〜しそうになる の訳語→ nearly ready threaten
〜になる の訳語→ find get grow learn make present prove start
ある の訳語→ apply bear bore certain come enjoy feel given happen have hear hold inform involve lie locate mount notice occupy occur one own particular point presence reach remain reside run see set sit situated some sometimes stand there wait work
いなくなる の訳語→ dead depart departure die leave quit
おもむく の訳語→ pilgrimage spirit
くる の訳語→ arise arrive become close consult count enrol fall roll take turn visit
さかのぼる の訳語→ cover date predate remount retrograde
さがす の訳語→ comb figure fish hunt look pick quarter seek shag track wade
すむ の訳語→ able back complete do finish mere
する の訳語→ acquire bring conduct develop gain give incline keep manage observe offer play provide show switch tell try use want
たどる の訳語→ meet scour travel untangle
つづく の訳語→ continue follow last lead long next stretch
つづける の訳語→ add insist maintain persevere persist running say sustain
とる の訳語→ assume grab grasp interpret pop register schedule sign suppose
なくなる の訳語→ cease decrease disappear drop dwindle evaporate
なる の訳語→ allow amount apt begin change create generate join mark potential put serve
はじける の訳語→ explode fizzle glow jump
やる の訳語→ act all earn force handle inhale know murder perform pull send smoke stoop tackle
よぎる の訳語→ across appear cross drift hit swim
移る の訳語→ catch decamp migrate move
引き取る の訳語→ adopt break collect inherit retrieve tow
化す の訳語→ depersonalize
過ぎる の訳語→ after consume end extremely fade grand spend up
感じる の訳語→ aware conscious decide experience feeling mindful react realize seem sense strike sweep taste think
帰る の訳語→ home out regress return
起こる の訳語→ cause cook result rise rouse
向かう の訳語→ advance bound head proceed sail usher walk way
行く の訳語→ arrival place stay stroll tear venture
死ぬ の訳語→ collapse death kill perish
出ていく の訳語→ escape getaway segue step
出て行く の訳語→ egress outbound storm
出向く の訳語→ appearance
消える の訳語→ absent baulk clear cool ebb eradicate falter fell lose lost miss
消滅する の訳語→ extinguish
上がる の訳語→ ascend climb frighten
進む の訳語→ forward good headway march tromp underway
進行 の訳語→ coordinate
遂げる の訳語→ attain effectuate win
切り出す の訳語→ ask broach declare dice volunteer word
走る の訳語→ charge dash drive engage flit flow gallop hasten jog jostle quicken race ride scratch shoot spring steal stomp zip
釣り合う の訳語→ counterbalance proportional yoke
逃げる の訳語→ bolt flee flinch retreat shrink
動く の訳語→ action dance dart function labor movement shift stir tick wander
入る の訳語→ beginning penetrate pitch squeeze tag trod
廃止する の訳語→ abolish dismantle rescind
飛ぶ の訳語→ deviate flight fly kick
不能 の訳語→ incapability not
片づく の訳語→ care neat order orderly
歩く の訳語→ loose lope lurk navigate pace tread walking
鳴る の訳語→ bleat blow chink clack echo ring wail
話す の訳語→ confess conversation describe discuss discussion divulge explain gossip mention opinion recall repeat reveal share speak speaking state talk talking
出る の訳語→ answer award betray dangle express get going plunge practice slip
検討する の訳語→ address confer consider examine leaf plan run through study
go over go-to goal goat gobbet gobble goblin gob god-awful goddamned goddamn goddam goddess godforsaken godship god goggle goings-on going golden rule golden ticket golden goldmine gold gone good Samaritan good buddy good day good evening good humor good will good-and-well good-humored good-looking good-naturedly good-natured good-ol’-boy goodish goodly goodness goods and services tax goods goodwife goodwill goody good gooey goofball goofy goof goosedown goo gorgeous gosh gospel gossipy gossip gotcha gouge governable governance government govern