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repeat what sb has told one   repeat with a disinterested look   repeated   repeatedly   repeater   repel   repellent   repellingly   repent   repentance   repentant   repentantly   repercussion   repertoire   repetition   repetitious   repetitive   replace   replace awkward ones   replace telephones in their cradles   replacement   replay   replenish   replenishment   replete   repletion   replica   replicate   reply   reply abruptly   reply cryptically   reply eagerly   reply hazy   reply in a clipped English accent   reply in a tone still intentionally childlike   reply in kind   reply in the same bantering tone   reply in utter seriousness   reply laconically   reply quite lightly   reply readily without eagerness   reply too quickly   reply unconvincingly   reply vaguely   reply with a grin   reply with a surprising directness   reply with brisk indifference   reply with considerable pride   reply with great severity of tone   reply with malicious affability   reply with unexpected crispness   reply without hesitation   repo   repo man   report   report an edited version of sth   report card   report for duty into a unit   report form   report on real news events   report sb to the police   report the matter to sb   report the situation to sb   reportable   reportage   reported   reportedly   reporter   reportorial   reports of where sb have been   repose   repose complete confidence   reposition   repository   represent   represent sb   represent some interested party: an infiltrator   represent the difference in age between sb and sb   represent the most basic kind of a job threat   representation   representative   representative of the best of the breed   repress   repress the urge to lash out at sb   repressed   repression   repressive   repressively   reprieve   reprimand   reprint   reprisal   reprisals   reproach   reproachful   reproachfully   reprobate   reproduce   reproduction   reproductive   reprogram   reproof   reproval   reprove   reprovingly   reptile   reptilian   republic   republican   republication   republish   repudiate   repudiate sb   repudiation   repugnance   repugnant   repulse   repulsive   repurchase   repurpose   reput   reputable   reputation   repute   reputed   reputedly   request   require   require a gradual emptying of the mind   require a little help with more imaginative propositions   require a willful movement   require medical care   require the utmost remaining strength of the two ancient clerks   required   required national service   requirement   requisite   requisition   rerecord   rerecording   rerelease   rerout   reroute   rerun   resale   reschedule   rescind   rescue   rescue ship   rescuer   research   research any curious phenomena   research by LeDoux and other neuroscientists   research project   research specimens or no   researcher   reseat   resell   resemblance   resemble   resemble a direction   resembled   resent   resent giving oneself in small pieces   resent sb so much   resent the way this whole event is being viewed   resentful   resentfully   resentment   reservation   reserve   reserve with sb   reserved   reservedly   reservist   reservoir   reset   resettlement   resettlement terms   reshape   reshuffle   reside   reside in the bullpen   residence   residency   resident   resident agency   resident person   residual   residuary   residue   resign   resign for the good of the service   resign from practice   resign oneself   resign oneself more quickly and readily than sb   resign oneself to captivity   resign oneself to death   resign to death   resignation   resigned   resignedly   resilient   resist   resist this further unwelcome puzzlement   resistance   resistant   resister   resistible   resistor   resit   resoluble   resolute   resolutely   resolution   resolvability   resolve   resolve never to make a fool of oneself again   resolve something within oneself   resolve to die   resolve to do   resolve to see the difficult period through   resolved   resolver   resonable   resonableness   resonance   resonant   resonate   resort   resort to a less subtle approach   resort to a little piece of cunning   resort to a subterfuge to do   resound   resounding   resoundingly   resource   resourceful   resourceful fellow   resourcefulness   resources   respect   respect sth   respectability   respectable   respectable assembly   respectable society   respectable women   respectable-looking   respectably   respected   respecter   respectful   respectfully   respective   respectively   respiratory   respite   resplendent   respond   respond as one   respond immediately to this passage   respond in kind   respond mechanically   respond to at once   respond well to tutoring   respond with a banality   respond with a huge smile   respond with a somber face   respond with praise   respond with something approaching subtlety   respondence   respondent   responder   responding with only silent contempt   response   responsibility   responsible   responsible for the whole clerical administration   responsibly   responsive   responsiveness   respray   rest   rest and stay in bed for a day   rest at the center of a flat basin   rest by the Tumtum tree   rest in front of sth   rest just off the companionway   rest like one is going to do   rest of the sentence   rest of the world   rest of the world thinks sb is the murderer   rest one ankle on top of the other   rest right on the bottom   rest your head on my arm   rest-of-one’s-life   restaurant   rested   restful   restfulness   resting   restitution   restive   restively   restiveness   restless   restlessly   restlessly move back and forth   restlessness   restlessness of the fire lizards about sb   restock   restoration   restorative   restore   restore the animal heat   restorer   restrain   restrain my natural capacity for murder   restrain oneself   restrain sb   restrained   restrainedly   restraint   restrict   restricted   restriction   restrictive   restroom   restructuring   restyle   result   resultant   resulted in defeat   resulting   results is the bottom line   results of the test   results of the test have been inconclusive   resume   resumption   resurgence   resurrect   resurrection   resurrectionist   resynthesis   retail   retailer   retailing   retain   retain those Congress links and association   retainer   retainment   retaliate   retaliate by hitting the bottle and splitting   retaliation   retaliative   retaliatory   retardant   retardation   retarded   retch   retell   retention   retentions   retentive   retest   rethink   reticence   reticent   retina   retinue   retire   retire as head of the family   retire behind sth   retire for the night   retire from life   retire from the field   retire sb on an infield play   retire to rest   retired   retired six-day bicyclist   retiree   retirement   retirement-in-place   retiring   retort   retort with heavy disapproval   retrace   retract   retractable   retractile   retrain   retranslation   retread   retreat   retreating   retreating figure   retrench   retrial   retribution   retrieval   retrieve   retrograde   retrospect   retrospection   retrospective   retrospectively   retry   return   return Answers   return a kindness   return coolly   return favors   return from the dead   return home   return home from the office   return into your hands   return sb smile   return sth to sb   return that intense gaze quietly and without any nervousness   return the favor   return the favors to the world around one   return the phony smile   return to Green Gables in a state of beatification impossible to describe   return to Tokyo   return to barracks   return to oneself   return to sth very soon   return to the office   returned   reunion   reunite   reusability   reuse   rev   revaluation   revamp   reveal   reveal bright bars and streaks of sky   reveal every intimate detail   reveal itself to sb suddenly   reveal oneself   reveal to sb the brightness of the Soho horizon   reveal with clarity   revealer   revealing   revel   revel in another laugh   revel in …   revelation   revelations   revenant   revenge   revengeful   revenue   revenue-sharing   reverberate   reverberation   revere   reverence   reverend   reverent   reverential   reverently   reverie   reversal   reverse   reverse back up the street   reverse side   reversely   reversionary   revert   revert back into a professional persona   revert to sth   review   review the bidding   reviewer   revile   revise   revision   revisit   revival   revive   revive sb too abruptly   revived   revoke   revolt   revolt sb   revolting   revolution   revolutionary   revolutionize   revolve   revolver   revolving   revulsion   reward   reward does not warrant risk   reward sb   rewarding   rewind   rework   rewrite   rewrite the Times story   rhapsodize   rhapsody   rhetoric   rhetorical   rhetorically   rheumy   rhinestone   rhino   rhubarb   rhyme   rhyme words   rhythm   rhythm of the game   rhythmic   rhythmic fluctuation between two notes   rhythmical   rib   rib cage   rib sb   ribald   ribbon   rice   rich   rich scent of summer grass   rich world   rich-kid   richen   riches   richess   richly   richness   ricket   rickety   rickrack   ricochet   rid   rid of one for good   rid oneself of the absurd hope   riddance   riddle   ride   ride around in all kinds of weather   ride back at an easy trot   ride down the street on the sled   ride into town rapidly   ride on   ride out of the darkness   ride sb for action   ride through   ride up   rider   ridge   ridicule   ridiculous   ridiculous nonsense   ridiculous rumours can stir up a hell of a mess   ridiculously   riding   riff   riffle   rifle   rifle slits   rifleshot   rift   rig   rigamarole   rigging   right   right after it   right against self-incrimination   right and left   right as one is doing   right at the start   right at this moment   right away   right below   right between my finger and thumb   right cages in the bureaucracy   right center   right choice   right down the line   right folks   right fork   right fucking now   right in the middle of the conversation   right in the same damn breath   right inside   right mind   right next to each other   right note to strike with sb   right now   right of eminent domain   right off   right off the bat   right on   right on the spot   right oneself   right or wrong   right over there   right sort of terms   right the ship   right then   right then and there   right there ahead   right there in the drawer   right this minute   right through the weekend   right time   right to remain silent   right where sth should be   right-brained   right-field   right-field fence   right-field seats   right-hand   right-hand man   right-handed   right-hander   right-thinking   right-wing   right?   righten   righteous   righteous anger   righteously   righteousness   righter   rightful   rightfully   righting roll   rightless   rightly   rightly or wrongly   rightness   rights   rightward   rigid   rigid conscience   rigidity   rigidly   rigmarole   rigor   rigor mortis   rigorous   rigorously   rile   rile sb   rile sb up   rill   rim   rimless   rind   ring   ring a bell   ring a bell?   ring a lot of bells   ring all sth   ring an extension   ring an immediate bell   ring down through the years   ring finger   ring for the nurse   ring hollow cacophony   ring of keys   ring of truth   ring out   ring out true enough   ring the daylights out of that bell   ring up   ring up charges   ring with vigorous legal arguments   ring-a-rosy   ring-pull   ringdove   ringer   ringing   ringing-chamber   ringleader   ringmaster   ringmaster and wild-animal trainer   ringside   rink   rinse   riot   riot-equipped   rioter   rioting and exulting high up in the dark tower   riotous   riotously   rip   rip a envelope open   rip almighty hell out of the ground   rip off   rip off a password file   rip oneself apart with jealousy   rip sb apart   rip sth into ribbons   rip sth open   rip the papers to shreds and fling the pieces everywhere   rip up a few handfuls of the blooms   ripe   ripely   ripen   ripeness   riposte   ripping   ripple   ripple of laughter   ripple through the group   rippled plastic stuff for windows   rippling   rise   rise a voice from the room   rise above the skyline   rise and rise of sb   rise at the first light of day   rise completely   rise from death   rise imposingly   rise in a curl around the supporting pillar   rise in sb   rise in the air   rise in the world   rise like incense into the night   rise off the ground   rise oneself   rise oneself with a start   rise out of the azure sea   rise right up in the air   rise sharply   rise to go to the next room   rise to the challenge   rise to the easy bait   rise to the occasion   rise up   rise up and slay sb   rise up clean from   rise up in one   riser   rising   risk   risk a smile   risk doing   risk everything   risk it   risk the chance of dying   risking life and limb   riskless   risky   risotto   risque   rite   ritual   ritualistic   ritualize   ritzy   rival   rivalry   river   river glitter with innumerable wavelets   river traffic   river trip   riverbank   riverbed   riverboat   riverside   rivet   rivet the attention on sb   riveting   rivulet   roach   road   road beyond the fork   road is posted frequently   roadbed   roadblock   roads are blocked   roadside   roadway   roam   roam anywhere   roam around the barren room   roaming   roaming beast   roaming creature   roar   roar at oneself   roar down the road   roar of laughter   roar out lustily   roar so loud   roar support for sb   roar through the night   roar with laughter   roar with such fury that there is instant silence   roaring   roaring of the waves   roast   rob   rob oneself of sleep   rob sb   rob sb of a base hit   robber   robbery   robe   robin   robing-room   robin’s egg   robot   robust   robustly   rock   rock and roll   rock back   rock back and forth   rock backward   rock bottom   rock forward   rock sb back and forth   rock-bottom   rock-pitted   rock-thrower   rockabilly   rocker   rocket   rocket launcher   rocket-propelled   rockets   rockhard   rocklike   rockslide   rocksteady   rocky   rod   rodeo   roe   roentgenize   roger   rogue   rogue elephant   roil   roiled by in wild disarray   roister   role   role model   role of a mischievous imp   roll   roll around   roll around with sb for auld lang syne   roll away   roll away from sb   roll call   roll down   roll down a highway   roll in another   roll off a black stocking   roll on   roll on through another generation or two   roll over   roll over one another   roll round and round   roll sth around in my mind   roll the window down   roll to the next scam   roll up   roll up in a ball   roll with exceeding smoothness down hill   roll-yaw   rolled-up   rolled-up umbrella   roller   roller-skate   rollick   rolling   rolling head over heels   rollout   rollover   roly-poly   roman   romance   romance some young woman   romantic   romantically   romanticism   romanticize   romp   romp about   rondo   roof   roof-entry   roofed   rooftop   rookey   rookie   room   room rents are prohibitively high   room with sb   roomful   roommate   rooms crowded with books   roomy   roost   roost like a tattered old hen   roost like hens   roost prudently   root   root around   root for sb   root for sb to do   rooted   rooted conviction that one be more than a match for any foreigner   rootless   rootlessness   rope   roped-off area   roper   ropeway   ropey   ropey types   ropy   rose   rose-covered   rosebud   roses on the wall-paper   roster   rostrum   rostrum at the prizegiving   rosy   rosy-faced   rot   rotatable   rotate   rotating   rotation   rotational   rotator   rote   roto-rooter   rotor   rotten   rotter   rotting   rotund   rouble   roue   rouge   rouge a cheek   rough   rough embraces   rough hand   rough it a little   rough plush   rough sb up   rough sb up a little bit   rough sb up fairly frankly behind closed doors   rough sketch   rough-and-ready   rough-and-tumble   rough-and-tumble of life   rough-mannered   rough-tongued   roughened   roughhewn   roughhouse   roughly   roughneck   roughness   roughshod   roulette   round   round every bulkhead   round face   round little   round little man   round on sb   round on sb bitterly   round the corner   round upon sb in a twinkle of an eye   round-off   round-up   roundabout   rounded   roundhouse   rounding up Jamaican posses   roundly   roundness   roundup   rouse   rouse everyone in the neighborhood   rouse oneself   rouse oneself to do   rouse oneself with a jerk   rousing   roust   roust sb out of bed   rout  

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