〜になる の訳語→ get go grow learn present prove start
ある の訳語→ apply bear bore certain enjoy feel given happen have hear hold inform involve lie locate mount notice occupy occur one own particular point presence reach remain reside run see set sit situated some sometimes stand there wait work
さがす の訳語→ comb figure fish hunt look pick quarter seek shag track wade
さぐりだす の訳語→ determine establish
つかまえる の訳語→ corner grab hurt rope stop
つかむ の訳語→ catch clasp close clutch gather grasp grip know land play put snaffle take understand
つきとめる の訳語→ assay check detection identify trace
ところ の訳語→ area aspect circumstance distance house information issue manner moment nature neighbourhood part picture place post process quality something source spot streak surrounding time way what where
とりだす の訳語→ draw extricate produce pull remove unfold
なる の訳語→ allow amount apt assume become begin change create develop generate give join mark pass potential provide serve turn
わかる の訳語→ admit agree apparent appreciate ascertain clear clue conscious count decide discern discover fancy fathom form git guess imagine indicate isolate measure offer palpable perceive pinpoint prone realise realize recognise recognition recognize register respect sense sensitive share sure sympathize tell traceable understandable witness
斡旋 の訳語→ conciliation service
確認する の訳語→ claim conclude confirm investigate verify vouch
覚える の訳語→ experience keep memorise memory muster remember seize
感じる の訳語→ aware feeling mindful react seem strike sweep taste think
気がする の訳語→ appear disposed might suspect tend worry would
気がつく の訳語→ anticipate attentive detect intercept note nowhere observe recall recover
気づく の訳語→ assaile attach knowledge listen match noticeable uncover
見える の訳語→ apparently ken observable read show sight suggest view viewable
見つける の訳語→ dug glare intersect introduce unearth
見てとる の訳語→ distinguish record size study
呼ぶ の訳語→ address ask bring call describe earn evoke hire invite name prompt refer reference say signal spark speak
考える の訳語→ absorb approach believe care chew compose conceive concentrate consider contemplate convinced debate delve design disguise dwell examine expectation feature glance idea ideate judge meditate plan ponder prospect question reason regard remembrance result ruminate scheme speculate suppose theorize thought through trouble waver weigh wonder
合わせる の訳語→ accompaniment combine contact fit meet relate touch tune
思う の訳語→ accept anticipation argue buy concern concerned conjecture deem estimate expect frightened hope impression like love mind pretend qualify reckon reflect remark sensible sound terrify try want wish
実現する の訳語→ achieve actualize do effectuate realizing
出くわす の訳語→ bump confront stumble watch
出てくる の訳語→ contain cross emerge slip
出会う の訳語→ confrontation encounter
訴える の訳語→ appeal betray champion complain evocative explain imploring pleading protest report sprout statement sue
知る の訳語→ beset news realization review understood
調達する の訳語→ acquire free scavenge supply
当たる の訳語→ hit nasty pursue right scan with
突きとめる の訳語→ compromise
判断する の訳語→ convince decision rule
抱く の訳語→ embrace entertain held hug increase pay rock support
得る の訳語→ accomplish come by conciliate gain garner reap
見る の訳語→ acknowledge behold blink consult consume eye gauge gaze inspect inspection long look in peer peg scrutinize stare state surmise survey