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put listening post out   put little bits together here and there   put much stock in victory or glory   put off a decision   put off doing   put off saying it   put on   put on a burst of speed   put on a deliberate scowl   put on a display of sword dancing   put on a little weight   put on a procession of floats   put on a smile   put on a startling show   put on a sweater   put on a tuxedo   put on added speed   put on airs   put on events in shopping areas   put on in a tempest   put on quite an act   put on some lipstick   put on some music   put on sth   put on that kettle   put on the back burner at this point   put one a good length ahead of the rest of the field   put one manicured hoof in   put one up to this   put oneself down on a love-seat   put oneself in the shoes of employee   put out   put out a contract on sb   put out a hand   put out feelers   put out one paw and gently touch the ball   put out sea   put out to grass   put over   put paid to sth   put pressure on political figures   put sb at a disadvantage   put sb at the bottom   put sb away   put sb away for good   put sb back in the game   put sb both on the map   put sb down   put sb down on a cot   put sb first   put sb in a certain mind-set   put sb in a foul mood   put sb in charge   put sb in irons   put sb in separate rooms   put sb in the field   put sb in the right mood   put sb in the shade   put sb in touch with sb   put sb more at ease   put sb off   put sb on   put sb on edge   put sb on guard   put sb on the alert   put sb on the defensive   put sb on the line   put sb on the path   put sb on the same footing   put sb on the spot   put sb out of Fear   put sb out of business   put sb out of the way   put sb out of work   put sb past over patience fifty times and oftener in a day   put sb through a lot   put sb through into Looking-glass House   put sb through rigorous training   put sb through the hoop   put sb through this test   put sb to keep quiet   put sb to rest   put sb to sleep   put sb to too much inconvenience   put sb together with sb   put sb under a bright light   put sb wise to sth   put some clothing out to air   put some feed   put spurs into sb   put sth all together   put sth aside   put sth aside quickly   put sth away   put sth away from   put sth back   put sth back exactly as one found it   put sth delicately out of reach   put sth in its place   put sth in perspective   put sth in some sort of order   put sth in such a favorable light   put sth in such clear and simple terms   put sth in the tub to soak   put sth into production faster   put sth into ~ing   put sth off much longer than one should   put sth on   put sth on a piece of string   put sth on ice   put sth on the cart   put sth on the fax machine   put sth out in the open   put sth out of commission   put sth to work   put sth together   put sth together fast   put the X-ray to work   put the baby up for adoption   put the bits back together again   put the cap back on   put the car in neutral   put the children to bed   put the chill on sb   put the finger on sb   put the hand back   put the heat on sb   put the idea into practice   put the knife in sb   put the machinery of law in motion   put the make on sb   put the matter aside   put the matter on hold   put the matter to the proof   put the phone back where it belonged   put the pillow over the top of sb   put the place back together   put the proposition   put the ring back down after one is through   put the screws on sb   put the skids under sb   put the squeeze to sb   put the whole bloody mess behind one   put the whole thing together   put the words together   put these questions officially   put things back   put things into perspective   put things right   put this stuff on my tab   put this whole unpleasant business behind sb   put through a new Finance Act   put to   put together   put together a fair idea of sth   put together a press release   put together a song and dance act   put up   put up a brave front   put up a kind of tarp-surrounded enclosure   put up around town   put up for sale   put up good fight   put up more of a fight   put up sb for the night   put up the best front I could   put up the kickstand   put up very little resistance to sth   put up with dull times   put up with sb   put up with sth   put words to paper   put words to the page   put you in your place   put your life in my hands   put yourself in my place   putrescence   putrid   putter   putter around there   putting sth there very carefully   putting things in order   putting to death is a recipe much in vogue   putting up the shelves   putty   putz   putz around   puzzle   puzzle over sth   puzzle over sth for quite a while   puzzle over sth for some time   puzzle sb not a little   puzzled   puzzled and murmuring   puzzled though enraged   puzzlement   puzzler   puzzling   pwoosh   pygmy   pyjamas   pylon   pyramid   pyrotechnic   pyrotechnics   pyrrhuloxia   python   python-spitting   quack   quadrangle   quadrant   quadriceps   quaff   quaff at every turn   quaffe   quagmire   quail   quaint   quaint-looking   quaintly   quaintly charming habits of sth   quake   quake far beneath the surface   quake with fright   quaker   quakers   qualification   qualified   qualifier   qualify   qualitative   qualitatively   qualities of discipline   quality   quality of the moment   quality stuff   qualm   quandary   quantification   quantify   quantitative   quantitatively   quantities of perfume   quantity   quantum   quarrel   quarrel with oneself   quarreling   quarrelsome   quarry   quart   quarter   quarterback   quartering   quarterings   quarterly   quartermaster   quartet   quartette   quartz   quash   quasi   quasi-cynical   quaver   quay   quayside   que   queasily   queasy   queen   queenlike   queer   queer the deal   queerly   queerness   quell   quench   querulous   querulously   query   quest   question   question catches sb unawares   question period   questionable   questioner   questioning   questioningly   questionnaire   questions   queue   quibble   quibble over a matter of sth   quick   quick as a wink   quick bat   quick intelligence   quick lunch   quick profit   quick to do   quick tongue   quick-response warfare   quick-swinging   quick-tempered   quicken   quicken up   quickening   quickhatch   quickly   quickly add   quickly and deeply one get oneself in trouble   quickly and quietly slipped away   quickly catch fire   quickly check the front page   quickly go by   quickly jump up   quickly start on a new topic   quickly thought-up lies   quickly-struck   quickness   quicksand   quicksilver   quid   quiescence   quiescent   quiet   quiet and shy   quiet as hell   quiet descended around sb   quiet down   quiet groaning of the sea   quiet telephone call to the right bureaucrat   quietely   quieten   quieten down   quieter   quietism   quietly   quietly and contentedly   quietly and profoundly   quietly guide sb through it all   quietly withdraw to the corner of the room   quietly work behind the scenes   quietness   quietude   quilt   quintessence   quintessential   quintuple   quip   quirk   quit   quit and start   quit bitching   quit it   quit making election bets   quit working for sb   quite   quite a bit of sth   quite a bulky thing to lug around   quite a challenge   quite a coincidence   quite a day for you   quite a family party   quite a few years ago   quite a gal   quite a good location   quite a good musician   quite a lot of mischief   quite a lot of weeping and laughing   quite a neighborhood   quite a representative gathering   quite a rushing torrent   quite a scene one play   quite a tidy sum   quite a yarn   quite abruptly   quite alone   quite an interesting study   quite apart from any desire for gain   quite by chance   quite casually   quite casually and not really meaning anything nasty   quite coldly   quite definitely   quite deliberately   quite deliberately sb ask a pointed question   quite distinguished looking policeman   quite earnestly   quite enough   quite expert in communicating with each other   quite feasible   quite forget oneself   quite frankly   quite frigid and empty of emotion   quite gently   quite grim really   quite heavily grained   quite illegally   quite impossible   quite incidentally   quite innocently   quite lose oneself in the joy   quite miraculously disappear   quite naturally   quite often   quite out of keeping with the wild surroundings   quite particular   quite plainly   quite pleased   quite possibly   quite profitable   quite ready for a play of wits   quite right   quite satisfied   quite secure   quite seriously   quite simply   quite so   quite so much now   quite something   quite suddenly   quite terrifying   quite the contrary   quite true   quite unconcerned   quite undeflected   quite unduly modest about sth   quite unexpectedly   quite unsatisfactory   quite vivid   quite well   quits   quitting   quitting time   quiver   quivering   quixotic   quiz   quizzical   quizzically   quota   quotation   quote   quote sb   r.p.m.   rabbi   rabbit   rabbity   rabble   rabble-rousing   rabid   race   race across   race down eighth Avenue   race each other   race full speed ahead   race off in all directions to do   race out   race the gear changes in rebuke   race through the city   race up   race up the ridges of the superhighway   racecourse   racegoer   racer   racers   racetrack   raceway   racial   racing   racism   racist   rack   rack a telephone   rack oneself   rack up Infomode charges in another name   racked   racked bouts of coughing   racket   racketeering   racking   raconteur   racy   rad   rad shit   radar   radar-controlled   radial   radiance   radiant   radiantly   radiate   radiating innocent attention   radical   radically   radio   radio for sb to come help   radio silence   radio transmission   radioactivate   radioactivity   radish   raffia   raffish   raffle   raft   rag   rag doll taking a final bow   rag on sb   rage   rageful   ragged   ragged brindle mustache   ragged clump of grass   ragged edge   ragged urchins   raggedly   raggedy   raging   raging seas   raging waves   ragtag   ragtop   rah-rah   raid   raid victims   raider   rail   rail at sb far into the night   rail-thin   railing   railing and cursing   raillery   railroad   railroad flat   railroad siding   railroading   railway   railyard   raiment   rain   rain blows against the window   rain come on harder   rain drumming lightly on the roof   rain has become quite heavy   rain in the wind   rain is in the offing   rain is unlikely in the west   rain like a bastard   rain-scattered   rain-slicker   rain-soaked   rain-sodden   rain-streaked   rainbow   raincoat   raindrop   rained-out   rained-out contests   rainfall   rainstorm   rainsuit   rainwater   rainy   rainy season   raise   raise a bit of wind   raise a cloud of dust   raise a commotion   raise a few cattle   raise a fuss   raise a lot of hell   raise a public hue and cry   raise a wind   raise an artificial flurry   raise an eyebrow   raise constant and momentous hell   raise eyebrows   raise hell   raise objection   raise oneself   raise oneself on tiptoe   raise oneself up to a sitting position   raise sb on her own   raise sb one too many   raise sb to a sitting position   raise some hell   raise sth by hand   raise the cry of fire   raise the curiosity of sb   raise the gun   raise the subject   raise two fingers   raised   raiser   raisin   raising   raising its head   rake   rake sth into a large pile   rake up   raker   raking   rakish   rally   rallying   ram   ram home with sth   ram it all the way home for sb   ramble   rambling   rambunctious   ramification   rammer   ramp   rampant   rampart   rampway   ramrod   ramshackle   ramshackle structures   ran   ran into sth   ran rampant   ran riot   ran the circumference of the room   ranch   ranch hand   ranch-style   rancid   rancor   rancorous   rancour   random   random elements   random murder   random-seeming   random-seeming conversational topics   randomization   randomize   randomly   randy   rang-finder   range   range down the line   ranged   ranger   ranging from petty A to major B   rangy   rank   rank amateur   ranked angels   ranking   rankle   ransack   ransom   rant   rap   rap a flurry of knuckles on the door   rap sheet   rap-sheet   rapacious   rapaciously   rape   rapid   rapid boiling waters flowing across treacherously strewn boulders   rapid fire   rapid-fire   rapid-fire questions   rapid-pace   rapidity   rapidly   rapids   rapport   rapscallion   rapt   raptly   rapture   rapturous   rapturously   rare   rare and superior type of client   rare disease   rare mutant   rarefied   rarefy   rarely   rarely come around   rarely dream anymore   rarely match   rarely speak   raring   rarity   rascal   rascal-people   rascally   rash   rash boldness   rash thrust toward action   rashly   rashness   rasp   rasp across the nerves   raspberry   rasping   raspy   rasty   rat   rat sb out to the cops   rat-fuck   ratchet   rate   rate sb as a solid eight   ratepayer   rater   rather   rather daring at the time   rather disdainfully   rather heavily   rather ill-at-ease   rather imprudently   rather less easily   rather like being mad   rather like sth   rather more comparable to pre-adolescents   rather pluckily ask   rather sadly   rather severely   rather sheepishly   rather sinister looks   rather steer clear of sb   rather strange new white jacket   rather surprisingly   rather than   rather than A   rather than do   rather than doing   rather than risk an argument   rather than risk ridicule   rather than sth   rather than vice versa   rather unassuming   rather uncomfortable at the silence   rather ungraciously   rather unique opportunity presents itself   rather vexed with oneself that ...   rather wonder if sb drag that in on purpose   ratify   rating   ratio   ration   rational   rational outlook   rationale   rationalise   rationality   rationalization   rationalize   rationally   rationing   ratlike   rattansided   rattle   rattle a frightened tattoo   rattle and rasp   rattle and vibrate   rattle around   rattle around in the average human mind   rattle down   rattle like madmen   rattle of cutlery   rattle the cage   rattle-brained   rattler   rattletrap   rattling   ratty   raucous   raucously   ravage   ravage the country   ravaged   ravager   ravages   ravaging   rave   ravening   ravenous   ravenous consumption of newsprint   ravenous in its howling   ravenously   ravine   raving   ravings and prancings   ravish   ravishing   raw   raw meat to sb   raw sex   rawhide   ray   rayon   raze   raze sb for not knowing   raze the village to the ground   raze to the ground   razor   razor-blade   razor-sharp   razor-thin   razz   re   re-adjust   re-create   re-emerge   re-emerge back in real life   re-enable   re-establish   re-make   re-open   re-people   re-route   re-route the conversation   reach   reach a compromise   reach a real low   reach an agreement   reach an opening in the trees   reach down   reach down here   reach down to the sea   reach for book   reach for the throttle   reach forward   reach home   reach inside   reach into sth   reach no less than sixty   reach out   reach out at with a playful paw   reach out for sb   reach out for some food   reach out sb   reach out to sb for help   reach over to the kitchen counter and grab sth   reach regular proportions   reach sb   reach sb only in distant bursts   reach shyly across the table   reach some conclusion   reach that conclusion   reach the elevator   reach the end of its life   reach the final stage   reach the landing   reach the mouth of the river   reach the page operator   reach the plate   reach the right person   reach the sidewalk   reach the top   reach to the farthest corner of the room   reach up   react   react in a way that sb counted on   react to the sensations of a female touch   reaction   reactionary   reactivity   reactor   read   read a great many books with scrupulous care   read about sth in a book   read aloud   read aloud to sb from sth   read and think about   read books about it out of general interest   read directly from sth   read out of   read out sth   read out sth to sb   read over   read sb like a book   read sb loud out   read some oneself out of pure curiosity   read sth   read sth aloud softly   read sth from cover to cover   read sth in a monotone   read sth obsessively   read sth over the phone   read sth through   read subtext in body language   read the faces of the younger men   read the letter from sb with unusual care   read the letters   read the magazine cover to cover   read the motto over the door   read the paper from the beginning to end   read the play   read the stories so many times   read these comments with skepticism   read through   read to kill time   read to sb   read too much into it   read voraciously   read with considerable interest   read:   readability   readable   reader   readily   readily accept sth   readily enough it seems   readiness   reading   reading becomes an absolute need   reading glass   reading glasses   reading in the store   reading room   reading the fucking manual   readjust   readjust oneself   readmission   ready   ready for   ready for action   ready for use   ready oneself   ready to   ready to be called up like a file in a computer   ready to challenge sb   ready to do   ready to find fault with anybody   ready to flinch   ready to spring into action at any moment   ready wit   ready-handed   ready-made   reaffirm   reaffirmation   real   real answers to real-life situations sb is going to face   real bad   real brains   real coffee   real dicey   real estate developer   real fast   real funny   real good friends   real good reason   real havoc broke loose   real honest-to-god   real life   real meaning   real money   real name   real person   real pitching   real problem   real sadness   real soon   real story   real vitality of spring   real wealth   real world   real-estate   real-estate agent   real-life   real-world   realign   realignment   realise   realism   realist   realistic   realistically   reality   reality breaks through to sb   reality of the situation   reality-concealing   realization   realize   realize how easy it would be for one to access information   realize how much one missed sth   realize how removed one is from things   realize how tired one is   realize one have told too much   realize one is very warm   realize sb have gotten to one again   realize that it is hopeless   realize that it is indeed he   realize that it is ringing   realize that one is getting nowhere   realize that sb have never see sb again   realize that sb is being dismissed  

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