× Q  ?  翻訳類語辞典


こと の訳語→ a.k.a. action agenda anything as business cause circle contemplation course episodes event fact hit idea insight it matter matters moment occasion occupation occurrence part pass problem process question reason scale score sense shit solution something story stuff target task that thing time truth what word worth

の訳語→ all like of purpose than though to wonder

ニュース の訳語→ article headline item media narrative tale

ネタ の訳語→ aspect formula information material repertoire troll

使命 の訳語→ destiny duty life mission

情報 の訳語→ advice advisory ammo data end happening info informed intelligence knowledge line message reference remark report sign source suggestion tip witting

知らせ の訳語→ notification

知る の訳語→ appreciate beset care concern discover feel find get grasp guess hear ken know learn note notice occur realise realization realize recognize remember review see tell understand understood

報告 の訳語→ briefing indications wrinkle

報道 の訳語→ announcement coverage flash journalism press

の訳語→ account agreement campaign chat choice claim commitment conference conversation cycle deal describe description dialogue discuss discussion episode eventuality evidence explanation favor history incident legend lie mouth negotiation notion offer piece pitch proceeding proposition racket reasoning recounting relate say situation speak subject talk talking thread topic torrent version yarn

