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hairline   hairnet   hairpiece   hairpin   hairsbreadth   hairshirt   hairstyle   hairy   hairy foreign swine   hair’s-breadth   hale   half   half a day   half a dozen   half a dozen in as many seconds   half a dozen months   half a dozen people   half a dozen pin-holes   half a dozen times   half asleep   half awake   half crouch   half expecting to do   half for the exercise   half getting up   half hearted   half hoping one might find another key on it   half lie   half of them boys   half pay   half rise   half stutter   half the sky   half the time   half thinking that one would do   half way down sth   half-a-dozen   half-ahead   half-answer   half-asleep   half-assed   half-baked   half-blinkered   half-bottle   half-breed   half-bright   half-buck   half-burned candle that is standing on mantelshelf   half-carry   half-circle   half-close   half-closed   half-completed   half-crippled   half-crouch   half-cured   half-day   half-day off   half-derisively   half-digested   half-dozen   half-dressed   half-drunk   half-eaten   half-empty   half-expect   half-farming   half-find   half-finished   half-fishing   half-full   half-grin   half-grown   half-guilty   half-hearted   half-heartedly   half-hidden   half-humorously   half-idiot   half-idle   half-joke   half-jokingly   half-light   half-listened   half-mad   half-made   half-megaton   half-moon   half-naked   half-paralyzed   half-raise   half-recumbent   half-remembered   half-rise   half-seen   half-sentence   half-serious   half-shaven   half-shell   half-shot   half-sized   half-smile   half-smiling   half-smoked   half-standing   half-step   half-step forward   half-stewed   half-submerged   half-truth   half-turn   half-unconsciously   half-unshaven   half-way   half-wit   half-witted   halfhearted   halfheartedly   halftime   halfway   halfway around the world   halfway through   halfway through fall   halfway through the sixth inning   halfwit   hall   hallelujah   halliard   hallmark   hallmarks of sb   hallo   hallow   hallowed   hallstand   hallucination   hallucinations   hallway   halo   halt   halt briefly but often   halt near sth   halter   halting   haltingly   halve   halve the whole   halyard   ham   ham things up a little   ham-fisted   ham-hock   hambone   hamburger   hammer   hammer away   hammer in a nail   hammer on   hammer out of the stones on the highway   hammer-blow   hammerblows of wind and sea   hammerhead   hammmerblow   hammock   hammy   hamper   hamstring   hand   hand down a sentence   hand down a verdict   hand grenade   hand in the dark   hand motion   hand on sth   hand out compliments   hand out gas money   hand over   hand over to sb   hand sb the piece of paper   hand towel   hand-and   hand-and footprints   hand-lettered   hand-made   hand-modeling   hand-pick   hand-picked   hand-to-hand   hand-to-hand combat   hand-to-hand fighting against   hand-to-hand fighting against sb   hand-to-hand struggle   hand-wringing   hand-writing   handbag   handbags seemingly capable of infinite expansion   handbasket   handbell   handbook   handcar   handclap   handclasp   handcraft   handcuffs   handdrawn   handful   handgrip   handgripper   handheld   handhold   handicap   handicapped   handily   handily remove   handiwork   handjob   handkerchief   handle   handle it   handle legal advice   handle matters before the FAA and CAB   handle oneself well   handle sb   handle sb with sth   handle sb with the gloves of kid   handle sb with the utmost care   handle sth halfway decent   handle the escape with the sort of tense aplomb   handle the money   handle this right   handle with no loss of composure   handled   handler   handless   handling   handmade   handoff   handout   handover   handpick   hands   hands are clean   hands from behind push sb forward   hands ticking away the seconds   hands-on   handshake   handsome   handsome chap like you   handsome woman   handsome young men   handsomely   handsomely disdainful faces   handsomeness   handspeed   handstand   handwriting   handwritten   handy   handyman   hang   hang a few names on sb   hang a left   hang a one-legged rap on sb   hang about   hang about somewhere in the hills   hang around   hang around like this   hang around sb   hang around sb too much   hang back   hang back within oneself   hang by God and see what happens   hang conjunction   hang dog   hang down   hang from a wire   hang in a long row along the length of the upper-deck facade   hang in the air   hang in the balance   hang in there so long   hang it out for sb to tromp on   hang on   hang on and hope   hang on for dear life   hang on to sb   hang on to sth   hang on to such torments as sadness and loneliness   hang one   hang oneself   hang onto a strap   hang onto strap swayed to and fro   hang out   hang out in the woods   hang out to dry   hang out with   hang out with flowers   hang out with sb   hang over the edge of the plate   hang sth outdoors overnight   hang straight down   hang there by the threshold   hang tight   hang tough with sb   hang up for all to see   hang up on sb   hang up the receiver   hang up the telephone   hangdog   hanger   hanger-on   hanging   hanging loose on her delicate neck   hanging moss   hanging piles   hangings   hangman   hangman in a horror movie   hangnail   hangout   hangover   hangtime   hangup   hank   hanker   hankering   hankie   hansom   haphazard   haphazardly   hapless   haplessness   happen   happen afterward   happen by   happen by accident to do   happen in rapid succession   happen to be   happen to be buried there   happen to be right in front of sb   happen to do   happen to look down   happen to overhear a nearby conversation   happen to pass there on a regular sweep along the shore   happen to sb   happen to see sb   happened a great many years ago   happened awful fast   happening   happily   happily accept an offer   happiness   happiness enough to drive a man crazy   happiness sweeping over sb   happiness that defies description   happy   happy to fleece both sides   happy to see sb   happy with each other   happy with sth   happy-face button   happy-go-lucky   happy-hour   harangue   harangue against sb   harangue sb about what is wrong with sb   harass   harassed sb think and talk only of sth   harassment   harbinger   harbor   harbor a forbidding disapproval for sb   harbour   hard   hard bargainer   hard behind sb   hard feeling   hard living   hard loyal men   hard men   hard stuff   hard time   hard to believe   hard to do   hard to explain   hard to fall asleep   hard to precise without doing   hard to remember   hard to say why   hard to sleep after   hard to swallow   hard work   hard-ass   hard-charging   hard-core   hard-core bull-goose card whippers   hard-currency   hard-currency advocate   hard-earned   hard-edged   hard-faced   hard-headed   hard-heartedness   hard-heartedness is a point of pride   hard-line   hard-liquor   hard-liquor boozy   hard-luck   hard-luck stories were the order of the day   hard-man   hard-nosed   hard-on   hard-pressed   hard-put   hard-sell   hard-time   hard-to-find   hard-won   hard-working   hardass   hardass cops   hardball   hardboard   hardcore   hardcover   harden   hardened   hardener   hardening   harder   hardest presses for food   hardest task   hardest-throwing pitcher on the team   hardheaded   hardheartedness   hardly   hardly a gale   hardly a glance   hardly a great wage-earner   hardly above a whisper   hardly afford to do   hardly an incident   hardly anyone   hardly aware of the small new shops   hardly believe that one hear sb aright   hardly care   hardly come out again   hardly conscious of where sb is going   hardly console sb   hardly daring to breathe   hardly enough to call snow   hardly even have the guts to do   hardly even know sb   hardly ever   hardly ever ask me to do   hardly exist for sb   hardly expect to do   hardly expect to do so   hardly have a word to say   hardly have any role   hardly in the breathless detail   hardly know   hardly know anything about doing   hardly know each other well enough for that   hardly knowing what one do   hardly knowing what one is doing   hardly listen   hardly make a sound   hardly matter   hardly matter to sb   hardly mattered   hardly more than ten minutes ago   hardly pitch long enough to work up much of a sweat   hardly proof   hardly say a word   hardly seem to be making any headway at all against sth   hardly seem to register anything   hardly show at all   hardly sleep a wink   hardly stir   hardly the place for sb   hardly understand   hardly wait for the door to close before doing   hardly wait to do   hardness   hardpan   hardscrabble   hardship   hardship forges the man   hardship furlough   hardships   hardships and sufferings   hardtack   hardware   hardware connection   hardware dealer   hardworking   hardy   harebrained   hark   harm   harm one   harmful   harmfully   harmless   harmless taunt   harmless-looking   harmlessly   harmlessness   harmonic   harmonica   harmonious   harmonization   harmonize   harmonize with sb   harmony   harness   harp   harper   harpist   harpsichord   harrass   harridan   harried   harrowing   harrowingly   harrumph   harry   harsh   harsh expletive   harsh intervals and shrill discords of barbaric music stir sb   harsh voice   harsh-tender   harshly   harshness   harvest   harvester   harvesttime   has   has a clarity   has almost done   has already received some offers of marriage   has always been a prime favourite with racing public   has been falling almost incessantly   has been said   has come a long way in this regard   has gained rapid acceptance   has gone   has it ever occurred   has it helped you make sense of things?   has just learned to walk   has never been at ease socially   has only been sth for a little while   has there been anyone who looked less than genuine?   has-been   hash   hassle   hassle sb   haste   haste-makes-waste   hasten   hasten away   hasten to do   hastily   hastily make oneself as inconspicuous as possible   hastily memorised jargon   hastily try to look as dignified as possible   hasty   hat   hat-check   hat-check girl   hat-check room   hatbox   hatch   hatchet   hatchway   hate   hate leaving cases open   hate sb   hate sb on general principle   hate sb with a passion   hate sb with a vengeance   hate scenes   hate sth   hate sth even more   hate the idea of doing   hate the thought of it   hate to admit it   hate to be embarrassed   hate to be under obligation to anyone   hate to do   hate to do anything one can not do well   hate to do this to sb   hate to meet sb   hate to miss the opportunity   hate to see   hate to tell sb   hate us all   hated sb   hateful   hater   hating business   hatless   hatmaker   hatrack   hatred   hatred of the enemy   hatter   haughtily   haughtiness   haughty   haul   haul out   haul sth away   haul sth down   haunch   haunt   haunt to other recesses   haunted   haunted backwater   haunted look in the eyes   hauntedly   haunting   have   have American involvement in the war effort   have I explained sufficiently?   have I said too much?   have Rod Stewart going full blast   have Western District start shaking AA down   have X-ray vision   have a 1.12 earned run average   have a D and C   have a bad day   have a bad feeling.   have a bad moment   have a bad time   have a bad time of it   have a battle   have a belt   have a belt of the stuff   have a better sense than sb   have a big beano   have a big falling out with sb   have a big family   have a big pay-day   have a big surprise for sb   have a bit of a wiseass   have a bit of hearing problem   have a blackout   have a blistering tongue   have a break from the law   have a breakfast like this   have a brewski too many   have a bright complexion   have a brisk kind of way with one   have a bull session   have a case of the midwinter spiritual rot   have a case of the shakes   have a certain flight   have a certain freedom to come and go as one please   have a certain innocent charm   have a certain kind of good looks   have a chance to do   have a charming morning   have a child leave in the nest   have a clear field   have a clear image of the picture itself   have a clear picture in mind   have a clear view of sb doing   have a clue   have a combination refrigerator and stove   have a common denominator   have a computer   have a concussion   have a constant stream of visitors   have a contemptuous look   have a contest with sb   have a conversation on the alternatives sb now faced   have a conversation with sb   have a cow   have a crazy hipshot angle   have a cross word   have a crow to pick   have a crush on sb   have a debate with oneself   have a deep stitch   have a delicate problem   have a depressing impact on one that feels unexpectedly primal   have a deserted feeling   have a deskmate   have a desperately happy time   have a difficult life   have a difficult time with hysterical women   have a ding-dong   have a dinner party   have a disgraceful urge to do   have a doomed look   have a double set of doors   have a drink   have a drink at lunchtime   have a drinking problem   have a exclusive hold of sth   have a face that make sb glad   have a familiar air   have a farce of a line drill   have a favor to ask   have a feeling   have a feeling of eternal safety   have a feeling that   have a few discreet affairs   have a few drinks with the guys at work   have a few thing to look after for later   have a few things to say   have a few words with sb   have a field day   have a field day with sth   have a final thought one want to share   have a finger poised over sth   have a firm understanding   have a fit   have a fit over sb   have a fragile manner   have a free view   have a free weekend   have a fresh glow   have a fuckin pepileptic fit   have a fulfilling career   have a full grasp of the day that lay ahead   have a galvanizing effect   have a generous heart   have a gift   have a glimmering of an idea   have a glimpse into the abyss   have a go   have a go at sb   have a go at sth   have a god for just about everything   have a good cry   have a good day at school   have a good ear   have a good fortune to do   have a good laugh at the story   have a good laugh with sb   have a good look   have a good opening   have a good opinion of sb   have a good physique and a golf tan   have a good professional relationship   have a good reason to be elated   have a good solid meal   have a good talk with sb   have a good temperament   have a good time   have a good vocabulary   have a greasy look   have a great affection for sb   have a great deal of respect for sb   have a great deal talk about   have a great future   have a great job   have a great mind to do   have a great notion of oneself   have a great thing with sb   have a great time   have a greater effect on sb than one might have thought   have a guide   have a habit of disappearing   have a habit of doing   have a habit of pestering by ~ing   have a hard job to avoid doing   have a hard time convincing oneself   have a hard time doing   have a hard time stopping oneself from doing   have a hard time trying to do   have a hard time with that   have a hard-on   have a headache   have a healthy lead   have a heart   have a heart here   have a heart-to-heart with sb   have a heavy love   have a heightened respect   have a hell of a time   have a helluva time   have a helluva time doing   have a hidden meaning   have a high old time   have a high old time with sb   have a hissy fit   have a horror of destroying documents   have a horror story to tell   have a huge laugh   have a human look about them the way they stand up close to one another   have a hung jury   have a husband   have a job doing   have a kind of truth behind the eyes   have a large circle of acquaintances   have a large clientele   have a laundry list of all the mistakes sb has made   have a lien on it   have a light snack in lieu of the dinner one missed   have a little goddam tiff with sb   have a little session   have a live-in girlfriend   have a live-in male lover   have a lively conversation   have a locker   have a long conversation   have a long day   have a long history   have a long history of kidney trouble   have a long memory   have a look at these   have a look of frightening ruthlessness about sb   have a lot in common   have a lot less anxiety   have a lot of beachfront   have a lot of common sense   have a lot of connections   have a lot of empty units   have a lot of leisure time   have a lot of love for sb   have a lot of money banked away   have a lot of problems   have a lot of sense and a lot of nerve   have a lot of support   have a lot of time for flannel   have a lot of times together   have a lot of trouble with sth   have a lot of writing   have a lot to answer for   have a lot to learn   have a lousy personality   have a lovely afternoon   have a lucky escape   have a marvellous old natter   have a matter to attend to   have a meticulous plan to do   have a mighty good time together   have a mind of its own   have a miraculous recover   have a mix of emotion   have a moment of feeling eye contact   have a moment of felling eye contact   have a momentary certainty   have a momentary flash   have a morbidly clear mind   have a much better time than one thought possible   have a nagging thought   have a name to carve   have a need   have a nerve to do   have a nervous breakdown   have a new job and address   have a new partner   have a nice sloppy feel   have a nodding acqaintance   have a pang of nostalgic longing   have a panic   have a particular flavor   have a partner   have a passion for getting things right   have a passion for politics   have a peculiar affinity with sth   have a peculiar structure   have a perfect right to do   have a perpetual frown which at first makes one seem unfriendly   have a personal application   have a pipeline into any number of sb   have a plenty of practice in the execution of practical joke   have a poignant freshness   have a point   have a police record   have a positive view of sb   have a powerful hatred for sb   have a powerful sense of sth   have a practiced eye   have a preconceived idea   have a pretty good idea   have a pretty good memory   have a pretty good working relationship   have a pretty hard time denying   have a pretty healthy appetite oneself   have a pretty strong stomach for the working of Satan   have a pretty tight schedule   have a private room set aside   have a problem   have a problem with sb   have a problem with spicy dishes   have a problem with sth   have a problem with substance abuse   have a promising future in both departments   have a proper respect for sb   have a proximity to sb   have a puritanical core   have a purpose after all   have a quick eye for colour   have a quick snifter   have a quite a little chat   have a raging temperature   have a raging thirst   have a rather heated session   have a rather overdramatic way of putting things   have a ready facility with words   have a real come-to-Jesus discussion with sb   have a real crush on sb   have a real old go   have a real problem doing   have a real sense of accomplishment   have a really good reason to move sb   have a remarkable ability to see years ahead   have a reputation as a skillful doctor   have a reputation as a wimp   have a revelation   have a ride home   have a ring of coldness and indifference   have a ring on   have a room   have a rough time   have a row about sth   have a row with sb   have a satisfying talk with sb   have a second chance after all   have a second helping of food   have a secret attraction to the disease   have a seizure   have a sense of accomplishment   have a sense of doing   have a sense of growing remote from oneself   have a sense of having wasted words and breath   have a sense of humour   have a sense of purpose   have a series of conversations with sb   have a sharp and covetous eye for sb   have a short deadline   have a short visit with sb   have a similar experience   have a single personality   have a slight overhang   have a small Japanese-style room   have a small compact delivery   have a small reputation for sth   have a small run-in with sb   have a soft heart   have a sole end and aim   have a solid read on sb   have a soporific effect on sb   have a sort of hankering to do   have a sort of hyperthyroid extension   have a sort of painted stillness   have a spare money   have a special desire to do   have a special dinner and bottle of wine   have a special reason for doing   have a special stance   have a special voice   have a split down the middle   have a stare-down   have a stop-loss insurer   have a story   have a story to tell   have a strange moment   have a strict sense of propriety   have a string of money problems all at once   have a stroke   have a stroke of luck   have a strong body odor   have a strong emotional effect on sb   have a strong intuition   have a struggle to make ends meet through the dole days   have a sudden insight   have a sudden shock   have a sudden vision of sb doing   have a summer place   have a swaggering style of walking   have a swig of this   have a sympathetic conversation   have a tantrum   have a taste for intoxicating narcotics   have a tendency to break   have a tendency to do   have a tendency to throw sb out of work   have a terrible time   have a terribly mistaken shot   have a terrific time   have a terrifically nice smile   have a thing for women   have a thorough inspection of sb   have a three-person WP staff   have a thriving trade   have a ton of work to do   have a touch of sth   have a tough flexibility   have a tough time   have a tradition of playing in big games and winning   have a traitor in our midst   have a trouble from sb   have a troublesome time doing   have a vague idea   have a vague sense of recognition  

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