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shit always rolling downhill   shit comes out of   shit happens   shit oneself for nothing   shit-fit   shitbox   shitbum   shitcan   shitface   shithead   shithouse   shitless   shitload   shitmobile   shitpit   shitter   shitty   shiver   shiver in the cold   shiver to pieces   shiver uncontrollably   shock   shock induces an auditory hallucination   shock sb considerably   shock wave   shocked   shocker   shocking   shockingly   shoddy   shoe   shoebox   shoelace   shoemaker   shoes   shoes be shone   shoestring   shoestring agency   shoo   shoo her in   shoo out   shoo sb away   shoo sb out   shoot   shoot a glance at sb   shoot a questioning glance at sb   shoot a wizened glance at sb   shoot airballs   shoot back   shoot back in an uncharacteristically sharp tone   shoot home like a bolting rabbit   shoot more pheasants   shoot out   shoot out an immediate reply   shoot past sb   shoot past sb like a breath   shoot pompous scowls at sb   shoot pool   shoot sb a glance   shoot sb a piercing glare   shoot sb a quizzical look   shoot sb and cripple sb   shoot straight up   shoot ten rapid frames   shoot the breeze   shoot the crap   shoot the old crap around   shoot the sun   shoot up in the air   shoot-out   shooter   shooting   shootout   shop   shop for wedding rings   shop talk   shop window   shop-door curtain   shop-worn   shopkeeper   shoplifter   shoplifting   shopowner   shopper   shopping   shopping bag   shopping centre comes to a sudden end   shopping facilities in concessionary stores   shore   shore bushes have taken root   shore up one lie with another   shore-bombardment   shoreline   shorn   shorn harvest fields   short   short and plump   short and sudden   short and sweet   short left-field fence   short notice   short of miraculous intervention   short of pitchers   short order   short way with sb   short-billed   short-breathed   short-lived   short-order   short-sightedly   short-sleeved   short-stop   short-tempered   short-term   shortage   shortbread   shortcake   shortcoming   shortcomings   shortcut   shorted-out lightbulb   shorten   shorter   shortfall   shorthand   shortlist   shortlist XX likely sths   shortly   shortly after   shortly after midnight one night in July   shortly after noon   shortly after sb leave for work   shortly after that   shortly afterwards   shortness   shorts   shortsighted   shortsightedness   shortsleeve   shortstop   shortwave   shorty   shorty-pants   shot   shot out   shot sb a venomous look   shotgun   shouda   should   should accept the captivity of a Roper   should at least do   should be the Secretary   should be warmed up   should call it everything that is damnable   should do   should do better by you   should do very well   should hardly fail to let sb know   should have been   should have bought sth   should have brought a gift   should have chosen another career   should have dearly liked to do   should have done   should have done sth   should have known better   should have no carnal knowledge of sb   should have seen sth easily   should have the effect of doing   should have to do   should have warned sb to do   should just do   should know   should know better   should know if evil came upon sb   should know that maxim   should let up a little   should never have done   should never have noticed sb had sb not done   should not be intimidated   should not be on the streets   should not do   should not feel too bad   should not have done   should not have lost   should not talk about sb that way   should on no account accept   should remember it all right   should too   should try to find Jesus   should you be wondering   shoulder   shoulder men right and left without ceremony or gentleness   shouldered   shoulders   shoulders painfully stiff   shout   shout angrily   shout at sb   shout at sb down the phone   shout at sb in a surly way   shout down   shout down at sb   shout for sb to do   shout furiously   shout goodbye   shout happily at sb   shout instructions from sb   shout now serious   shout of appreciation   shout something unintelligible   shout without warning   shouting   shouts another   shouts of abuse   shouts of hagglers   shouts of hooray   shouts of laughter rise   shove   shove away   shove sb off   shove the door open   shovel   shoveler   shoveling snow   show   show a disappointment   show a fleeting sign of pain   show a gathering impatience   show a great sense   show a respectful reserve toward sb   show a tender solicitude   show a very high level of adrenaline   show absolutely no sign of wanting to do   show all over you   show all the signs of doing   show area   show biz   show convincing remorse   show criticism of sb   show films   show form   show how unhurried one could be   show it quite plainly   show little concern   show little inclination to do   show little interest in sth   show little reaction to what sb relate   show little wear   show me   show misplaced sentimentality   show no affection for sb   show no displeasure   show no disposition to   show no elation   show no inclination for conversation   show no reaction   show no reluctance   show no sign of leveling off   show no signs of leaving   show no signs of rebellion   show no trace of disdain   show no trace of hesitation   show not a sign of even vague offense   show not the slightest sing of doing   show nothing of the misanthrope   show of concern   show of sympathy   show off   show off the luxury   show off to sb   show off two or three prominent acne scars   show only a steely bonhomie   show only faint signs of a hang-over   show petulance   show promise as a scholar   show respect or deference towards sb   show sb   show sb how to do   show sb how to do it   show sb in   show sb sth as clearly as if sb have been looking into a mirror   show sb tenderness and care   show sb the constellations   show sb the door   show sb through the place   show sb up   show sb ways to improve on the effect   show sb where things are and how they work   show sensitivity in detecting what is required   show signs of abuse   show signs of irritation   show some disorder and surprise   show some restraint   show some wear and tear   show stubborn pride   show the insolence   show the most promise   show the movie   show the occasional sharp insight   show too much interest too soon   show trial   show unmistakable signs of playing out   show up   show up a transparent green   show up again   show up better than sb   show up in a census   show up sb   show-off   show-offy   show-offy-looking   show-piece   showboat   showcase   showdown   shower   shower-bath   showgirl   showily   showily dressed maiko   showing   showman   showplace   showroom   showrooming   showtime   showy   shred   shredded tobacco   shredder   shrew   shrewd   shrewd competitor   shrewdly   shrewdness   shrewish   shriek   shriek with laughter   shrieking   shrift   shrike   shrill   shrill intrusive light   shrillness   shrilly   shrimp   shrine   shrink   shrink at the thought   shrink away   shrink from sb   shrinkage   shrivel   shrivel to the size of a pencil eraser   shrivel up and die   shriveled frame   shroud   shroud the room   shrouded in haze   shrub   shrubbery   shrug   shrug sth off briskly   shrug wearily   shrunken   shuck   shuck-uns   shudder   shudder all over   shuddering   shudders of dread   shuffle   shuffle awkwardly up the aisle   shuffle oneself through the crowd into a corner   shuffle over to sb   shuffle papers and staff options   shuffle sturdily out   shuffle through sth as if one was playing trump cards   shuffle to lunch   shuffler   shuffling   shun   shunt   shush   shut   shut down   shut down for the night   shut down the machinery   shut eyes tight up   shut off from the street by a high wall and strong gate   shut off sth   shut off the implications of such a contest   shut out sb   shut out the world   shut sb up   shut the door behind one   shut up   shut up like a clam   shut your mouth   shutdown   shutout   shutter   shutterbug   shuttered   shuttle   shy   shy and kind of cute   shy away from backing sb   shy away from the truth   shy by nature   shyly   shyness   sibiliant   sibiliant and rustling from the stir of poplars   sibling   sibyl   sick   sick around to do   sick at heart   sick call   sick with apprehension   sick-making   sickbed   sicken   sickening   sickeningly   sickle   sickliness   sickly   sickly leaf   sickly-looking   sickness   sicko   sickroom   sicky   siddle   side   side by side   side deal   side door   side effects slowly passed   side of the road   side street   side to side   side-effect   side-show   side-street   side-ways   side-winding   sidearm   sideboard   sideburns   sidecar   sided   sidekick   sideline   sidelong   sidereal   sideshow   sidestep   sideswipe   sidetrack   sideview   sidewalk   sideward   sideways   sidewise   siding   sidle   sidle away a step   siege   sierra   siesta   sieve   sift   sift and examine   sigh   sigh and give it up   sigh and stay silent for a few moments   sigh deeply   sigh helplessly   sigh out   sigh several times   sigh to oneself in relief   sighing   sight   sight down the length of sth   sight of sth   sight sb down the line of a finger   sighting   sightless   sightlessly   sightseeing   sightseer   sigma   sign   sign of life   sign out for nine-thirty   sign out sth   sign sb a cheque   sign sb for very little   sign sb off   sign the lease   sign-in   sign-in sheet   signable   signal   signal fires   signal flare   signal for attention   signal sb for more revolutions   signal that sb is thinking of something else   signal that the games are now over   signal the end of the conversation   signature   signature moment   signature tune   signboard   signer   significance   significant   significant details   significantly   signify   signifying   signless   signpost   signs   signs of human tenderness   signs of unintentional irreverence   silence   silence prevail   silencer   silent   silent homes   silent partner   silently   silently and anonymously   silhouette   silk   silk mills   silken   silkily   silky   sill   silliness   silliness is the word for it   silly   silly and absurd to be upset by a dream   silly kind of stuff   silly really   silly-me   silly-young   silo   silt   silver   silver anniversary   silver-tongued   silverly   silverware   silvery   silvery mane   similar   similar business   similarity   similarly   simile   similitude   simmer   simmer at the edge of outburst   simmer down   simp   simper   simper furiously   simpering   simple   simple lookers-on   simple-minded   simpleminded   simpler   simplest   simpleton   simplicity   simplification   simplify   simplistic   simplistically   simply   simply abhor the idea of doing   simply barge in   simply be laughed out of existence   simply because   simply blurt out   simply can not look sb in the eye   simply carry through the same attitude   simply copy sth   simply could not think of him as a man   simply did not come home   simply do everything one can to help sb follow his own road   simply evaporate   simply fade away   simply get to have sth   simply get together   simply glare at sb   simply hold sb in contempt   simply know no boundaries   simply never waste a thought on sb   simply no nonsense   simply overlook the need for a primer   simply put   simply to do sth does not automatically mean sth   simply treat sb like a fool   simply tremble with fear and be of no use whatsoever   simply trust sb   simply yell and mark time   simulate   simulated   simulation   simultaneous   simultaneous massed fire   simultaneously   sin   since   since 1940s   since I was a kid of two or three   since conditions be not really conducive to sleep   since daylight   since infancy   since it happened   since it have been explained to me   since one be capable of suffering   since sb is celebrating   since that is the way things stand   since that special night   since the war situation have become so critical   since then   since there is nothing further to be gained here   since time immemorial   sincere   sincerely   sincerity   sincerity is probably the best one can hope for   sine   sinecure   sinew   sinewy   sinful   sinfully   sinfulness   sing   sing a contrary tune   sing a damn lot better than sb does   sing along   sing from the same hymnal   sing from the very depths of our beings   sing it as if for the last time   sing it very Dixieland   sing out   sing the iron kettle sings monotonously as it boils away   sing the whole sth   sing-song   singer   singing   singing star   single   single best sth   single humble planet   single proprietorships   single sb out   single sentence   single shaft of light   single-foot   single-handed   single-handedly   single-handedly defeat the pragmatist and the cynic   single-minded   single-minded devotion to sth   single-mindedly   single-mindedness   single-purposed   singlehanded   singleness   singles   singly   singsong   singsongy   singular   singularity   singularly   sinister   sinister scheme to get at sb   sink   sink back   sink back on sth   sink by self   sink deep in ancient dreams   sink deep in rural torpor   sink deep into sth   sink down   sink down into the chair   sink down on a chair   sink in   sink in a deep gloom   sink in a state of absolute stupor   sink into a doze unconsciously   sink into his swivel-chair   sink onto the bench   sink or swim   sink sb   sink to becoming a mere merchant   sink to the ground   sink under the blow   sinker   sinker-ball   sinkhole   sinking   sinking flares   sinless   sinner   sins that yield to salvation   sinuous   sinus   sip   sip a whiskey   sip of culture rather than a full-time imbiber   siphon   sir   sir?   sire   siren   sirloin   sirocco   sis   sisal   siskin   sissy   sister   sisterhood   sit   sit about lazily   sit across the table   sit alertly attentive   sit alone   sit and listen to the piercing song of the cicadas   sit and talk with sb   sit and wait for sb to do   sit around   sit around and dread the next kindred disaster   sit around card tables   sit around drinking beer and bat the breeze   sit around for hours talking   sit around the dining booth   sit around the dining table   sit around there   sit around waiting for somebody to say something   sit as if stunned   sit at the desk   sit at the head of the mourners   sit at the kitchen table   sit at the piano   sit at the wheel   sit at the wrong end of the table   sit back   sit back down again   sit back to watch sth   sit behind a desk   sit behind sth   sit behind the white wheel   sit bolt upright   sit bolt upright in bed   sit busy   sit by oneself   sit cheek by jowl with sb   sit close to sb   sit companionably reading   sit day in and day out   sit doing   sit down   sit down a moment longer   sit down and talk   sit down at a table with sb   sit down at the piano   sit down at the table   sit down cross-legged   sit down in a deep armchair   sit down in a flaunting manner on a stool   sit down in a really serious way to do   sit down man-to-man   sit down on a park bench   sit down on the ground   sit down rather gracelessly   sit down to be sociable   sit down to do   sit down together   sit ducks for beanballs   sit enthroned   sit face to face with sb   sit facing each other   sit far forward   sit formally   sit half-submerged in puddles   sit huddled in the corner of the sofa   sit hunched forward   sit in   sit in a circle   sit in a dirt-water jail on a bad check charge   sit in front of sb   sit in sth   sit in the car for a minute and do   sit in the dark   sit in the dim shadow of one of the confessionals   sit in the hot seat   sit in the the night and begin to shake   sit languidly in a chair   sit like a block of wood   sit low   sit meditating after these earnest words are spoken   sit motionless in the posture of a Buddha   sit nearby   sit next to sb doing   sit on   sit on a fortune   sit on a surveillance   sit on it   sit on it and kill sb   sit on sth backwards   sit on the bare stone in a circle   sit on the front porch with sb   sit on the ground   sit on the jury   sit on the sill   sit opposite   sit out   sit perfectly still   sit quietly for several moments   sit quite still   sit rigidly stiff and motionless   sit rigidly upright   sit round tables   sit silent   sit silently on either side   sit slouched on sth   sit slumped in the chair   sit smug and quiet on the bench   sit stiffly   sit still   sit still for sth   sit still so much   sit still somewhere   sit there   sit there a long time   sit there and watch the buring Y   sit there any longer   sit through an impressively boring lecture   sit through every performance   sit tight   sit tight and wait for sth   sit to have a chuckle   sit together   sit up   sit up half the night   sit up in bed   sit up late doing   sit up on the carpet   sit up quickly   sit up straight   sit up very straight   sit up with a jolt   sit upright   sit upright in the dark   sit very still   sit way the hell up in bed   sit whole nights away   sit with sb   sit with sb wedged tight in the seat between us   sit with straining ears   sit-down   site   sites for field and track   sitter   sitting   sitting duck   sitting far gone in rum   sitting there at the table   sitting-and-spitting on a bench   situated   situation   situational   six   six hours ago   six of them   six-month   six-pack   six-packs   sixth   sixth sense   sixth sense has been way off   sixties   sixty   sixtyish   sizable   size   size of audience   size of audiences   size sb up   sizeable   sizzle   sizzling   sizzling personal section   skat   skate   skateboard   skating   skedaddle   skein   skeletal   skeleton   skeleton-keyed   skeletonize   skeptic   skeptical   skeptically   skepticism   sketch   sketch in very roughly   sketchbook   sketchily   sketchpad   sketchy   skew   skewer   ski   skid   skid away   skid row   skid-row   skier   skiing   skilful   skilfulness   skill   skilld with social grace   skilled   skilled with social grace   skilled work is carried out   skillet   skillful   skillful play   skillful use of gestures and sounds   skillfully   skim   skim off sb   skim off sth   skim through the files   skimmer   skimming the ground   skimp   skimped   skimpily   skimpy   skin   skin-deep   skin-to-skin   skinflint   skinless   skinny   skip   skip away   skip from home   skip over   skip town in the dead of night   skipper   skippy   skirmish   skirt   skirt over   skirt the question   skit   skitter   skittish   skittishly   skittishness   skiwear   skulduggery   skulk   skulk down in the country somewhere   skull   skunk   skunk one   sky   sky and hills mingled in one bitter whirl of wind and suffocating snow   sky between the branches   sky breaks up into long steaks of blue   sky grew light in the east   sky the ball   sky-rocket   skydive   skydiving   skylight  

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