あげる の訳語→ get give have heighten hold let lift offer place provide raise rise say slip uncover utter
あてがう の訳語→ dose fit fix furnish on prop put to
いじめる の訳語→ beat bully eat mistreat ridicule sail
ころがす の訳語→ drive hit turn wheel
さらに の訳語→ additional additionally another even further maybe still then
つきつける の訳語→ confront point present show stick
なでる の訳語→ console lay touch trace
引き上げる の訳語→ extract jerk leave roll withdraw
押す の訳語→ bull carry jam press punch ring slam sweep
急ぐ の訳語→ chop fast hurry prompt quickly race sprint stride
強調する の訳語→ accent accentuate assure commit impress lean stress underscore
挑戦する の訳語→ affront call challenge try
働きかける の訳語→ encourage finagle lobby work
迫る の訳語→ approach ask close come fall insist jump weigh
片づける の訳語→ accomplish attend brush busy consume describe dismiss do drink finish remove sling wind
落とす の訳語→ bring bury detract down downward drop hunch hurtle knock lose low lower omit peal rest slacken slump splash wipe