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realize that this is not just talk   realize the absurdity of what one is doing   realize the evanescence of life   realize what a treasure sb is   realize what has taken place   realize what kind of man sb really was   realize with dawning dismay   realize with the dullness of a long-accepted pain   realized more deeply what sb had been saying   realizing   reallocate   reallocation   really   really apply oneself to   really argue with sth   really be guessing   really be upset   really begin doing   really begin ringing bells   really believe it   really blow my mind   really can help you   really cannot help wondering   really close sth all the way   really could tell   really decide to do   really defy description   really do not call to you to come down it   really do not know   really do not need to engage in hand-wringing   really do want to help out   really enjoy   really fall in love with sb   really feel deeply for sth   really feel great   really feel like sb   really feel one is acting on behalf of sb   really feel rather ashamed of having to tell sb lies   really get heated up about sth   really get into sth   really get passionate   really get to me   really get to sb   really go for sb   really go wild   really good   really got another wild outfit   really great   really hard part   really haul it in   really have no idea   really have no obligations   really have seen too much   really have the upper hand   really heavy scene   really hungry   really jump and yell and scream   really just a small matter   really kill the relationship   really know other women   really love to do   really make it   really make sb squirm   really mean   really mean it   really must be crazy   really need sun   really not a man at all   really now   really occurred   really rough time for sb   really rural life is far from idyllic   really sb might have won   really start stabbing me   really taking off   really tell sb what one think of sb   really the most curious thing   really think one must look like a child to sb   really think things through   really too much   really turn the place out   really upset me   really very interesting   really want to do   really wicked discount   really win sb over   really?   realm   realtor   realtors   reanalysis   reanimation   reap   reaper   reappear   reappearance   reapplication   reappoint   reappointment   reappraisal   rear   rear back   rear back and deliver   rear end   rear up   rear-admiral   rearer   rearguard   rearmost   rearrange   rearrangement   rearrest   rearview   rearward   rearwards   reason   reason sb into compliance   reason what it is   reason what it stands for   reason with   reasonable   reasonableness   reasonably   reasonably well   reasoned   reasoner   reasoning   reassemble   reassert   reassert oneself   reassert oneself powerfully   reassessment   reassign   reassurance   reassure   reassure oneself   reassuring   reassuring deputy   reassuringly   reattach   reattachment   rebel   rebel spirit   rebellion   rebellious   rebelliously   rebirth   reboot   reborn   rebound   rebuff   rebuff sb in no uncertain terms   rebuild   rebuke   rebuttal   recalcitrant   recalculation   recall   recall all too clearly sth   recall doing   recall sb a feeling of discomfort   recall sb doing   recall sb to oneself   recall the name but can not quite place it   recall vivid details   recap   recap the game   recapitalization   recapitulate   recapitulate something one vaguely remember   recapitulation   recapture   recast   recede   receding   receipt   receive   receive a blast of music   receive affectionate care   receive choruses of praise from sb   receive excellent care   receive from sb   receive good service   receive it as a compliment   receive news   receive no helpful response from sb   receive no suspension of judgment from sb   receive only token laughter   receive preferential treatment   receive sb   receive stoically   receive the invasion with competent tranquility   receive the latest news of sb   receive training   receiver   receiving   recent   recent events   recently   receptacle   reception   receptionist   receptive   receptivity   receptor   recess   recession   recharge   recherche   recipe   recipience   recipient   reciprocal   reciprocal arrangement   reciprocate   reciprocation   reciprocity   recital   recitation   recite   recite a whole list of crimes   recite the essential facts of a murder with a detachment   reckless   reckless haste   reckless with curiosity   recklessly   recklessness   reckon   reckon one will have to strike   reckon sb is bomb disposal   reckoning   reclaim   reclamation   recline   recluse   reclusive   recognisable   recognise   recognition   recognizable   recognizable Berlin types pass   recognizable voice   recognizably   recognize   recognize equality of rights before the law for sb   recognize sb   recognize sb at once   recognize sb in time   recognize sth at once   recognize that   recognize the greatest irony of all   recognize the presence of those great elemental forces   recoil   recoil in horror   recoil in terror   recollect   recollect in tranquillity   recollected   recollection   recombine   recommence   recommend   recommend abstinence   recommend sb   recommendable   recommendation   recommendatory   recompense   recompile   reconcile   reconcile themselves   reconciliation   reconciliatory   reconfiguration   reconfigure   reconfirm   reconfirmation   reconnaissance   reconnaissance work   reconnoiter   reconsider   reconsider from the beginning   reconsideration   reconstitute   reconstituting   reconstitution   reconstruct   reconstruction   reconversion   record   record as a cat burglar   record harvest   record minute details of sth   recordable   recorder   recording   recording technology   recordist   records   recount   recounting   recoup   recourse   recover   recover enough that one try to do   recover home   recover oneself   recover sufficiently   recovered   recovered memory   recovering   recovery   recreate   recreation   recreational   recrimination   recross   recruit   recruiter   recruitment   rectangle   rectangular   rectangular cardboard box   rectify   rectitude   rector   rectory   recuperate   recuperation   recuperative   recuperator   recur   recurrent   recurring   recursion   recursive   recursively   recyclable   recycle   recycling   red   red as hell   red diagonal line draw through sth   red dot   red fury   red herring   red meat   red of face   red tape   red zone   red-and-black   red-and-white   red-blooded   red-dirt   red-eye   red-eyed   red-face   red-faced   red-fisted   red-hot   red-light   red-light district   red-necked   red-rimmed   red-toothed   redden   reddened   reddened and cratered by firelight and shadow   reddened look   reddening   reddish   reddish eyes   redecorate   redeem   redeem oneself   redeemer   redeeming   redefine   redefinition   redemption   redemptive   redesign   redevelop   redevelopment   redhead   redhot   redirect   rediscover   rediscovery   redistributable   redistribute   redistribution   redly   redneck   redneck ignorant barber   redness   redo   redouble   redoubt   redoubtable   redpoll   redraft   redraw   redress   reduce   reduce sb to the background   reduce sth to a rhyme   reduce the city to ashes   reduce to such poverty   reduce wrinkling   reducing   reducing sb instantly to the status of humorless crone   reduction   reduction in price   redundancy   redundant   redwing   redwood   reed   reed pipe   reedlike   reeducate   reeducation   reedy   reef   reek   reek of disease   reek of good intentions and good thoughts   reeked   reeking of the shady character   reel   reel and stagger   reel backward   reel sb in   reelection   reeled around on that line   reemerge   reemergence   reengineer   reenter   reentrance   reentry   reestablish   reevaluate   reevaluation   reexamination   ref   refashion   refection   refection of prudence   refer   refer sb to sb   refer the subject again   referee   reference   references   references furnishes on request   referendum   referral   refight   refill   refinance   refine   refine and temper   refined   refinement   refiner   refix   reflect   reflect badly on sb   reflect bitterly   reflect on what sb have said   reflect only sth   reflect pose and fearlessness   reflect the light of the afternoon sun   reflect with amusement   reflection   reflective   reflective silence   reflectively   reflectiveness   reflector   reflex   reflex instinct   reflexes   reflexive   reflux   reform   reform the recollections of sb   reformat   reformation   reformed   refract   refractive   refrain   refrain from any illegal activities   refrain from doing   refrain from ~ing   refresh   refresh oneself with a draught of wine   refreshed   refresher   refreshing   refreshingly   refreshment   refreshment stand   refrigerate   refrigeration   refrigerator   refuge   refugee   refulgence   refund   refundable   refurbish   refurnish   refusal   refuse   refuse point blank to speak of sb   refuse that idea   refuse to allow oneself to be intimidated   refuse to allow to do   refuse to back down   refuse to be intimidated   refuse to budge   refuse to do   refuse to do as a way of punishing sb   refuse to drink tea   refuse to express sth   refuse to feel responsible   refuse to give sb any help   refuse to leave   refuse to listen   refuse to make sense   refuse to move   refuse to say a word   refuse to speak   refuse to take chances   refuse to take it seriously   refuse to take oneself seriously   refuse to take sb seriously   refuse to think of sth in those terms   refuse to turn   refuse to wait   refuse to waste effort arguing   refuse to yield   refuse without hesitation   refuse-hauling   refused to acknowledge any problems   refused to take any credit   refuser   refutation   refute   regain   regal   regale   regale sb with secondhand pillow talk   regale sb with war stories   regalia   regally   regard   regard foreigners of all kinds with apprehension   regard it with infinite suspicion   regard one another   regard sb as a prime suspect   regard sb as anything but a sworn enemy   regard sb fiercely   regard sb warily   regard sb with a good deal of suspicion   regard sb with sympathy   regard sth as adj   regard with discreet scrutiny sth   regarded   regardful   regarding   regardless   regardless of where one is or whom one is with   regather   regatta   regenerative   regenerative power   regime   regimen   regiment   regimental   region   regional   regionalism   regionalize   regionally   register   register for college   register on oneself   registrar   registration   regress   regression   regret   regret the words before one finish saying them   regret what one have done   regretful   regretfully   regrettable   regrettably   regroup   regrowth   regular   regular customers   regular guy   regular honest work   regular lineup   regular-featured   regularity   regularize   regularly   regularly catch colds   regularly look for clues   regulate   regulate the airflow by keeping an eye on a gauge   regulated   regulating   regulation   regulations of this kind are strictly enforced   regulator   regulatory   regurgitate   regurgitive   rehab   rehabilitate   rehabilitation   rehearsal   rehearse   rehearse the lines sb will speak   rehearsed   reheat   reheating   reholster   rehospitalization   reign   reign supreme   reimburse   reimbursement   reimport   rein   rein oneself in   reincarnate   reincarnation   reinfection   reinflect   reinforce   reinforcement   reinstall   reinstate   reinstate sb to full membership   reinterpret   reinterpretation   reinterrogate   reintroduce   reintroduction   reinvention   reinvest   reinvestigate   reinvestigation   reinvestment   reinvigorated   reissuance   reissue   reiterate   reiteration   reject   reject all overture of friendship   reject openly what one does not want   reject sb   reject sth in no uncertain terms   reject sth with scorn   reject sth with some indignation   rejected   rejecter   rejection   rejoice   rejoice in   rejoice to see that it is really very modest   rejoicing   rejoin   rejoinder   rejuvenate   rejuvenation   rekindle   relapse   relapse into silence and meditation   relate   relate to sb   related   relation   relational   relations are somewhat difficult   relationship   relative   relative subtlety   relatively   relatives   relatives of some kind   relativity   relax   relax and leave everything to sb   relax for a moment   relax in whatever posture they choose   relax with the greatest ease on sth   relaxation   relaxed   relaxed attitudes toward some traditions   relaxed-looking   relaxing   relay   relays click thoughtfully   relearn   release   release a movement of shadow   release sb   release some pronouncement   release sth into the bolster of air and noise   release valve   release whatever it had begin in one   released ball   releases a melodious little laugh   relegate   relegate sb to administrative duty   relent   relentless   relentlessly   relentlessness   relevance   relevant   relevant evidence   reliability   reliability and certainty   reliable   reliable-looking   reliably   reliance   reliant   relic   relief   relieve   relieve a man of his coin   relieve one of a great weight   relieve oneself   relieve sb   relieve sb from sth   relieve sb of sth   relieved   relieved and in high spirits   reliever   reliever in spot situations   relight   religion   religion is involved   religiosity   religious   religiously   relinquish   reliquary   relish   relive   relived   reload   relocate   relocation   reluctance   reluctant   reluctant guided tearing of sth   reluctant to drop the subject   reluctant to leave   reluctantly   rely   rely on logical consistency   rely on sb to do   remain   remain a dream   remain a sore point with sb   remain absolutely motionless   remain absolutely untouched   remain adj   remain aloof from sb   remain always between sb and the way sb want go   remain as solid and stable as ever   remain as wretched as ever   remain at sth   remain awkwardly to one side   remain beyond sb   remain childless   remain composed   remain dark   remain dead   remain determinedly in the middle of the road   remain discreetly silent   remain dissatisfied   remain docilely on sth   remain doing   remain family   remain fixed on the spot   remain grey   remain huddled   remain in blissful ignorance of sth   remain in place   remain incognito   remain lost in thought and oblivious to things about sb   remain more or less fixed   remain motionless   remain mystery   remain neutral   remain noncommittal   remain on   remain open to sb   remain out of sight in the shadow   remain perfectly still   remain poised there   remain puzzled   remain remote   remain resolutely isolated   remain silent   remain silent and invisible   remain so   remain standing   remain still   remain stock-still   remain tight-lipped   remain to haunt you   remain totally confidential   remain totally unmoved by the antics of sb   remain undaunted   remain undifferentiated   remain uneasy   remain unfulfilled   remain unmoved   remain unshakeably   remain virtuous   remain where sb is   remainder   remaining   remains   remake   remand   remanufacturing   remark   remark carelessly   remark dryly   remark in a serious tone   remark not very nicely   remark with a grin   remarkable   remarkably   remarks   rematch   remediable   remediation   remedy   remember   remember ...   remember about sth as one is walking out the door   remember all that   remember as clear as day   remember every word   remember from visiting before   remember how that man could sing cadence   remember incorrectly   remember sb   remember sb panicking   remember sb with the opportunity for lavish billing   remember sb?   remember sth as a complete disaster   remember the car lights   remember the thick texture of the leaves   remember things   remember when I told you about losing my eyesight?   remember ~ing   remember?   remembered   remembrance   remembrancer   remind   remind me of sb   remind oneself   remind oneself that for a student one looks quite respectable   remind sb   remind sb of something   remind sb repeatedly to take precautions   remind sb sth   remind sb stubbornly   remind sb that I am a friend of sb   remind sb that winter is on its way   reminder   reminisce   reminiscence   reminiscent   reminiscent of bygone eras   reminiscently   remiss   remission   remissness   remit   remnant   remodel   remonstrance   remonstrate   remonstrate with sb   remorse   remorseless   remorselessly   remote   remote cause   remote from everyday Japanese reality   remote section   remote terminal   remotely   remotely suspect   remoteness   remount   removable   removal   remove   remove sb   remove sb from this place   remove the drawer as quietly as possible   removed   remover   renaissance   rename   renationalization   rend   rend sb to pieces and strew sb over the streets   render   render in a manner desperate   render it impossible for sb to do   render sb numb   render some great service for sth   rendering   rendezvous   rendezvous and sneak off to a distant clearing in the forest   rendition   renegade   renege   renegotiation   renew   renew acquaintances   renewable   renewal   renewed   renomination   renounce   renovated socialism   renovation   renown   renowned   rent   rent a car   rent man   rent sb a grand hall   rental   rented   rented house   renter   reoccupation   reopen   reopen for class   reorder   reorganization   reorganize   rep   repackage   repaint   repair   repair business is almost impossible to get into   repair the moral damage done to the inhabitants   repairperson   reparation   repartee   repass   repast   repay   repayment   repeat   repeat .. a few times   repeat a word   repeat as before:   repeat impatiently   repeat in a firm reasonable tone   repeat in great astonishment   repeat in horror   repeat over and over the need for security   repeat patiently   repeat sth with a silent inner voice   repeat the maneuver every little while   repeat the phrase many times   repeat the same mumbled phrases   repeat the same seemingly pointless procedure over and over again   repeat the words to oneself   repeat this cycle time and time again   repeat to oneself   repeat utterly mystified  

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