はずれ の訳語→ beginning bottom bubkis corner down edge margin outskirt
やめる の訳語→ abstain against can cease cut drag forget forgo hang leave quit resist skip stop
奥 の訳語→ back behind bosom deep depth depths far inner rear
過ぎる の訳語→ after consume extremely fade go grand pass spend up
境 の訳語→ border morass partition state
結末 の訳語→ conclusion denouement development ending outcome possibility
限界 の訳語→ best bound envelope limit limitation parameter terminus
最後 の訳語→ closing completion conclude finality omega once
最後に の訳語→ eventually finally lastly still then
死 の訳語→ death demise doom dying loss nothing tomb
収まる の訳語→ click fall fit smoothed
消える の訳語→ absent baulk clear cool decamp disappear dwindle ebb eradicate falter fell lose lost miss out
情報 の訳語→ advice advisory ammo data happening idea info information informed intelligence knowledge line material message news reference remark report sign something source stuff suggestion that thing tip witting word
絶望 の訳語→ despair desperate desperation
先 の訳語→ address ahead beyond exit farther first front future moment nozzle place rest
先端 の訳語→ apex nib point tine toe
側面 の訳語→ angle aspect facet implication part profile
奪う の訳語→ abridge deprive monopolize rob run steal stole swag take usurp wrest
目的 の訳語→ cause custom effect effort goal motive promise purpose reason
利益 の訳語→ concern dividend gain interest profit profitability rationality
終わる の訳語→ be contained die pfft
endangerment endearingly endeavor endeavour endlessly endless endorsement endorser endow endpiece endurance endure enduringly enduring