かかえる の訳語→ clasp cradle draw employ have hold jam squat
かざす の訳語→ hover lift raise shield
さげる の訳語→ clear dangle grip put sling tip with
つきあう の訳語→ accompany date deal indulge intercourse join keep know meet mix see treat understand
もつ の訳語→ bear last own stand wearable
やりとげる の訳語→ complete do succeed
扱う の訳語→ coddle cover handle regard sell
押す の訳語→ bull hit press punch push ring slam sweep wheel
高める の訳語→ boost ennoble heighten uprear
持つ の訳語→ assume bring entertain feel share
身につける の訳語→ adopt assimilate come develop learn master
通る の訳語→ convince follow make pass run walk
伝える の訳語→ bequeath channel communicate convey describe give indicate notify perpetuate proclaim relay report teach tell transmit
守る の訳語→ abide adhere cling defend ensure field honour manage to protect obey observe play preserve protect salvage stick uphold visor