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demand a great deal of the individual   demand admission   demand certain qualities   demand heavy number crunching   demand immediately   demand in a manner unbecoming to a parent   demand in a sobbingly angry voice   demand in chorus   demand in exasperation   demand information about sb   demand keeping straight on course   demand money with menaces   demand of no one   demand outright   demand to know   demand with a show of sternness   demanded   demanding   demandingly   demanufacturing   demean   demean the hate   demeanor   dement   demented   dementia   demerit   demigod   demilitarization   demilitarize   demise   demitasse   demo   democracy   democrat   democratic   democratically   democratization   democratize   demography   demolish   demolition   demon   demonic   demonstrable   demonstrably   demonstrate   demonstrate consummate knowledge of sth   demonstrate wisdom   demonstration   demonstrative   demonstratively   demonstrator   demoralise   demoralize   demote   demotic   demur   demure   demure manners and prim deportment   demurely   demurrer   den   den mother   denial   denigrate   denim   denomination   denominator   denote   denouement   denounce   dense   densely   density   dent   dental   dented   dented aluminum pot   denture   dentures   denunciation   deny   deny oneself the least diversion   deny sb be aware of anything   deny sb the reference of stars   deodorant   deodorize   dep   depart   depart punctually and be always aloof   departed   departing   department   departmental   departmentalism   departure   departure from public service   depend   depend more on A and less on B   depend on character   depend on each other   depend on how things work out   depend on sb   depend on sth   depend on the will of sb   depend upon brainpower   depend upon it   depend upon sb to look after the house properly while one is away   dependable   dependant   dependence   dependency   dependent   depending on inflection   depends   depersonalize   depict   depiction   deplete   depleted   depletion   deplorable   deplore   deploy   deploy sb as one sees fit   deployment   depopulate   depopulation   deportation   deportment   deposit   deposition   depositor   depository   depot   deprave   depravity   deprecate   deprecatingly   deprecatory   depreciate   depreciation   depreciatively   depress   depress holy hell out of sb   depress sb   depress the hell out of sb   depressed   depressed over the setback   depressed-looking   depressing   depressingly   depression   depressurize   deprival   deprivation   deprive   deprived   depth   depth-charge rack   depth-charging   depths   deputy   deputy director   deracinated   deracinated wimp   derail   derailment   derange   deranged   derby   deregulate   derelict   dereliction   deride   derision   derisive   derisive smile   derisively   derisorily   derisory   derivation   derivative   derive   derive good   derive no benefit   dermatology   derogation   derogatory   derriere   descend   descend first upon sb   descend on   descend on sb in the worst possible way   descend to the inevitable theme   descendant   descent   describe   describe out loud sth   describe sb   describe similar experiences with sb   describe the call as urgent   describe the entire episode   description   descriptions   descriptive   descriptively   descriptor   desensitize   desert   desert island   desert offices and factories   desert sb without compunction   deserted   deserter   desertification   desertion   deserve   deserve XX days   deserve better than that   deserve everything one get   deserve favor with sb   deserve it   deserve respect   deserve to do   deservingly   desiccate   design   design and manufacture   design to do   designate   designated   designated hitter   designated hour   designation   designed   designee   designer   designing   desirability   desirable   desirably   desire   desire sb so much   desire to defile oneself   desire to do   desire to kill   desire to spite sb   desire to uphold sth   desired   desirous   desist   desk   desk clerk   desk lamp   desk officer   deskmate   desktop   deskwork   desolate   desolate villages   desolately   desolation   despair   despair of one advanced in years   despair of sb   despairing   despairingly   desparate   despatch   desperado   desperate   desperate battle   desperate pained hope   desperate situations often call for desperate measures   desperately   desperately need help   desperately needed patrol vessels and aircraft   desperately needed sth   desperately want to do   desperation   despicable   despise   despite   despite a lifetime of doing   despite appearances to the contrary   despite being a little too public   despite everything   despite everything that was raging in one   despite new laws   despite oneself   despite persistent questioning   despite some long moments brooding about possibilities   despite that   despite the difficulties   despite the heat of the waning summer days   despite the honorable intentions of sb   despite the horrible things sb have done   despite the improvement sth make in the joint-ail in hip and shoulder   despite the promise one have made to oneself   despite the sweltering heat   despite the unknowns   despite this   despite this reduction in size and importance   despite what you hear   despite wildly dissimilar standards of beauty and sex appeal   despiteful   despoil   despondency   despondent   despondent-looking   despondently   despot   dessert   dessertspoon   destabilize   destination   destine   destiny   destitute   destitution   destroy   destroy sb   destroy the fabric of team spirit   destroy the relationship   destroyer   destruction   destructive   destructively   destructivity   destructure   desultorily   desultory   desynchronize   detach   detach sth   detachable   detached   detachment   detail   detailed   detailer   details   details are exhausted   detain   detainee   detainer   detect   detect little of the New Year spirit   detect sb   detect sth   detectable   detection   detective   detectives of fact   detector   detent   detente   detention   deter   detergent   deteriorate   deterioration   determinants   determinate   determinately   determination   determination to do   determine   determine not to do   determine not to let sb carry off all the laurels   determine tax revenues   determine that nothing should spoil sth   determine to do   determined   determinedly   determinedly ignorant of sth   deterrent   detest   dethronement   detonate   detonation   detonator   detour   detract   detractor   detriment   detrimental   detritus   deuce   devalorize   devastate   devastated   devastated dead expressions   devastating   devastatingly   devastatingly precise summation   devastation   develop   develop a blistering rash   develop a full range of the abilities   develop a good figure   develop a quick and nasty temper   develop a raging fever   develop a strict policy of doing   develop a strong interest in the craft and vocation of magic   develop a strongly contrary temperament   develop a wheezy little breath that punctuates every word   develop an ear for sth   develop an idea of sb   develop an unexpected taste for fried white bread   develop intellectual and literary pretensions   develop into a major controversy   develop into an uncontrollable wall of fire   develop some uninterrupted friendship   develop that something else is going on   develop the theme   develop trouble sleeping   developed   developed a routine   developer   developing   developing solution   development   developmental   deviant   deviate   deviate considerably from our original subject   deviated   deviation   device   device a system that works   devices for the aged   devil   devilish   devilishly   devilry   devil’s advocate   devious   deviousness   devise   devise a way to freeze sth   deviser   devoid   devoid of all life and wit   devolution   devolve   devote   devote a considerable number of pages to discussion of sth   devote oneself to do   devote oneself to sb for two whole days   devote oneself to sth   devote oneself to worrying   devote the most flattering attention to sb   devoted   devoted humble patience   devotedly   devotee   devotion   devour   devour sth hungrily   devour various alien cultures   devout   devoutly   dew   dewfall   dewlap   dews ex machina   dewy   dexterity   dexterously   dhow   di   diabetes   diabolical   diabolically   diagnosable   diagnose   diagnosis   diagonal   diagonally   diagram   diagrammatic   dial   dial in on a phone line   dial in ports   dial-in   dialect   dialectic   dialogue   diameter   diametrically   diametrically opposed   diamond   diamonds into which the sun change them   diaper   diaphanous   diaphragm   diarrhea   diarrhoea   diary   diatribe   diatribes about sth   dice   diceman   dicey   dichotomy   dick   dick around in there   dickens   dicker   dickhead   dictate   dictated   dictated but not read   dictation   dictator   dictatorial   dictatorship   diction   dictionary   dictum   did   did a nice job doing   did ever so nicely   did not finish high school really   did not foresee it in time   did not know or care what one was up to   did not know till recently   did not quite get the sixties   did not realize it until many years later   did not say that at all   did not seem very bothered   did not speak   did sb return my call?   did sb show any feeling?   did sleep   did so much to do   did that great thing   did the hospital make a mistake?   did the old shuck and jive   did you bring in the wash?   did you have a good journey?   did you have a good time   did you have a visitor?   did you manage to do?   didactic   didapper   diddle   diddle around with that thought   diddly   diddly-doo   diddlysquat   didja   die   die a failure   die a natural death   die a violent death   die at the same time   die away   die by roadside somewhere   die feeling failed and forsaken   die for sth   die instantaneously   die into   die nobly   die of a broken heart   die of a sort of creeping common sense   die of an advanced form of peritonitis   die of frustration   die out   die peacefully at a great age   die prettily away   die quietly in training   die quite needlessly   die shortly after sb   die standing up   die suddenly   die suddenly without reason   die there   die to do   die violent death   die violently   die-cut   died   died a long time ago   diehard   diesel   diet   dietary   dietary supplements   dietician   dietitian   differ   differ depending on the hypotheses   differ from culture to culture   differ greatly from sth   differ in essence   difference   difference between life and death   difference between night and day   different   different breed   different dimensions   different names   different strokes for different folks   different things   different voices gain ascendance   differential   differentiate   differentiation   differentiator   differently   difficult   difficult and disturbing temperament   difficult operations   difficult story   difficulties   difficulty   diffidence   diffident   diffidently   diffuse   diffusion   dig   dig a deep hole for oneself   dig a huge chunk out of the earth   dig around for information   dig in   dig out   dig under   digest   digestible   digestion   digestive   digestive track enzymes   digging   digit   digital   digitally   digitization   digitize   dignified   dignify   dignitary   dignity   dignity and presence   digress   digression   dike   dilapidate   dilapidated   dilapidation   dilate   dilatory   dilemma   dilettante   dilettantish   diligence   diligent   diligently   diligently keep a log of sth   dill   dilly   dilly-dally   dilute   dilution   dim   dim-witted   dime   dimension   dimensional   diminish   diminished   diminishment   diminuendo   diminution   diminutive   diminutive figure   dimly   dimly aware that it do not ring quite true   dimly-lighted passages of the court   dimness   dimple   dimpled   dimply   dimwitted   din   din of voice   dine   dine in the defile   dine with agreeable gusto   dine with sb and not with anyone else   diner   dinero   ding   ding-a-ling   ding-dong   dingo   dingus   dingy   dining   dink   dink one ball after another   dinky   dinky little present   dinner   dinners out   dinosaur   dinosaurs   dint   diode   dioxin   dip   dip into sth   dip rapidly into sth   dip-stick   diphtheria   diphtheritic   diphthong   diploma   diplomacy   diplomat   diplomatic   diplomatically   diplomatics   dipper   dire   dire circumstances   direct   direct quote from sb   direction   directional   directionless   directions   directive   directly   directly above a typed notation   directly above the house   directly behind sb   directness   director   directorate   directorial   directory   directory inquiries   direly   dirge   dirt   dirt ball   dirt cheap   dirt road   dirt-water   dirtily   dirtiness   dirty   dirty Chief Persecutor   dirty bastard   dirty clothes   dirty crooked bastard   dirty filthy liar   dirty joke   dirty little tart   dirty looking   dirty mind   dirty word   dirty-dance   dirty-fighter   disability   disable   disabled   disabling   disabuse   disadvantage   disadvantaged   disadvantageous   disaffection   disagree   disagreeable   disagreeably   disagreement   disappear   disappear back among the rocks   disappear completely   disappear from sight   disappear from the public eyes   disappear into darkness   disappear into sleep   disappear off the face of the earth   disappear one day and never come back   disappear so easily   disappear without a trace   disappearance   disappoint   disappoint sb   disappoint sb badly   disappoint sth   disappointed   disappointed with what is less of an adventure than sb has hoped   disappointedly   disappointing   disappointingly   disappointment   disapproval   disapprove   disapprove of doing   disapproving   disapprovingly   disarm   disarming   disarmingly   disarrange   disarray   disarticulate   disassemble   disassociate   disaster   disastrous   disastrous consequences   disastrous crop   disastrously   disavow   disavow knowledge of sb   disband   disbar   disbelief   disbelieve   disbeliever   disbursement   disbursements with no backup   disc   discard   discard sth   discarded   discarded shoe   discern   discernible   discerning   discernment   discharge   discharge oneself   disciple   disciplinary   disciplinary hearing   discipline   disciplined   disclaim   disclose   disclosure   disco   discography   discolor   discombobulate   discomfit   discomfited look   discomfiture   discomfort   disconcert   disconcerted   disconcerting   disconcertingly   disconnect   disconnected   disconnection   disconsolate   disconsolately   discontedly   discontent   discontented   discontentedly   discontentment   discontinuance   discontinuation   discontinue   discontinuity   discontinuously   discord   discord with sb   discordant   discordantly   discotheque   discount   discourage   discouraged   discouragement   discouraging   discourse   discourse about the world in general   discourse on the science of sth   discourses on the meaning of life   discourteous   discover   discover it is worthless to sb   discover just what it was that made the Japanese what they are   discover some answers   discover the urgent necessity for a brisk walk   discover who was behind a plot   discovered that one could do   discoverer   discovery   discovery mean punishment   discredit   discreditable   discreet   discreetly   discreetly enough   discreetly look away from these disturbing scenes   discrepancy   discrepant   discrete   discretion   discretionary   discriminate   discriminate in this simpleminded way   discriminating   discrimination   discriminator   discriminatory   discursive   discus   discuss   discuss anything serious with sb   discuss how best to settle the affair   discuss long into the night   discuss matters of a wholly uninteresting kind with sb   discuss sth   discuss sth later   discuss sth strictly by voice   discuss sth with sb   discuss the matter seriously   discuss the political situation in detail   discuss with sb some of the problems of trying to do   discussed nothing and decided everything   discusser   discussion   disdain   disdainful   disdainfully   disease   diseased   diseased-looking   disembark   disembarkation   disembodied   disenchantment   disengage   disengage oneself   disengaged   disentangle   disfavor   disfigure   disfigure every human creature in attendance upon sb   disfigurement   disgorge   disgrace   disgrace oneself   disgraceful   disgracefully   disgruntle   disgruntled   disgruntlement   disguise   disguise as sb   disguise oneself   disguise where the sound is coming from   disguised   disgust   disgusted   disgustedly   disgusting   disgustingly   dish   dish-banger   dish-drainer   disharmony   disharmony between the two   dishcloth   dishearten   disheartened   disheartening   dishevel   disheveled   dishevelled   dishevelment   dishonest   dishonestly   dishonesty   dishonor   dishonorable   dishonour   dishwasher   disillusion   disillusion sb   disillusioning   disillusionment   disinclination   disinclined   disinfect   disinfectant  

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