いい の訳語→ acute allowable beautiful better can care charming cool delightful desirable encouraging fine forget glad good great grown happy hope impeccably lovely neat nice O.K. optimal perhaps plenty positive pretty probable promising proper reasonable regular satisfied smart successful super suppose sweet upright vote well well-to-do wonderful
いかにも の訳語→ apparent certainly clear completely considerable decided deeply deliberately eminently evident evidently exactly exceedingly extraordinarily extremely forsooth genuinely highly ideally indeed just like most obvious obviously only perfectly pseudo rather real really seem seemingly simple so spotlessly strained such terribly that too true typically unexpectedly utterly very
いま の訳語→ immediate now present there today
うまく の訳語→ all artfully beautifully cleverly deftly easily effectually efficiently gracious handy lucky proficiently properly quite savvy shrewdly splendidly successfully tightly
え の訳語→ aw hmmm huh oh pardon what
さっそく の訳語→ directly immediately promptly quickly straight swiftly
さほど の訳語→ especially even half much not particularly probably
しかるべき の訳語→ appropriate certain due should suitable
しっかり の訳語→ carefully cleanly close definitely duly fast firmly fully indelibly positively powerfully safely sharp soberly solid squarely tight together
しっかりと の訳語→ bravely determinedly fastly jealously permanently robust solidly
すぐ の訳語→ automatically closely dutifully easy first instantaneously instantly minute presently pronto quick simply soon then willingly
すんなり の訳語→ generously serenely straightforward
そう の訳語→ correct entirely follow meet same sure this truly why yes
そうだ の訳語→ acquiescence apparently look possible yeah
そのとおり の訳語→ affirm obediently precisely
たちまち の訳語→ already briefly hastily instantaneous momentarily outright rapidly short speedily sudden suddenly
ちゃんと の訳語→ absolutely actually always clearly politely
ちゃんとした の訳語→ decent hard legitimate official perfect reputable respectable sound well-adjusted
ちょっと の訳語→ almost bit brief brisk but casually faintly fairly few hey hi jiffy little maybe merely mildly moment nearly nominal pinch psst pure sec shortly slight slightly small some something somewhat sort subtly totally touch tut while
ぴったり の訳語→ belong correctly match near strictly word-for-word
ふつう の訳語→ common customarily customary generally normal normality often usual
まず の訳語→ example initially practically rarely
まっすぐ の訳語→ dead erect slap steadily
まともに の訳語→ full full-scale levelly pat sensibly seriously smack unerringly
めでたく の訳語→ fortunately happily
起こす の訳語→ arousal begin cause cock create get hold make raise start straighten wake
求める の訳語→ apply ask buy clamor demand expect long lust need poke pursuit request requirement seek want
結構 の訳語→ allow dandy enough lot reasonably
権利 の訳語→ business courtesy rights
向く の訳語→ face slide swing wander
高い の訳語→ costing elevated expensive high prominent substantial tall towering wild
資格 の訳語→ admission authority claim competency position role
順調に の訳語→ smoothly smoothness
条件 の訳語→ arrangement basis condition criterion exchange parameter provision qualification term thing
信用できる の訳語→ tried trustworthy
整然と の訳語→ meticulously
正しい の訳語→ justifiable prescribed valid virtue
直撃する の訳語→ attack catch hit whack
当たる の訳語→ check find nasty pursue scan with work
堂々と の訳語→ ambitious brazenly confidently gallantly magnificently openly
無事に の訳語→ finally intact peacefully safe satisfactorily unchallenged
目の の訳語→ ophthalmic optic optical
理 の訳語→ reason righteousness
すぐに の訳語→ forthwith in a bit inevitably straightaway
間違いない の訳語→ adamant fait accompli must undoubtedly unmistakably
はっきり の訳語→ baldly broad consciously crystal clear declarative definite distinctly do evenly explicitly firm frankly hard-edged honestly radically recognizably specific stark vividly
理解する の訳語→ appreciate catch on divine explain grasp ken process recognize seize sensitive understand understanding
ふさわしい の訳語→ acceptable applicable apposite approximate befit befitting behoove commensurate de rigueur deserve fill fit ideal qualify suit
余地 の訳語→ opportunity place wiggle room