〜することもある の訳語→ occasionally often
ある の訳語→ apply bear bore certain come enjoy feel find get given go happen have hear hold inform involve lie locate mount notice occupy occur one own particular point presence present reach remain reside run see set sit situated some stand there wait work
いささか の訳語→ almost bit considerably embarrassed highly least little mild mildly moderately more partly pretty rather slight slightly somehow somewhat trifle vaguely
いつも の訳語→ abiding absolutely all always constant constantly ever evermore every exclusively forever generally invariable invariably long never normally other perpetual perpetually rarely regularly religiously routinely so steady strictly throughout traditionally unwavering used usual wholly
しばしば の訳語→ frequent frequently occasional oftentimes
ただ の訳語→ although anyway bum but except however instead just meaningless merely nothing only plain purely quite really sheer silently simply solitary that though totally
つい の訳語→ actually automatically day easily hard inadvertently involuntarily involuntary keep mere typically unintentionally unwisely very
ときおり の訳語→ periodically
ときには の訳語→ either possibly sometime
よく の訳語→ again better carefully close closely common deeply dreadfully enormously exactly exceedingly fully further good great intimately like lot many mostly much once perfectly prolonged properly respectable seriously soundly strongly usually vigorous well