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take in   take in any vassal   take in as much as sb said   take in at a single grateful draught   take in sewing   take in the information   take in the stockings one have hung out to dry   take in water   take issue with sb   take it   take it a step further   take it all back   take it all with cheerful equanimity   take it as a signal to do   take it badly   take it easy   take it easy on sb   take it for granted   take it from me   take it from there   take it in   take it into consideration   take it personally   take it pretty hard   take it real personal   take it slow   take it the hardest of all   take it to heart   take it up from there   take it upon oneself to do   take it well   take its own mental toll   take jolly good care   take just minutes to carry off   take knife and fork in hand   take leave of sb   take legal action   take less than be given to sb   take lessons from sb   take liberty of doing   take little enough pleasure in this world as it is   take little notice of sb   take little real interest in sth   take long enough   take me a sec   take me all over the suburbs of Kyoto   take me in straight   take money off sb   take most of the praise   take my advice   take my word for it   take nervous puffs   take no chances   take no more than two weeks   take no notice   take no notice of sb at all   take no notice of sth   take not the smallest notice of sb or of anything else   take note of more and more examples   take note of sth   take notes   take notice   take notice of sth   take off   take off out the back   take off sth   take offense   take on   take on a classic status   take on a double meaning   take on a new-found luster   take on a reckless air   take on a slovenly neglected appearance   take on an expected and terrible meaning   take on an importance   take on critical significance   take on equal worth   take on mournful look   take on new dimensions   take on quite a lot of character   take on sb   take on such a disgusting color   take on the consistency of a kind of muck   take on the past   take on the task oneself   take one counter and occupy it   take one last pull   take one puff   take one step   take ones business elsewhere   take oneself in hand   take only a second to do   take only the absolute essentials   take orders from sb   take out   take out a mortgage   take out a small pocket flashlight and sail its beam around the room   take out of here   take over   take over Forces Command   take over part of the work   take over sth   take over the whole house   take over the whole mess   take pains   take part   take part in the conversations   take part in the conviviality   take part in the foraging   take part in this discussion   take pictures   take place   take place during those lulls   take place in phases   take practice strokes   take pride and pleasure in doing   take pride of place in the center   take prisoner   take proper care of sth   take quite a few aspirin   take rash decisions   take recuperative stroll   take refuge   take regal tone   take responsibility   take revenge of sorts   take roll call at the rally   take sanctuary   take sb   take sb all in   take sb along for company   take sb aside   take sb at a disadvantage   take sb at face value   take sb away   take sb away with one   take sb back   take sb by surprise   take sb by the shoulders   take sb cheap   take sb down   take sb down a notch or two   take sb down a peg or two   take sb down to the water   take sb down to zero   take sb downstairs to the chariot   take sb for a kindly person   take sb for a ride   take sb for a walk   take sb for some sort of would-be molester   take sb in   take sb in as a full partner   take sb in hand so successfully   take sb in permanently   take sb in tow   take sb into a room   take sb into the Catholic faith   take sb longer to do   take sb more seriously   take sb off the side   take sb on a rare fishing trip   take sb on an overnight fishing trip   take sb out   take sb out for coffee   take sb out to dinner   take sb out to lunch   take sb over the edge   take sb rather offhandedly   take sb seriously   take sb through sth   take sb time   take sb to a football game   take sb to bed   take sb to lunch   take sb unawares   take sb up   take sb up on everything   take sb up on it   take sb up on sth   take sb with   take sb with one   take severe punishment   take shape   take shelter   take ship and leave sb   take shots at sth   take sick all of a sudden   take sips from a cup of coffee   take small notice of sth   take so long   take so much trouble about sb   take so much trouble to do   take some champagne   take some drastic action   take some graphic pictures   take some of the fun out of doing   take some satisfaction   take some steps   take some time to tell sb sth   take someone with sb   take something out of sb   take soundings   take standing room   take steps   take sth   take sth apart   take sth as the center of the circle that sb is making   take sth as true   take sth back   take sth back outside   take sth for granted   take sth from sb as punishment   take sth in   take sth in its broadest sense   take sth off sb   take sth off the market   take sth out of mothballs   take sth seriously   take sth the wrong way   take sth up with sb   take sth with one for company   take sth without demur   take stock of sb   take stock of the situation   take strength from each other   take such aesthetic considerations as the color of their spines into account   take such matters very seriously   take such pains to do   take that chance   take the Sabbath seriously   take the Volkswagen   take the afternoon off   take the biscuit   take the cake for being both adorable and odd   take the curious step   take the day off   take the drug operation down   take the elevator down   take the fall for sb   take the field   take the first steps towards the quarry   take the first that comes   take the form of a regular diary   take the goddam hint   take the good with the bad   take the hatchet to sb   take the heart out of sb   take the heat   take the initiative in wanting to do   take the inventory   take the lead   take the liberty of ascertaining as much beforehand   take the liberty of bringing sth   take the liberty of doubting   take the more distant route   take the necessary precautions   take the news   take the only course one see open   take the opportunity of the darkness to do   take the opportunity to do   take the outside staircase up to the second floor   take the plunge   take the point   take the rap   take the reins   take the rest of the day off   take the risk   take the sample case   take the stairs three at a time   take the time to do   take the time to light a cigarette   take the track   take the training wheels off   take the treasure for oneself   take the trouble to do   take the trouble to write such a long epistle   take the unusual step of making a fresh pot of coffee   take the utmost precautions   take the veil to bury a broken heart   take the warning seriously   take the wrong turn   take themselves very seriously   take these very small steps   take things away from sb   take things from the field without permission   take this amiss   take this as a good sign   take this job teaching English   take this kind of joshing pretty well   take this long walk   take this very ill   take three quick-swinging strikes   take time   take time doing   take time off   take time to do   take to be   take to sb   take to strike the final spark   take to the boats   take to the cudgel of spiteful words   take to the sofa   take to tobacco at once   take too many chances   take trouble to do   take turns doing   take two long steps   take unnecessary risks   take up   take up a river   take up a senior appointment   take up half a room   take up residence   take up sth   take up the challenge   take up the old interests   take up the profession of sth   take up the study of jewels   take up too much room   take up with sb   take up with someone else   take up with sth   take upon oneself   take upon sb as the embodiment of womanly qualities   take warm-up pitches   take what life has to offer   take what one consider a good business step   take what sb get   take what you want   take yes for answer   take you at your word   take your pick   take your time   take-out   take-over   takeaway   taken at face value   takeoff   takeout   takeover   taker   takes time to front up that much cash   taking   taking a few deep breath   taking advantage of doing   taking great care not to do   taking it easy   taking long breath   taking things a step further   tale   talent   talent agency   talent to get along   talented   talisman   talk   talk a lot   talk a lot more freely   talk a real big   talk about   talk about Fate!   talk about everything but   talk about honesty   talk about oneself   talk about sb   talk about sb with bated breath   talk about should-haves and would-haves   talk about sth   talk about what to do   talk almost daily with sb   talk among themselves   talk around the subject   talk as hard as one can   talk as one run the projector   talk away   talk bitterly enough   talk boat talk in loud and knowing voices   talk can have only led to argument   talk carefully   talk contemptuously of the whole world   talk each other   talk endlessly   talk everything over   talk familiarly with them   talk for a minute   talk for a while   talk frankly and freely   talk furtively   talk impulsively without thinking   talk in a gay and lively way   talk in a very blunt and slipshod manner   talk in a voice that is loud and muttery at the same time   talk in fast order   talk in hushed voices   talk in secrecy   talk is as unoriginal as rest of sb   talk late into the after-midnight hours   talk like a reasonable child   talk like an old man   talk like that just to keep people cheered up   talk loudly and giggle   talk nonsense   talk of sth at such length to sb   talk off the cuff   talk old history   talk old times   talk oneself into paralysis   talk out   talk pretty straight   talk quite happily about sth   talk sb down   talk sb into a corner   talk sb into doing   talk sb out of going over there sb want to go   talk sb out of it   talk sb out of the decision   talk shop with sb   talk sth through   talk sth with sb   talk the material down   talk to oneself   talk to oneself in the van   talk to sb   talk to sb about all sorts of things   talk to sb alone   talk to sb and persuade sb to do   talk to sb nineteen to the dozen   talk to sb until one be blue in the face   talk to the English-speakers in the bunch   talk to the public   talk to you later   talk together   talk tough   talk trash   talk turkey   talk under the influence of liquor   talk well   talk with A and B   talk with an eye to the future   talk with oneself   talk with sb by phone briefly   talk-show   talkative   talkativeness   talker   talkin   talking   talking point   talking-to   tall   tall apartment house   tally   talon   talons   tamarack   tame   tamed   tamely   tameness   tamper   tamper with sb   tan   tan-to-cancer beaches   tanager   tandem   tang   tangent   tangential   tangentially   tangerine orchards   tangible   tangibly   tangle   tangle inside sb   tangle oneself up in something   tangle with sth   tangle-free   tangled   tangles of hair   tango   tank   tanker   tanning   tantalise   tantalising   tantalize   tantalizing   tantalizingly   tantamount   tantric   tantrum   tap   tap at fingers   tap the phone   tape   tape sth shut   tape together on both sides   taper   taper off the champagne   tapestry   tapping   taproot   tar   tar baby   tardiness   tardy   tare   tares   target   tariff   tarmac   tarnish   tarp   tarp-surrounded   tart   tartar   tartly   tartness   task   task at hand   task of doing always fall to sb   task of recalling sb from the vacancy   tasks to keep one occupied   tassel   tasseled   taste   taste better   taste fantastic   taste fully the happiness   taste pretty good   taste the full bitterness of being prisoners   tasteful   tastefully   tasteless   tasting   tasty   tatami mat   tattered   tattering   tattersall   tattletale   tattoo   tatty   tau   taunt   taunt sb   taunt sb into betting a substantial amount   tauntingly   taut   tauter   tautly   tautness   tavern   taverna   taw   tawdry   tawny   tax   tax collection   tax inspector   tax labels   tax laws   tax purposes   tax sb considerably with sth   taxation   taxi   taxi-cab   taxicab   taxidermist   taxing   taxis   taxonomy   taxpayer   taxpaying   tea   tea canister   tea leaves   tea wrapper   tea-ball   teach   teach aerobics   teach by example   teach oneself a little algebra   teach oneself to be outgoing and enthusiastic by an act of will   teach sb   teach sb a good lesson   teach sb a lesson   teach sb every little thing   teach school   teach the simple scale   teachable   teacher   teaching   teacup   teahouse   teakettle   teal   team   team speed   teammate   teams in place   teamwork   teapot   tear   tear a river   tear apart   tear away   tear away at full throttle   tear down sth   tear duct   tear each other in pieces over their foolish ceremonies   tear limb from limb   tear off   tear off around the block   tear off down the streets for sth   tear open the door   tear open the envelope   tear open the tough paper   tear out   tear sth into small fragments   tear sth off   tear sth open   tear sth to shreds   tear the place apart   tear well   tear wildly around   tear-blotched   tear-stained   tearaway   tearful   tearfully   tearing   tearoom   tears   tears are shed   tears are shed as freely as blood at another time   tears break the spell   tease   tease and irritate and drive wild with petty torments   tease oneself with fantasies   tease oneself with the notion of another life   tease out the logic   teaser   teasing   teasing just a little   teasingly   teaspoon   teatime   tech   technical   technical guy   technical idiot   technical jargon   technicality   technically   technically be not even allowed visitors   technically less indigenous whatnots   technician   technique   techniques   technobabble   technological   technologically   technology   technopolis   technorati   tedious   tediously   tediously dull   tediousness   tedium   tee   tee area   teem   teem with radio emission   teeming   teen   teenage   teenage boy   teenaged   teenager   teenagers are not great candidates for therapy   teenagers be never an easy audience   teensy   teeter   teeter and take small rapid steps   teeth   teetotaller   telecast   telecopy   telegram   telegraph   telemony   telepathy   telephone   telephone book   telephone console   telephone pole   telephoto   teleprompter   telescope   telescopic   television   television soap opera   tell   tell a lie direct   tell a perfectly consistent tale from start to finish   tell a story   tell about sb in a few rapid and fluent words   tell as much or as little as one choose   tell bedtime stories   tell everyone   tell everyone what to do   tell everything   tell everything about oneself   tell him things about himself   tell it   tell me   tell me how it all went   tell me how things are out there   tell me many of the stories that I have repeated here   tell me something   tell me the reason for change   tell me what you want   tell me what?   tell no one what I intend   tell not to mention it to anyone   tell nutty stories on oneself   tell off sb   tell one the truth   tell oneself   tell oneself hopefully   tell oneself it is okay   tell oneself it will be all right somehow   tell oneself not to dwell on the future   tell oneself optimistically   tell oneself to   tell oneself to stay alert   tell oneself to tolerate   tell sb   tell sb I am asking for sb   tell sb I love him   tell sb a few things   tell sb a good deal   tell sb a secret   tell sb about all the years between Then and Now   tell sb about sth   tell sb about the dust-up between sb and sb   tell sb about the potential problem   tell sb about what happened   tell sb as much as one had   tell sb awful lies   tell sb directly how one feel towards sb   tell sb everything truthfully   tell sb how bad one feel   tell sb how desperately one wants to affirm that sb is real and really with one   tell sb how it is   tell sb how one decided to do   tell sb how one honestly feel   tell sb how to run the shop   tell sb in greater detail   tell sb in many words   tell sb in person   tell sb merely as a point of information   tell sb not to mess about it   tell sb nothing   tell sb nothing but lies   tell sb of other things that are being said about sb   tell sb of the remarks one heard sb make   tell sb off   tell sb one have to go to the bathroom   tell sb one need a favor   tell sb one will take the name   tell sb right out before everybody   tell sb sb is being silly   tell sb something about life abroad   tell sb straight truth   tell sb that one have some work to do   tell sb that sb have to do   tell sb that sb should be prepared to do   tell sb that sub need not bother doing   tell sb the real news   tell sb the right way to begin   tell sb the story over a cup of coffee   tell sb the truth   tell sb the whole goddamn truth   tell sb the whole story   tell sb things that trouble one deeply to tell sb   tell sb to come on up   tell sb to do   tell sb to ease up   tell sb to forget it   tell sb to go ahead   tell sb to go fuck off   tell sb to go somewhere else and play   tell sb to send a Crime Investigation Unit   tell sb to slow down   tell sb to stop stirring things up   tell sb to take a walk   tell sb to think it over carefully   tell sb warmly   tell sb what happened   tell sb what is wrong   tell sb what it is like to do   tell sb what it said   tell sb what one know about oneself   tell sb what one mean plain out   tell sb what one want   tell sb what the story is   tell sb what to do   tell sb what you really think   tell sb who I am   tell sb wryly   tell secret   tell sth in a casual way   tell tales about sb   tell the full story   tell the lie about oneself in order to tell far worse truths   tell the story in court   tell the thing   tell the truth   tell the truth about oneself   tell the whole story   tell the world   tell them to do it   tell too much to sb   tell us something smart   tell what it is that has happened   tell what part of it is   tell who sb is   tell yet another lie   tell you a secret   tell you the truth   tell you what   tell-tale   teller   telling   telling-off   telltale   temerity   temp   temper   temper is frayed   temper: short   tempera   temperament   temperament is not destiny   temperamental   temperamentally   temperate   temperature   temperature balancing on the comfortable side of eighty   temperature reading   tempered   tempest   tempestuous   template   temple   temple steps   temples of the holy meal   tempo   temporal   temporal habit   temporality   temporarily   temporarily set aside   temporary   temporize   temporizing   tempt   temptation   tempted   tempting   temptress   ten   ten seconds is enough to do   ten to one   ten years or so previously   ten-hut   ten-thirty   tenacious   tenaciously   tenacity   tenant   tenantless   tend   tend in most cases to do   tend the garden   tend to accept his own wishful thinking   tend to agree   tend to be   tend to be amused   tend to be impetutous   tend to do   tend to fidget   tend to have little to do with   tend to keep oneself to oneself   tend to leapfrog   tend to look peeved about something and say very little   tend to make sb uncomfortable   tend to make the worst of everything   tend to throw it end over end   tend to treat with distant respect   tended   tendency   tender   tender affection   tender bud   tender loving eye   tender regard   tenderly   tenderness   tendon   tendril   tenebrous   tenement   tenet   tennis   tenor   tenor of the newspaper accounts   tense   tense and paranoid   tense up   tensely   tenseness   tension   tension temporarily leaves sb   tension tends to let up suddenly   tent   tentacle   tentative   tentatively   tenuous   tenure   tepid   tepidly   teres   teres minor muscles   term   term of duty   terminal   terminally   terminate   terminate by death   terminated by strikeout   termination   terminology   terminus   terms   terms of art   terrace   terraced   terrain   terrible   terrible of me   terrible panic   terrible smell   terrible to think about   terribly   terribly out of place   terribly shy bird   terrific   terrific echoing effect   terrific personality   terrific whistler   terrific-looking   terrifically   terrified   terrified little squeal   terrify   terrify sb   terrifying   terrifyingly   territorial   territoriality   territory   terror   terror-stricken   terrorism   terrorist   terrorize   terrors   terse   tersely   tertiary   test   test computers for security   test sb out in some subtle fashion   test sth just to make sure everything is working correctly   test the water with sb   test-drive   testament   testbed   tester   testify   testily   testimonial   testimonials   testimony   testiness  

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