deliciously gay love
格好の の訳語→ convenient natural
格別の の訳語→ chosen particular
獲物 の訳語→ catch fish kill prey prize quarry spoil take trophy victim
確かな の訳語→ authoritative conclusive tried
頑丈な の訳語→ hardy heavy insensitive massive monolithic strapping sturdy thickness unbroken
嬉しい の訳語→ dear delight fain happiness joy please satisfaction
強い の訳語→ beat blustery ferocious harsh high highly hot huge immune lead loud powerful profound resistant robust teeming thick urgent vehement whip
恵まれた の訳語→ privileged
敬虔な の訳語→ devout devoutly pious practicing reverence
賢明な の訳語→ farsighted oracular sensibly sophisticated
元気 の訳語→ energy health heartiness inclined inspire joyous oomph show spirit spring strength zap
効く の訳語→ assist come flow hit learn
好ましい の訳語→ advisable fitting likeable
幸せ の訳語→ well-being
高級な の訳語→ fancy high-ranking spiffy
最高の の訳語→ best-case epic height maximal mint premium sovereign topmost upmost uppermost
周到な の訳語→ cautious meticulous sedulous
充分 の訳語→ ample fill full handsomely painfully
従順な の訳語→ compliant governable malleable manageable reverent tame
助けになる の訳語→ help instrumental
心地よい の訳語→ balmy lull temper treasured
心優しい の訳語→ compassionate graceful
申し分ない の訳語→ impeccable impressive preferably unobjectionable
親切に の訳語→ gently helpfully kind kindheartedly
進む の訳語→ advance approach forward go head headway march move pass proceed tromp underway
澄んだ の訳語→ transparent
正しい の訳語→ hold justifiable prescribed virtue
惜しい の訳語→ regret shame valuable
善良な の訳語→ good-hearted innocent
素晴らしい の訳語→ extraordinaire outasite slashing
素直な の訳語→ straightforward
相当の の訳語→ comfortably
大 の訳語→ large ponderous redoubtable
大事な の訳語→ badly matter precious
仲良く の訳語→ companion friend harmony neatly
忠実な の訳語→ adhere liege loyal scrupulous
長けている の訳語→ infallible
適切な の訳語→ apposite apropos cogent effectual expedient
堂々とした の訳語→ confident palatial statuesque
熱心な の訳語→ alert attentive committed dedicated diligent enthusiasm fervent inspired intense passionate wedded willing zealous zestful
派手に の訳語→ flashily incredibly loudly provocatively wildly
抜群 の訳語→ predominance preeminence
物知り の訳語→ knowledgeable maven pundit
味方 の訳語→ ally corner defense inclining partisan side
明るい の訳語→ brightly brightness bubbly cheery expansive optimistic outgoing radiant reveal
役立つ の訳語→ contribute
愉快な の訳語→ healthy humorous jovial pleasurable
優しく の訳語→ dolce gentle tender warmly
優秀な の訳語→ efficient hot-shot outstanding superb talented
有力な の訳語→ foremost prevailing
立派な の訳語→ estimable total virtuous
良い の訳語→ excel fond fortunate well-deserved
良心的な の訳語→ conscientious highest-quality
腕の立つ の訳語→ workmanlike
good Samaritan good buddy good day good evening good humor good will good-humored good-looking good-naturedly good-natured good-ol’-boy goodish goodness goods and services tax goods goodwife goodwill goody