あとで の訳語→ after afterwards eventually later
そう の訳語→ certainly correct entirely exactly good meet much oh perhaps right same seem so such sure this too truly why yes
そこで の訳語→ accordingly instead then there therefore thus wherein
つきまとう の訳語→ cling flutter haunted hound remain
つける の訳語→ adjust assign bear fix flip furnish hit light plant plunge provide put settle shed stick take use wear write
つづく の訳語→ continue go last lead long next run stretch
つづける の訳語→ add bring insist keep maintain persevere persist running say sustain
とらえる の訳語→ allure apprehend catch encounter entrap get grasp have hold identify impress isolate maneuver pass see spot
とる の訳語→ assume give grab interpret pick pop register schedule sign suppose
むこう の訳語→ back down guy other they
やる の訳語→ act all do earn force handle happen inhale know murder perform play pull send smoke start stoop tackle try work
よくわかる の訳語→ apparent appreciate articulate clear understand
わかる の訳語→ admit agree ascertain certain clue conscious decide discern discover fancy fathom feel figure form gather git guess hear imagine indicate learn measure notice obvious offer palpable perceive pinpoint place prone prove realise realize recognise recognition recognize respect sense sensitive share sympathize tell trace traceable understandable witness
わきあがる の訳語→ increase raise rise
見守る の訳語→ observe stare support vigil watch
行く の訳語→ arrival arrive head leave move out reach stay stroll tear venture visit walk
従う の訳語→ atrail committed comply serve stand
真似る の訳語→ borrow forge imitate reproduce
追いかける の訳語→ chase pursue quest seek
追う の訳語→ banish drive evict shag shake
踏む の訳語→ estimate reckon stamp step think trample
聞く の訳語→ ask comment dress field heard listener press query question receive speak
歩く の訳語→ loose lope lurk march navigate pace proceed tread walking wander
見る の訳語→ acknowledge behold blink check confront consult consume detect expect eye gauge gaze glance glare inspect inspection judge look look in moment peer peg picture regard scan scrutinize sight size state study suggest surmise survey turn view wait
~になる の訳語→ approach be reduced to constitute create
守る の訳語→ abide adhere defend ensure honour manage to protect obey preserve protect salvage uphold visor