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make sb reasonably comfortable   make sb restless   make sb see the whole thing   make sb show up   make sb slightly suspicious   make sb so depressed   make sb so nervous   make sb soft and easily scared   make sb spurn sb   make sb squeak   make sb squirm   make sb sth   make sb strangely tense   make sb talk   make sb terribly thin   make sb the perfect candidate   make sb the talk of the party   make sb think of being on a yacht somewhere at sea   make sb think twice   make sb unbearably agitated   make sb uncertain   make sb understand what happened   make sb uneasy   make sb unhappy   make sb unhappy enough   make sb upset   make sb want to go home   make sb warm again   make sb welcome   make sb worse   make sbn feel better   make secret excursions   make sense   make sense to leave sb alone   make sense to me   make sense to sb   make separate peace for oneself   make shavings of sth   make sign of the cross   make sin so marvellous and evil so full of subtlety   make small offerings of this sort   make small suggestions to one another   make small talk   make small talk with sb   make small-talk   make smart use of sth   make some calls   make some calls for sb   make some change in the content   make some changes   make some light chatter   make some more or less appropriate reply   make some problem go away   make some quick and easy dough   make some slight provision for sb   make some sort of deal   make some sort of greeting   make someone inefficient   make something of oneself   make sounds of disgust   make sour face at sb   make speech   make sport of sb   make spring at sb   make squeaky noises   make sth a little more flexible   make sth a thing of the past   make sth already   make sth clear at a single glance   make sth dangle on a hinge of glue   make sth interesting   make sth little creakings and squeakings   make sth look all the better   make sth look like a robbery   make sth plain   make sth seem like a month in the country   make sth shine a lustrous black   make sth so expensive   make sth up   make sth worthwhile   make stories up   make strangers feel welcome   make such a fuss over   make such a mess of things oneself   make such a phony display of tears   make such a thing possible   make such an effort to establish a taxi business   make such embarrassing efforts to be liked   make such very short remarks   make sure   make sure by doing   make sure one remember to do   make sure sb do   make sure sb fully understood the seriousness of doing   make sure sb gets a lawyer   make sure sb is on board   make sure sb would go to sleep   make sure sth   make sure that sb really do   make sure that the right body go off to the right family   make sure there were no hard feeling   make tapes and mail them back and forth   make tentative plans for another book   make terms with   make that abominable noise   make that plain enough   make that revelation to sb   make that right inalienable   make the best husband   make the best of a bad situation   make the best of it   make the best of your way   make the best peace   make the big time   make the calls to cancel   make the cellophane crackle   make the club   make the connection   make the desire quite positive   make the difference   make the discovery   make the dream real   make the dress up   make the earth tremble   make the effort to recall the things   make the final copy   make the fingers feel supple on the ball   make the first move   make the fuss   make the game more immediate   make the gap between the outfielders   make the issue compelling   make the kick-off   make the markets work   make the mistake of doing   make the moral choice   make the most colossal fool of oneself   make the most sense   make the moves on sb   make the necessary announcement   make the papers in a big way   make the pinch   make the pitch to sb   make the public attempt to do   make the public sit up and take notice   make the revelation   make the ride worth the trouble   make the right   make the right decision   make the river clean   make the rounds   make the rounds of ..   make the rounds of sb   make the rounds with sth   make the rule   make the rumours worse   make the same gesture   make the second out of the inning   make the short list   make the sign of the cross   make the situation worse   make the slightest attempt to do   make the steam arising from the bubbling lake   make the story of the Good Smaritan a living reality   make the team   make the world better   make them stop ticking   make these subverted displays   make things chancier   make things complicated   make things easy for sb   make things happen   make things hard for oneself   make things look all right   make things look bad for sb   make things official   make things right   make things right again   make things unnecessarily difficult   make things up with sb   make things work out   make things worse   make this drive literally hundreds of times   make this important decision   make this offering   make this tidy   make this wild ride unreal   make to do   make to go   make to look a right prick   make toast   make too many errors in the field   make too much a nuisance of oneself   make too much of it   make trouble   make true believers out of sb   make unhappy   make up   make up for   make up for all the sadness   make up for lost time   make up lost time   make up the systems software   make various face   make very little money at it   make very tolerable pillows   make walking difficult   make white bubbles form   make white shadows on the floor   make yet another grand departure   make you feel   make you glad   make you squeak   make you turn against sb   make you wet your shorts   make your mind up   make-believe   make-out   make-shift   make-up   makeover   maker   makes no sense   makes no sound   makeshift   makeup   making   making a conversational leap   making a deliberate attempt to impress sb   making fountain-jets of bright jugglery   making no attempt at conversation   making no effort to do   making oneself out of the boss of the whole place   making peace like that   mal   malabsorption   maladaptation   maladministration   maladroit   malady   malaise   malarkey   malcontent   male   male relatives   male-female   malevolence   malevolent   malfunction   malfunction in the television set   malice   malicious   maliciously   malign   malignancy   malignant   malignantly   malignity   mall   malleability   malleable   mallet   malnutrition   malodorous   malpractice   malt   maltose   maltreat   maltreatment   mama   mambo   mamma   mammal   mammalian   mammon   mammoth   mammy   man   man Friday   man after man   man among men   man around sb   man is an unoriginal animal   man next door   man of looks   man of the world   man of the worldly mind   man showing the most self-indulgent amae toward his family   man talk   man the bridge   man to man   man who is good at heart and well-intentioned   man who works by the book   man whose window we are standing bang in front of   man with not really good-looking   man with the autumn-colored hair   man with too little justice in him to be admired   man with white hair and almost incredible dignity   man-Friday   man-jack   man-size   man-to-man   mana   manage   manage a creditable greeting   manage a foul   manage a outburst   manage a smile   manage a tentative smile   manage a vigorous assent   manage a watery smile   manage despite limitations   manage it   manage pretty well   manage sth   manage the whole daft scheme   manage to arrange sth   manage to avoid ~ing   manage to corral sb   manage to croak at sb pompously   manage to do   manage to do so without much difficulty   manage to drag oneself to the restaurant   manage to find sb   manage to get sb to let one join in   manage to get through the soup   manage to infiltrate oneself indoors unseen   manage to live in idleness   manage to lose the entire amount   manage to lower the volume eventually   manage to make ends meet   manage to make it there   manage to please one vaguely   manage to procure the necessities of life   manage to pull sb away   manage to put it into one of the cupboards   manage to reach sth   manage to reach the schoolhouse in time without a second to spare   manage to recover oneself   manage to resist the temptation   manage to rouse oneself   manage to say   manage to shake sb out of sth at last   manage to slip out   manage to smile wryly   manage to steal a few hours together   manage to straighten things out   manage to support a family of ten   manage to tease sb   manage to walk with a cane   manageability   manageable   managed to do   managed to get oneself into bed   managed to turn it into a cough   management   management methods and measurements   manager   managerial   managers   managing   managing editor   manakin   manatee   mandala   mandarin   mandate   mandate to operate   mandated   mandatory   mandragora   mane   maneuver   maneuverability   maneuverer   maneuvering   maneuvering over   manful   manfully   manfulness   mange   mangle   mangrove   mangy   manhandle   manhandle sb into the car   manhole   manhood   mania   maniac   maniacally   manic   manicure   manicured   manifest   manifest minimal talent   manifestation   manifestly   manifold   manipulate   manipulate A and B   manipulation   manipulative   manipulator   mankind   manliness   manly   manna   manned   manner   manner of dress   mannered   mannerism   mannerisms that one associate with sb   mannerly   mannitol   manoeuver   manoeuvrable   manoeuvre   manor   manpower   manservant   mansion   manta   mantel   mantelpiece   mantelshelf   mantle   mantra   manual   manual strangulation   manually   manufacturable   manufactural   manufacture   manufactured goods   manufactured product   manufacturer   manufacturing   manure   manuscript   many   many creatures use odors to seduce   many days   many girls would be interested to do   many great fights   many needs and fantasies   many of both sexes   many of the tougher kids   many overhanging trees   many people do   many people help me during this process of doing   many people walking towards him beneath umbrellas   many secrets cannot be shared   many sounds that make little sense   many things one never understood before   many time in the last few years one have done   many times   many tongues wag   many wild changes observable on familiar things   many years later   many-coloured   many-faceted   many-sided   map   map readings   maple   mar   mar the pure wine   marathon   marathoner   maraud   marauder   marble   marbles   march   march doggedly through the rooms   march down the iron stairwell   march in with a big brass band   march on   march out   march through A to B   marcher   mare   mare in heat   margarine   margarita   margin   margin of error   marginal   marginality   marginalize   marginally   margrave   marigold   marijuana   marimba   marina   marinate   marinate and skewer sb   marine   mariner   marionette   marital   marital squabbles   marital status   maritime   mark   mark by sth   mark my words   mark out   mark sth   mark the occasion with proper amenities   mark you   marked   marked man   markedly   marker   market   market game   market incentives   marketability   marketable   marketing   marketplace   marking   marksmanship   marlin   marlin-spike   marmalade   marmot   maroon   marquee   marquetry   marriage   marriage is hardly a thing that one can do now and then   marriageable   married   marrow   marry   marry a drunk   marry a man one know too little about   marry and seem blessed with happiness and good fortune   marry into AA family   marry to sb   marsh   marshal   marshal emotions in the service of a goal   marshmallow   marshy   mart   martial   martial exercises   martini   martyr   martyrdom   marvel   marvell   marvellous   marvellously   marvelous   marvelous pitching staff   marvelously   mascara   mascot   masculine   masculinity   mash   masher   mask   masked   masker   masochism   masochist   masochistic   masochistically   mason   masonry   masonry work   masque   masquerade   mass   mass market   mass media   mass-deck   massacre   massacre sb   massage   massage the situation   massager   massing of flowers   massive   massive cost overruns   massive protection   massively   mast   mastectomy   master   master craftsman   master plan   master puppeteer   master the arts of mooring and warping and towing   master-servant   masterful   masterfully suppressing a desire to do   masterly   mastermind   masterpiece   masterwork   mastery   masturbate   masturbate furiously   masturbation   mat   mat board   match   match A against B   match something that had faced one at home   match the arrogant opposition   match to a fraction of an inch   match up with sth   match-stick-thin   match-up   matchable   matchbox   matched   matching   matchless   matchlessly   matchmaker   matchmaking   matchstick   matchup   mate   material   materialise   materialism   materialistic   materiality   materialization   materialize   materialize before sb   materialize in front of sb   materially   maternal   maternity   math   mathematic   mathematical   mathematical squiggle   mathematician   mathematics   maths   matinee-idol   mating   matrimonial   matrix   matron   matronly   matte   matted   matter   matter a lot   matter in hand   matter of fact   matter to sb a great deal   matter-of-fact   matter-of-factly   matters   matters start getting out of control   matters would reach a critical stage before one is aware of it   mattress   maturation   mature   maturity   maudlin   maul   maul sb around   mausoleum   maven   maverick   maw   mawkish   max   maxim   maximal   maximally   maximization   maximize   maximum   maximum security   may   may God makes safety your companion   may I ask a favor?   may I be allowed to do   may I be responsible for doing?   may I have a moment?   may I interrupt?   may I please speak to you?   may actually help your work   may all be over   may appeal the case up to   may as well do   may as well make a complete confession   may ask sb   may at least tell sb that much   may at once ascertain that   may be   may be able to do   may be entirely merited   may be interested   may be wrong about sb   may come by anytime   may do   may do very well as pigs   may have better answers to the questions one need to ask   may have read too much into it   may have to work through the night   may hurt sb   may ignore   may just conceivably have been justified   may not as good as you   may not be active politically now   may not be as bad as it looks   may not be glamour   may not have been a housekeeper for long   may not have time to do   may not help much   may not set so much store on getting married   may play a deep game   may request sth   may take an infinite variety of forms   may take the edge off the attacks   may well be disruptive   may well imagine without my repeating   maybe   maybe I do   maybe I will not do   maybe a little too strong   maybe a lot more   maybe an inch   maybe as early as tonight   maybe just a little   maybe not   maybe one will do   maybe sb have a point   maybe sb have to pay for sth   maybe so   maybe talking might do some good   maybe that seems like where this story should end   maybe the bastards had it coming   maybe we can   maybe we can talk   maybe we could have a cup of coffee   maybe we will do?   maybe you can see a spark where all is dark to me   maybe you do now   maybe?   maybug   mayhem   mayhem in tandem with the most maudlin sentimentality   mayhem is not the answer   mayor   mayoral   maze   maze of corridors   maze of tombstones   ma’am   me   me beats you   me-too   meadow   meadowland   meadowlark   meager   meagerly   meagerness   meal   meal-colored   mealtime   mean   mean a lot   mean a lot to sb   mean absolutely nothing to sb   mean and shabby   mean anything positive   mean anything to sb   mean anything to sb?   mean bastards at heart   mean business   mean every word   mean everything   mean it   mean little to one   mean much to sb   mean no harm   mean nothing to sb   mean nowhere   mean old Grandma Brown   mean only more trouble   mean only to protect sb   mean so much to sb   mean swamp of maudlin incompetence   mean to do   mean to do just as much as can be   mean to imply anything   mean to sound casual   mean trouble   mean well   mean whole volumes to sb   mean-looking   mean-looking motherfucker   mean-spirit   mean-spirited   mean-tempered   meander   meandering   meaning   meaning is clear   meaning?   meaningful   meaningless   meaningless to anyone but sb   meaninglessly   meaningly   meanly   meanness   means   meantime   meanwhile   measly   measurability   measurable   measure   measure up sb to the gossip one has already heard   measured   measurement   meat   meat and drink   meat grinder   meat-cleaver   meatball   meaty   mecca   mechanic   mechanical   mechanical hands   mechanically   mechanically-timbered   mechanician   mechanics   mechanics of emotion   mechanism   mechanism seems to be moving along its cycle properly so far   mechanization   mechanize   medal   medalist   medallion   meddle   meddle in some private affair   meddler   meddlesome   meddling   media   medial   medial epicondyle   median   mediaperson   mediate   mediation   medic   medical   medical adviser   medical corpsmen   medical history   medical office   medical practice   medical records   medical works   medically   medication   medicinal   medicine   medicine cabinet   medicine is imperfect   medieval   medieval streets   mediocre   mediocrity   meditate   meditate on anything   meditation   meditative   meditatively   medium   medium height   medium-expensive   medium-pretty   medium-sized   medusalike   meek   meek-mouthed   meekly   meekness   meet   meet a blank wall   meet again   meet again after a long separation   meet among oneselves   meet at random   meet by chance on the road   meet death in the air   meet face-to-face with customers on a daily basis   meet sb   meet sb at one of these shows   meet sb for a drink   meet the condition   meet the opposition   meet the questions with mockery or anger   meet up with a priest who quite unceremoniously engages one in conversation   meet with face to face   meet with resistance   meet with sb   meet with untimely death   meetcha   meeting   meeting essential needs depends in part on achieving full growth potential   meeting of minds and souls   megabyte   megaflop   megahit   megalopolis   megaphone   megastore   megatrend   meism   meister   melancholic   melancholy   melanin   melanoma   meld   meld the two into one   melee   mellow   melodious   melodiously   melodrama   melodramatic   melodramatics   melody   melt   melt together   meltdown   melted   melting   member   members of distinguished diplomatic community   members of the packed audience   membership   membership in the fellowship of   membrane   memento   memo   memo lines of the draft   memoir   memoirs   memorabilia   memorable   memorably   memorandum   memorial   memorial service   memories of the past   memorise   memorize   memory   memory eludes sb   memory serves   men   men and women   men are supposed to do   men in years to come   men like sb saw too much   men of commerce   men of resource and determination   men of standing   men on base   men with troubled spirits   menace   menacing   menacingly   menage   menance   mend   mend what sb can   mendacious   mendaciously   mender  

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