あまり の訳語→ about change entirely exactly excess few little more pretty quite rather really relatively seldom singularly so somewhat sufficiently terribly too utterly very with
おびただしい の訳語→ abundant fantastic infinite innumerable myriad numerous populous replete
かなり の訳語→ again almost amazingly appreciably considerable considerably extremely fairly goddamned good heavily how increasingly lot nearly plenty positively serious some substantial widely
さして の訳語→ across equally especially overly particular particularly to
さほど の訳語→ all even half not probably right
さまざまな の訳語→ different diverse endless manifold many mixed motley multiple several variant various wealth
さんざん の訳語→ bloody brutal cruelly dozen enough everywhere freely hard nightmare often roundly ruined
しきりに の訳語→ bitterly busily conjecture copiously desperately eagerly earnestly endlessly fluently frequently furiously imperiously incessantly insistently intently keep rapid steadfastly urge urgent urgently variously
しっかり の訳語→ carefully certainly cleanly close completely definitely duly fast firmly fully indelibly nice powerfully real safely sharp soberly solid squarely tight tightly together well
じつに の訳語→ absolute absolutely admirably highly most truly where
すっかり の訳語→ already altogether anew awful deep deeply dramatically drastically dreadfully easily every everything finally forever full genuinely hopelessly indeed late nicely noticeably perfectly rapidly ridiculously seriously severly significantly simply splendidly spoil stone superfluous totally unmitigated whole
ずいぶん の訳語→ awfully considering dearly decidedly enormous large remarkably sure try way while
ずっと の訳語→ absurdly always ever far fine long nonstop permanently rest surely
そう の訳語→ correct follow meet oh perhaps same seem such this why yes
たっぷり の訳語→ bunch clear generous great gust lashing lavish rich splendid time
どうも の訳語→ actually but guess personally somehow tend
はるかに の訳語→ enormously farther infinitely tremendous vastly
ほとんど の訳語→ alike barely hardly largely like majority near practically rarely virtually
まして の訳語→ furthermore
やたら の訳語→ excessively freak
よく の訳語→ better closely common constantly exceedingly frequent further intimately mostly occasional once periodically prolonged properly respectable sometimes soundly strongly usually vigorous
よほど の訳語→ appalling comfortable damned gravely progressively
過度の の訳語→ cowardice extreme superlative ultra unconscionable
細心の の訳語→ deliberate
充分 の訳語→ ample fill handsomely painfully
深く の訳語→ certain clearly humbly involve
深刻な の訳語→ big disabling grave heavy important significant sorely terrible
特別な の訳語→ banner exotic lively special
躍起になって の訳語→ determined eager