うわべ の訳語→ air pretense superficial
さらけだす の訳語→ bare demonstrably present reveal
ついている の訳語→ behind decorate do hook with
みたい の訳語→ guess like look seem sort
みたいだ の訳語→ clearly near seemingly think
ようだ の訳語→ apparently sound
よぎる の訳語→ across cross drift go hit pass play swim
らしい の訳語→ any as become befit believe evidently expect imagine know obvious obviously presumably probably proper real suppose take understand wise
一見 の訳語→ apparent intuitively outwardly reasonably see seeming
押しかける の訳語→ gather invade visit
気がする の訳語→ disposed feel feeling find might occur sense suspect tend worry would
見える の訳語→ catch discover ken observable read show sight suggest view viewable
見かけ の訳語→ appearance outside surface
見せる の訳語→ betray demonstrate display examine express flash give make presume pretend surrender
装う の訳語→ affect parody portray rig try
当たり前 の訳語→ acceptable natural naturally penchant
突破口 の訳語→ break breakthrough hole opening penetration
様子 の訳語→ about behavior behaviour condition indication layout manner mood rate sign spirit temper that thing way welfare
来る の訳語→ arrival back bring grow reach stop walk warn
あからさまに の訳語→ blatantly boldly distinct explicitly open outright point blank positively visually