あふれる の訳語→ brim fill pervade release rush suffuse
ありがちな の訳語→ common predictable special
の の訳語→ all business like news purpose something than though to wonder
型 の訳語→ quintessence type
現れる の訳語→ appear arrive come manifest
同様 の訳語→ next similitude uniformity
特有の の訳語→ inevitable inherent reserve these unique
独特の の訳語→ distinctive own peculiar usual
風 の訳語→ air breeze bullshit custom kind manner sickness suggest way wind
of note off-handedly off-hand off-putting off-ramp off-white offbeat offcut offence offender offending offend offense offensive offering offertory offer offhandedly offhand office building office worker officer office officialdom officially official officiating offload offshoot offspring off oftentimes often