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route   router   routine   routine business matters   routine procedures   routinely   rove   rove about   rover   rovers   roving   row   row house   rowdiness   rowdy   rowdy youth   rower   rows of houses stretch hazily away   rows of other gravestones   royal   royal maroon   royalist   royally   royalty   rub   rub grease across the shirt in glaring dark-gray stripe   rub oneself   rub sb the wrong way   rub shoulders with sb   rubber   rubber eyepiece   rubber stamp   rubber-fetish   rubber-stamp   rubberband   rubbery   rubbing   rubbing the portion of oneself which have suffered in the assault   rubbish   rubbishy   rubble   ruby   ruck   rucksack   ruckus   ruddock   ruddy   ruddy thing   ruddy-faced   rude   rudely   rudeness   rudiment   rudimentary   rue   rueful   ruefully   ruffian   ruffle   ruffle by the wind   rug   rugby   rugged   ruin   ruin everything   ruin oneself   ruin sth for good   ruin things for sb   ruination   ruined   ruined more pitchers than one did hitters   ruinous   ruinously   rule   rule it out completely   rule of thumb   rule out   rule out sb   rule the roost   ruler   ruling   rum   rum thing   rumba   rumble   rumble thickly   rumbling   rumbling voice   ruminate   rumination   ruminative   rummage   rummage around   rummage-sale   rummy   rumor   rumors   rumour   rumple   rumple foreskin   rumpled   rumpus   run   run a bath   run a good risk braining my guest   run a hand over sth   run a house   run a light or two to shake anybody   run a noisy house   run a poker game out of a hotel   run a tight operation   run afoul of sb   run afoul of various house rules   run against it before one could stop oneself   run all over town   run all the way to   run almost flat out   run along   run along to bed   run amok   run and tell sb   run any scam   run around   run around at full tilt with sb until dark   run around bumping into each other   run around chasing people   run around frantically   run around in frantic circles   run around trying to pick up the pieces   run around with sb   run as fast as one can   run as fast as sb can   run at capacity   run at sb   run away   run away as fast as one can   run away as soon as one can   run away on its own   run away with sth   run away with the evening   run away with the money   run away with the show   run back in a Fright   run cockeyed to the other three   run down   run down the entire length of the page   run dry   run east and west   run especially fast in the dark   run flat out   run for a place   run for an fifth term   run for the plane   run from home   run full time   run hard into the blank wall of reality   run hard the other way   run home   run in on firing tracks   run in smooth synchronization   run in terror inside the house   run in the family   run in the red   run into each other   run into sb   run into sb on the street   run into the next room   run late   run like a coach   run like hell   run more tests on sb   run off   run off a second time   run off as hard as one could   run off at once in the direction it pointed to   run off the words with the loquacity of sb   run off with sb   run off with sth   run on   run on a wing and a prayer   run on wildly   run out   run out at a curve in the pond   run out into the hall   run out of disc space   run out of gas   run out of money   run out of option   run out of paper   run out of space   run out of steam   run out of sth   run out of the house   run out of time   run out of wind   run out of world   run outa ideas   run over   run over sth in mind   run over the course of events   run over the pages   run parallel to a main avenue   run prostitute   run right the hell   run sb down   run sb pretty well   run sb ragged   run sb through the Tripartite Proof   run sb to ground   run short of time   run the business   run the gamut-t-t of emotion from A to B   run the name over   run the night desk   run the other way   run the place single-handed   run the race as best one can   run the risk of being spotted   run the risk of fucking up the talks   run the risk of settling down   run the store with disastrous inefficiency   run the whole show   run the whole slate   run the whole thing   run through   run to   run to beat all hell   run to find sb   run to sb for help after a little episode   run to the side of the ditch look for sb   run up   run up the steps two at a time   run up to sb   run up under fire   run wall to wall   run water   run wild   run with sb   run with sweat   run you down   run-around   run-down   run-in   run-of-the-mill   runaway   rundown   rung   runner   runneth   runnig   running   running mate   running start   running stream of   running-compliment   runny   runt   runway   rupture   ruptured   rural   rural dweller   ruse   rush   rush about   rush about trying to find what has happened to sb   rush after sb and beg sb to stay   rush at sb   rush at sb without warning   rush back to sb   rush back to the lavatory   rush behavior   rush by outside   rush down the mountain to escape the cold   rush headlong toward some kind of goal   rush hell out of sb   rush home   rush in   rush in pursuit   rush in to the attack   rush indoors   rush on   rush on down   rush out   rush right over   rush tumultuously in at the door   rush up   rush up and down   rushed   rushing   rust   rust red   rusted-out   rustic   rustle   rustle as sway and ripple   rustle in the breeze   rustle of silk and brocade and fine linen   rustling   rustling from the stir of poplars   rusty   rut   ruth   ruthless   ruthlessly   ruthlessly piss off   ruthlessness   rye   s   s-   sabbatical   saber   saber-rattle   sabers   sabotage   sabre   sack   sack sb   sacrament   sacred   sacredly   sacredness   sacrifice   sacrifice bunt   sacrificial   sacrilege   sad   sad announcement   sadden   saddened   saddle   saddleback   saddlebag   saddlemaker   saddler   saddness   sadism   sadist   sadistic   sadly   sadly enough   sadness   sadomasochistic   safari   safe   safe house   safe-looking   safeguard   safekeeping   safely   safer   safeshot   safety   safety boat   safety in numbers   safflower   sag   saga   sage   sagely   saggy   said   said more sharply than one intended   said one would have lunch with sb   said terribly politely   sail   sail by   sail by and off to one side   sail into   sail into the blue   sail near the wind   sail off   sail out   sail the ball in at such velocity   sail through   sail through like the world owes one a living   sailboat   sailfish   sailing   sailor   saint   saint-laden   sainted   saintly   sake   sake makes rounds   salacious   salad   salad-thin   salamander   salary   salaryless   sale   sales   sales pitch   salesclerk   salesgirl   salesman   salespeople   salesperson   salience   saliency   salient   saline   saline substances   saliva   salivary   salivate   sallow   sallow-skinned   sally   salmon   salon   saloon   saloonkeeper   salt   salt sea air   salt-and-pepper   salt-scented   saltine   saltiness   salty   salubrious   salutary   salutation   salutatory   salute   salvage   salvation   salve   salvo   samba   same   same actions repeated over and over again   same as everyone else   same kinds of sth   same music one have heard   same old face   same old stuff   same old walls   same thing where the ladies are concerned   sameness   sample   samurai   samurai sword   sanatorium   sanctify   sanctify memory   sanctimony   sanction   sanctions are biting   sanctity   sanctuary   sanctum   sanctum sanctorum   sand   sand dune   sand is born grain by grain   sand trap   sandal   sandbag   sandbank   sandbar   sandblast   sandbox   sandcastle   sandlot   sandlot baseball   sandman   sandpaper   sandstorm   sandwich   sandy   sane   sane and decent man   sanely   sangfroid   sanguine   sanitarium   sanitary   sanitize   sanity   sans   sap   saphead   sapling   sappy   sarcasm   sarcastic   sarcastically   sardonic   sardonically   sartorial   sartorial statistics   sash   sashay   sassy   satchel   sate   satellite   satin   satire   satiric   satirist   satisfaction   satisfaction warms through sb   satisfactorily   satisfactory   satisfied   satisfied with what one had accomplished   satisfier   satisfy   satisfy oneself   satisfy the desire   satisfying   satori magnifies into a rage of demonic proportions   saturate   saturated   sauce   saucepan   saucer   saucer wide   saucily   sauciness   saucy   saunter   saunter away trying to look innocent   sausage   saute   savage   savage land   savagely   savagery   savant   save   save everything   save face for sb   save it for the chaplain   save oneself   save sb   save sb a lot of trouble   save sb an extraordinary amount of time doing   save sb some little trouble   save sb sth   save the best for last   save you the trip down   save your money   save your powder   save your skin   save yourself a lot of trouble   saved   saver   saving   saving your presence   savings account   savior   savoir faire   savoir-faire   savor   savor the elegant mood   savor the phrase   savoriness   savorless   savory   savour   savour the moment fully   savouring with pleasure the old familiar echoes   savvy   saw   sawdust   sawed-off   sawyer   say   say a few words   say a few words to each other   say a few words to sb   say a little anxiously   say a little too casually   say a lot   say a word   say a word by the way of protest   say a word of remonstrance   say after a long silence   say after a moment   say again   say airily   say all at once   say all one know to say   say all those angry things to sb   say almost fearfully   say and do wise things   say angrily   say apologetically   say approvingly   say as calmly as one can manage   say as sb straighten   say as though the matter was one of no weight   say at last   say at last in a plaintive tone   say at once   say awkwardly   say before one could prevent oneself   say before saying good-bye   say before sb can say anything   say between breaths   say between gasps   say bitingly   say breezily   say brightly   say briskly   say calmly   say carefully   say carelessly   say caustic and cold as ever   say certain unwise voices with relish   say cheerfully   say conclusively   say crisply   say cruelly   say dandy   say decisively   say defensively   say determinedly   say diddly-doo about sb   say diplomatically   say disagreeably   say distractedly   say dolefully   say doubtfully   say dramatically   say earnestly   say encouragingly   say faintly   say fast enough in this big voice   say finally   say firmly   say flatly   say for no apparent reason   say for sure   say forcefully   say gaily   say gently   say good luck   say good-bye   say good-bye with a bit of hard-earned mutual regard   say good-bye with the usual pleasantries   say goodbye to sb   say goodnight to sb on the porch   say gratuitously   say gravely   say grimly   say half aloud   say half apologetically   say half truthfully   say half-heartedly   say happily   say harshly   say hastily   say hello   say hello to sb   say helpfully   say hollowly   say hopefully   say hopelessly   say hotly   say how angry   say how brave sb be   say how much one should like to do   say hurriedly   say huskily   say impatiently   say imploringly   say in a biting tone   say in a discontented tone   say in a hoarse whisper   say in a hushed voice   say in a low voice   say in a melancholy voice   say in a pleasantly informal manner   say in a questioning tone   say in a scarcely audible voice   say in a sharper voice   say in a slightly petulant tone of voice   say in a soothing tone   say in a still petulant tone   say in a strained voice   say in a subdued tone   say in a thoughtful tone   say in a trembling voice   say in a troubled tone   say in a very sophisticated manner   say in a very sophisticated manner interspersed with a yawn   say in a voice thick with pain   say in all seriousness   say in an aggrieved voice   say in an aside to oneself   say in an assured tone of voice   say in an awe-stricken voice   say in an encouraging tone   say in an ominous way   say in an unnervingly gentle voice   say in anger   say in another queer snap of anger   say in astonishment   say in disappointment   say in disbelief   say in disgust   say in even tones   say in exasperation   say in final reflection   say in frustration   say in gentle rebuttal   say in mock solemnity   say in quite good English   say in ringing tones   say in slightly pessimistic tones   say in sulky tone   say in the clear tones   say in the confident tones of an expert   say in the police biz   say in the wrong sort of voice   say in what was a rather narrative tone   say incoherently   say inconsequentially   say indignantly   say it in a nice voice   say it in a nutshell   say it in one little short sentence   say it nasty   say it over   say it right   say it suave as hell   say it threateningly   say it very nasty   say judicially   say lamely   say little   say little to enlighten sb   say matter-of-factly   say merely for the sake of repetition   say more   say more repellingly than sb himself could have replied   say more than ask   say mournfully   say nasty things to sb   say nervously   say nice things to cheer sb up   say no   say no more   say nonchalantly   say not a word in reply   say not one word   say nothing   say nothing against these things   say nothing but riddles   say nothing for a minute or two   say nothing in a blank-faced definite way   say nothing in reply   say nothing of importance in the letter   say now   say obstinately   say of course   say of oneself   say okay   say on a long sigh   say on rather a high monotone   say one   say one have a suggestion to make   say one have had enough of doctor   say one have to go   say one is flattered   say one to oneself   say one word   say out loud exactly what sb does not want to hear   say out of the blue   say persuasively   say placatingly   say plaintively   say pointedly   say positive things   say promptly   say quickly   say quietly   say quietly and unwillingly   say quite agonised   say quite calmly   say quite seriously   say quite simply   say quite snappishly   say rather impatiently   say rather sharply   say rather thoughtlessly   say rather unkind things about sb   say rather wildly   say really quite vulgar things   say reproachfully   say savagely   say sb   say sb can stay with one   say sb correctively   say sb helpfully   say sb in a tone of the deepest contempt   say sb is not a sport   say sb rather vaguely   say sb this and that all the time   say sb will be spared   say sb with some asperity   say sb with spirit   say self-importantly   say seriously   say sharply   say shrilly   say shyly   say simple important things   say simply   say sleepily   say slowly and ominously   say slowly and very deliberately   say slyly   say smartly   say smoothly   say so often   say softly   say softly to sb   say some hard words about sb   say something   say something else   say something rude to sb   say something smart   say something that shocks sb   say something to that effect   say something wise   say somewhat sarcastically   say sophisticated stuff   say sourly   say sternly   say sth aloud   say sth straight out   say sth to be polite   say sth with a lack of emphasis   say sth with conviction   say stiffly   say such things   say sullenly   say teasingly   say that again   say that one would not be able to do   say the last word with such sudden violence that sb quite jump   say the usual stuff   say the word to oneself   say the wrong thing at the wrong time   say there   say things merely intended to please.   say things that way   say this in some distress   say this is boring   say this last so primly   say thoughtfully   say three-bags-full to sb   say tightly   say to each other   say to no one in particular   say to nobody in particular   say to nobody in particular as it seems   say to oneself   say to sb   say too much   say too quickly   say uncomfortably   say under his breath   say unhelpfully   say unmollified   say unspeakable things against sb   say vaguely   say various terrible things   say very deliberately   say very politely   say very sharply   say wearily   say what is politically sensible   say what one can to calm sb   say what you like   say what you want   say where one be   say with a confessive grin   say with a cry of supplication   say with a grin   say with a gruff laugh   say with a most unnerving tautness   say with a puzzled air   say with a rather too innocent face   say with a rueful chuckle   say with a serious expression   say with a sharp laugh   say with a smile   say with a sneer   say with a stare and a snigger   say with a sudden realization   say with a tameness   say with a threatening look   say with a touch of boastfulness   say with a tweak of sarcastic skepticism   say with a wicked smile   say with an absolutely straight face   say with an air of importance   say with an apologetic smile   say with an earnestness that can not be mistaken   say with as close an approach to mildness as one can manage   say with bitterness   say with calculated insincerity   say with certainty   say with disdain   say with effort   say with feeling   say with great authority   say with great decision   say with heartening smile   say with helpful deference   say with little apparent emotion   say with more testiness than one intend   say with nothing between the lines   say with obvious admiration   say with perfect equanimity   say with signs of angry apprehension   say with some impatience   say with some severity   say with spirited vehemence   say with the air of a last minute reprieve   say with the authority of an expert   say with the coarseness of offended modesty   say with the coolest insolence   say with the exultation of a correct guesser   say with true Anneish philosophy   say with unusual sternness   say with whispered intensity   say without a flicker   say without considering at all   say without preamble   say yes   say-hey and abracadabra   saying   saying not a word   saying nothing more   sayings   says a voice   says you   sb I know will not do such a thing   sb absorbed me again   sb across the street   sb after years of practice   sb also   sb always has some dress on that can kill you   sb and sb are both in the place   sb and sb are boyfriend and girlfriend   sb and sb are good to each other   sb and sb are pals   sb and sb are such kindred spirits   sb and sb are totally alone   sb and sb exchange a glare   sb and sb find ways back to each other   sb and sb get along famously   sb and sb greet each other with a little uncertainty   sb and sb hardly ever do at the same time   sb and sb have a difficult talk   sb and sb have been having trouble for some time   sb and sb have some bad communications   sb and sb have themselves a church wedding   sb and sb is not on good terms   sb and sb make up   sb and sb monopolize the evening   sb and sb more than once try to persuade sb to do   sb and sb promise to be better to one another   sb and sb remain good if troubled friends afterwards   sb and sb run around together   sb and sb talk about getting married   sb and sb tell each other their best guarded secrets   sb and sb walk out together like good friends   sb and sb wrap their arms around each other   sb and sb yukking it up together   sb and the others   sb and the rest of the household   sb at the wheel   sb be a key part of sth   sb be all right   sb be far too sensible   sb be gone   sb be left in peace   sb be left standing in the lobby   sb be let off the hook   sb be my last chance!   sb be mystery to one   sb be no longer able to hold oneself back   sb be on the other end   sb be proving rather expensive   sb be suppose to do   sb be the king   sb be the only one left from those days   sb be very brave   sb be very terrible to look upon   sb be with you?  

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