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have a valid reason to do   have a very bad moment   have a very good excuse   have a very narrow squeak   have a very short memory   have a very short time to live   have a vivid memory of sb   have a vivid memory of sb doing   have a wary eye for problems on the horizon   have a way of wandering into unlikely positions   have a way of ~ing   have a way with words   have a weakness for doing   have a wee business   have a whispered conversation   have a wide following among young people   have a word with sb   have a word with sb about sth   have a yard and a storage shed   have a yen for sb   have about   have about everyone intimidated   have about three orgasms   have absentee   have absolutely no idea   have absolutely no idea who one be   have absolutely no intention of doing   have absolutely nothing against sth   have access to sth   have acquired some idea of what the work actually is   have acquired the habit of doing   have actually exhibited self-control   have adjusted to sth   have affected unfavourably the lives of sb   have affection   have all conceivable power aligned with sb   have all day   have all sorts of progressive projects under way   have all the answers   have all the money one want   have all the time in the world   have all you can carry away   have almost died   have almost done it that way   have almost no belongings   have already been used up   have already begun to do   have already come to an understanding with sb   have already dressed   have already eaten breakfast   have already had leisure to study   have already learned to play the hypocrite   have already met   have already turned to go   have also had brief flings   have always been a favorite team   have always been a little inclined to hate everyone   have always been in request   have always bothered sb   have always done   have always enjoyed doing   have always felt completely at home   have always had exactly the same appreciation of good food   have always insisted on living on   have always possessed unusually good hearing   have always puzzled sb   have always rather taken to sb   have always struck me as a perfect symbol of the times   have always thought sb too civilized a nation   have always thought that   have always thrown out such a jazzy line   have always told sb   have always wanted to do   have ambitions   have an Amway distributorship   have an Idaho license   have an abortion   have an abrupt thought of sb   have an absolutely private conversation   have an ace in the hole   have an affair   have an air of gracious living   have an amnesty   have an answer   have an appointment to meet sb for lunch   have an argument   have an assignment   have an authentic encounter   have an autumn cold snap   have an aversion to sb   have an easy time with sb   have an easygoing disposition   have an eerie feeling   have an element of simulated fortuity   have an evil mind   have an experience   have an extra deck   have an idea   have an idea about the audit   have an idea what to do   have an imposing presence   have an incurable fund of optimism   have an influence upon European history   have an instant aversive response   have an instinct against doing   have an instinct for sth   have an instinct regarding sth   have an interesting enough life   have an intimate friendship with sb   have an intruder   have an odd ride   have an old headache   have an open mind   have an ounce of real compassion for sb   have an ugly disposition   have an unusually adult temper   have an unusually good instinct for doing   have an unusually pensive air   have an very clear idea   have another bout of deafness   have another drink   have another kid   have another meeting   have another shock   have any goddam choice except to do   have any guilty knowledge   have any guts at all and sicker desire for adventure   have any guts at all and sincere desire for adventure   have any hand in the mischief   have any part in doing   have any portion of what one understand to be a confidential conversation relayed to others   have any problem with the screening procedures   have any sense   have arrived at the frontiers of common sense   have arrived at the point of being able to do   have at stake sth   have attached oneself to sb as a sort of lackey   have avenged oneself by spreading that false story about sb   have baby   have bad effects on sb   have bad feelings   have bad health   have bad thoughts about sb   have beat the odds   have become a burden all around   have become a major liability   have become a powerful force   have become a talking point over the whole length and breadth of the land   have become embarrassed and flustered   have become extremely shy of strangers   have become something of a nuisance in the neighborhood   have been Buster to just about everyone   have been Polly to everyone   have been a good girl   have been a nuisance over the years   have been a secret relief to sb   have been a simple enough matter to do   have been acquiescent   have been acting differently of late   have been acting so strange   have been all fired up to do   have been always about to do sth   have been around   have been around sb   have been assiduously acquired and jealously guarded   have been assured a private visit   have been at pains to make that point   have been at the seaside   have been at the station since midnight   have been away from home   have been away from home for two months   have been bedridden off and on   have been before the general gaze from the foundation of the world   have been born out of wedlock   have been born to be with sb   have been brought up in that era   have been brought up in the lap of luxury   have been calling   have been calling all day   have been carefully gutted   have been cheating death of its due   have been crushed by the harshness of daily life   have been damn near traumatized   have been deserted for years   have been dispatched in front to do his best alone   have been doing   have been doing all day   have been done by the decorator   have been done still more quietly and safely   have been doubtful as to sb   have been drinking heavily   have been dying to point it out all along   have been eating little   have been excited all week   have been exhausted   have been far too quiet down there   have been filed into a massive memory bank   have been following this routine for a whole month   have been friends for over XX years   have been giving them a lot of trouble   have been gone   have been good to sb   have been gradually emptying each day   have been guilty of it oneself many times   have been having the same old argument   have been hearing so much about   have been hoping to do   have been hurt badly   have been hurt before   have been in a miserable mood the entire day   have been in a state of shock   have been in all evening   have been in and out of the hospital a lot   have been in business for many years   have been in the family for three generations now   have been in the habit of passing and repassing between France and England   have been influenced by those I know   have been intelligently anticipated   have been involved   have been less affectionate toward sb   have been less observant   have been listening to sb   have been looked after   have been looking forward to it   have been looking it over   have been maintained from ancient times   have been mentioned   have been mighty busy doing   have been missing for years   have been my partner for a long time   have been nagging at sb   have been nagging at sb the whole morning   have been out of town   have been out of work often enough   have been out to put the screw on sb   have been patient for a long time   have been planned long ago   have been planned with meticulous care   have been prodded by sb to do   have been putting off   have been recuperating   have been remiss in doing   have been saving every penny one could for months   have been scratching sb   have been searching for sb without success   have been seen into the ground   have been seriously wronged by sb   have been severely shaken   have been sick   have been so distracted with sb   have been some more trouble lately   have been speaking for some time   have been stroking sth   have been talking together so long   have been terrified   have been that long ago   have been the end   have been there   have been thinking of doing   have been through a long day   have been through several family deaths before   have been through too much   have been to the movies   have been totally preoccupied with this matter   have been trying to decide whether or not to do   have been under a great deal of strain   have been very well brought up   have been waiting around for a story that finally came   have been watching sb for some time   have been well and truly recruited   have been working for sb   have been worn by the elements   have begun to take comfort too soon   have big boobs   have blood in my eye   have blown past airy humor   have brains enough to do   have broad shoulders   have brought maritime stocks crashing   have brought on a certain intoxication   have brownish green wrinkles   have calculated correctly   have carried out the correct procedure   have ceased to do   have ceased to receive the sort of warm attention   have certain virtues   have certainly made a most important discovery   have certainly risen in the world   have changed sides again   have charge of the case   have chubby cheeks   have clarity of thought   have class   have close affinity with   have come back yet a third time   have come from a broken home   have come through it all with no bones broken   have come through the worst   have come to bring sb home   have come to do   have committed oneself to do   have committed oneself to the book   have committed similar follies often before   have common ground with sb   have company   have complete confidence   have compromised oneself seriously   have conducted research   have considerable difficulty getting to do   have considerable effect   have considered sth in a distant sort of way   have constant headaches   have contacts   have control   have control of sth   have control over sb   have cost sb a good deal one way and another   have crossed eyes   have crossed over   have cruelly wronged   have crush on sb   have dated here and there   have decided otherwise   have deep-set eyes   have designated hitters   have developed the habit of   have developed the habit of blocking out thoughts of sb   have died naturally enough of old age   have different thoughts in mind   have different women one stay with   have difficulty   have difficulty being friendly and smiley-smiley to sb   have difficulty expressing oneself   have difficulty in eking out a living   have difficulty in getting sth away from sb   have difficulty sleeping   have dinner with sb   have direct line to sb   have disappeared   have discouraged one from risking the adventure again   have distinct ethnic looks   have distinction   have done   have done a great deal for sb   have done a lot   have done a nice job   have done enough for today   have done every kind of part-time job   have done for good   have done ill to speak of sb   have done more times than one care to remember   have done murder and got away with it   have done nothing more than to do   have done so far   have done sth before   have done this so many times before   have done well to do   have done what is expected of one   have done with sb   have dozed off to sleep   have drawn nothing but rave reviews from sb   have dropped behind sb   have drunk more than one have meant to   have each suffered in different ways   have earned better than cold pie   have easily enough time to do   have easy-going manners   have education   have enforced a natural selectivity   have engaged sb before the station stop   have enough abuse   have enough energy to do   have enough of sb to last one   have enough of sth   have enough problems   have enough to do   have enough to do now   have enough to live on   have entries to the social field   have episodes   have even less liking for society   have even time enough to do   have ever been subjected to the least sth   have ever done it   have every reason to e hopeful   have everything ready   have everything that one can decently inherit   have exceptional range   have expected to be reelected but have failed   have expected to do   have eyes that assort very well with that decoration   have faced the same problem with her as with sb   have fallen against the door-post   have fallen deeply in love with sb   have fallen off the face of the earth   have fat buttocks that wag as sb walk   have feelings for sb   have felt every day and every minute   have felt this sort of wakefulness in oneself before   have few career prospects   have finally been able to struggle to this point   have finally closed the door   have finally melted away in the bright sun   have financial difficulties   have finished with that life   have fished without getting a nibble   have fitted itself perfectly   have flaws   have floating around   have forgotten all such memories long ago   have forgotten the entire incident   have found oneself doing   have found something to do   have four sandlot baseball diamonds   have four square meals a day   have fun with sb   have get to brace oneself   have given rides to lots of people   have given sb a good beating   have given years of loyal service   have glittering gray eyes   have gone a couple of rounds   have gone and said more than sb meant to   have gone back to sleep   have gone far enough   have gone flying across America   have gone on   have gone out to see a show   have gone pretty far in the emotional pathway   have gone through school with sb   have gone to war   have gone too far   have gone two weeks at least   have gone up in smoke overnight   have gone with sb   have good cover   have good days and bad ones   have good hands   have good imagination   have good location   have good looks   have good memories   have good presence of mind   have good reason for doing   have good reason to do   have good reasons   have goodly quantity of information   have got a big day ahead of sb   have got a chance!   have got a crush on   have got a extraordinary fancies   have got a job for sb   have got a look   have got a lot of friends   have got a lot of options   have got a lot of work to do   have got a nerve   have got a pretty good idea   have got a pretty taste in love songs   have got a right to   have got a spice of temper   have got a terrible memory   have got a thriving practice among well-to-do people   have got a way with the dog   have got a white shirt on and a nice tie   have got all the money sb need   have got an awfully soft spot for sb   have got by heart   have got curly red hair   have got deals with sb   have got enough problems   have got enough to do without having to watch sb   have got great control   have got into trouble   have got it all taped splendidly   have got it all wrong   have got made   have got no religion   have got over sth   have got real class   have got some kind of stranglehold upon sb   have got some sense   have got someplace with sb   have got something you ought to know   have got sth   have got swept up and destroyed   have got taste   have got the spirit   have got to be an artist   have got to cut down pretty soon   have got to die   have got to do   have got to do pretty soon   have got to face it   have got to guess   have got to hear   have got to keep sth quiet   have got to laugh now   have gotten careful with what one say to sb   have gotten cracked   have gotten into a bad fight with sb   have gotten the general drift   have gotten to sb   have grave reservations   have great admiration for sb   have great difficulty doing   have griping pains in the stomach   have grown a little garrulous with advancing years   have grown old overnight   have grown old with worry   have grown out of it by this time   have grown to an unbarbered length   have grown up a bright and lively girl   have grown up doing   have grown up in the same town   have grown up rough   have grown up with sb   have guard dogs behind the counters   have guests to celebrate   have had a chance to eat   have had a hard time trying to get rid of sb   have had a lot of practice   have had a lucky dream   have had a rough night   have had dead bodies before   have had enough   have had one or two little turns with sb   have had plenty of practice   have had rather a bad reputation   have had rather more experience with civil matters   have had some narrow shaves   have had such problems   have had this experience before   have had to wait until now before sth was full enough to do   have had too much   have half expected not to do   have hardly any behind   have hardly any wind   have hardly gotten into the air when   have hardly stopped talking   have headaches   have heard a good deal of poetry that day   have heard a lot about   have heard about   have heard about sth   have heard from someone   have hoped in vain to share in the reward   have in close attendance a conscript to chivy one along   have in effect changed nothing   have in hand   have in mind   have incredibly thick eyelashes   have indeed been recalled to life some eighteen years ago   have inner peace   have interests but very little sharing of them   have intestinal flu   have iron bars across their windows   have it all together   have it arranged so one do   have it bad   have it coming   have it in one to be a very fine actor   have it out in the open   have it out of sb   have it over   have it pretty soft   have it right   have it tough   have it very bad   have it your way   have its origins in sth   have its role   have its subcommand   have jurisdiction over sth   have just a few minutes before doing   have just come off a very rough case   have just come out of a bad marriage   have just come to work   have just ended   have just got to relax   have just sort of finished that   have just sort of started   have just started to drink   have just started work   have just the right amount of work   have just the right touch of human interest   have kept for all these years   have kept in touch   have kept sb in the dark about sth   have kept up a correspondence with sb   have kind of been ~ing   have knowledge of sth   have known sb a pretty long time   have known sb for decades now   have known sb for only a brief span of hours   have known sb for some time   have known sb for years   have larger face   have learned to do   have left behind the livid flames   have left one fully rested and alert   have left the key in the lock   have limited oneself   have listened to the tittle-tattle   have little choice   have little choice but to do sth   have little contact with the outside world   have little difficulty doing   have little doubt that one should do   have little hope   have little hope of doing   have little opportunity to talk   have little or no discernible effect   have little taste and a great deal of greed   have little time   have little time to spend with sb alone   have little time to worry about ..   have little to do all day   have little to do in the house   have little to do with sth   have lived eight years with a sense of imminent crisis   have long ago agreed on this   have long been aware of sth   have long been weary from all the migrations   have long given up doing   have long since been exhausted of all interest   have long since decided what to do   have long since done   have long since evaporated   have long troubled sb   have long wanted to do   have long-term friendships with sb   have longer to live than sb   have looked at sb over-much   have looked forward to a full rendering of their meanings   have looked miserable and been grimly silent   have lost an enormous amount of weight   have lost so sb could quit evens   have lost the opportunity to do   have lost the track in a crowd   have lots more time to live   have lots of gods   have lots of second-best affections to bestow   have lots of time to cover   have lots of use   have made a mistake   have made a real man of you   have made an enemy of every man in the department   have made just over three hundred dollars   have made the right decision   have many a dodge   have many lively discussions   have many visitor   have married to the garage man   have massive education problems   have matted and worn away   have meant what one have said   have met already   have missed in the country   have mixed feeling   have mixed feelings about it   have money   have money in the bank   have money to burn   have more charm   have more drinks   have more experience in dealing with sb   have more feel for sth   have more important things to deal with than sb   have more spin on it than sth   have more sth   have more than a minimal nervous system   have more time to do   have more to draw than sb   have moves   have much knowledge in the ways of sth   have much to live for   have mysteriously vanished   have nearly forgotten to ask   have nearly surrendered   have neglected a crucial concern   have neglected sb recently   have neither beauty nor wit   have neither sense nor memory   have never been a hero   have never been a very good sleeper   have never been able to cook for sb   have never been able to learn the whole story of the matter   have never been around sb   have never been better   have never been convinced of the verity of sth   have never been much of a ventriloquist   have never been one for explaining   have never been one to stay idle   have never been politically aligned   have never been poor   have never been replaced   have never been very high   have never before laid hands on one of these newfangled contraptions   have never bothered to wind up   have never bothered with that stuff   have never cared much for sociology   have never ceased doing   have never ceased ~ing   have never checked to see   have never come across such things   have never come to anything   have never dared more than to do   have never done before   have never done much   have never dreamed of such a fortunate meeting   have never dreamed that sb can be practical   have never even considered   have never even handled an air rifle   have never even heard of before   have never exchanged a single word with sb   have never experienced before   have never felt lonesome   have never forgiven sb   have never forgotten sth   have never given the slightest hint for ten years   have never gotten around to it   have never gotten the word   have never had a real home since one can remember   have never had a steady job   have never happened before   have never hear of sb   have never heard of sb   have never held a decent job for long   have never held sth against sb   have never hold a job   have never known how quickly sb could move until tonight   have never made it   have never made public   have never made sb any promise for the future   have never met before   have never met sb before   have never occurred to sb   have never occurred to sb to do   have never once done   have never once felt such extreme possessiveness   have never placed a bet anywhere else   have never quite been able to compete with sb   have never really thought capture would happen to him   have never recognized sth   have never seen   have never seen anything like it   have never seen anything quite like it   have never seen sb so cheerful   have never seen sb talk with such animation and at such length   have never seen the slightest hint of imagination in sb   have never suggested marriage   have never taken one up on it   have never tired of doing   have never tried the game   have next to no toys to play with   have nine separate encounters   have no Indian currency left   have no acting background   have no alternative but to do   have no apology   have no apparent effect on sb   have no authority to do   have no better answer ready on the spur of the moment   have no bottom to speak of   have no business doing   have no business forcing sb to do   have no cause to doubt   have no chance at all of passing   have no choice   have no choice but to do   have no choice except to do   have no choice in the matter   have no clear recollection of having seen before   have no command among the men   have no comment   have no confidence in the way one talk   have no control of   have no desire to do   have no difficulty doing   have no difficulty in ~ing   have no discernible impact   have no dishonorable intentions   have no doubt   have no ego   have no energy   have no faith in intuition   have no friends   have no funding   have no further   have no further attachment to sth   have no further trouble with sb   have no further wish to struggle   have no great significance   have no heart   have no high rituals   have no history of a bankruptcy during the previous ten years   have no holdings to speak of   have no hope of doing   have no idea   have no idea anything is wrong   have no idea at all what is going on   have no idea how it affected sb   have no idea how much more impatient one is with oneself   have no idea how to cope with sb   have no idea how to do   have no idea how to proceed   have no idea how to react   have no idea it is so difficult   have no idea of what one is up to   have no idea of what sb agreeing to   have no idea oneself   have no idea what is wrong   have no idea what one is saying   have no idea what sb is driving at   have no idea what sb is up to   have no idea what to do   have no idea where sb have disappeared   have no idea where sb is now   have no idea why   have no inclination to do   have no influence with sth   have no intention of doing   have no intention of feeling an obligation to do   have no intention of waiting to be told so   have no interest at all   have no interest in doing   have no joy for sb   have no material worries   have no means of surviving   have no mercy   have no misgivings about feeding sb   have no money   have no more to say   have no motor functions   have no need to communicate   have no need to worry   have no notion of sth   have no one in this world but sb to depend upon   have no option   have no option but to do   have no other brothers or sisters   have no particular destination in mind   have no particular employment   have no particular intention of ~ing   have no particular interest in sth   have no particular meaning in these sulky corroboration   have no place in such conversation   have no place in this action   have no place to answer   have no power over sb   have no power to do   have no practical value   have no preference regarding A or B   have no problem doing   have no problem with sth   have no proof it was sb   have no qualm about doing   have no read on sb   have no real affection for sb   have no real education to boast of   have no real meaning   have no real preparations to make   have no reason to do   have no reason to hide anything from sb   have no recollection of doing   have no record in organized baseball   have no redress with sb   have no regrets   have no respect for sb   have no right to do   have no scientific explanation   have no scruples about imposing on other people   have no second bounce   have no sense of propriety   have no sinister designs   have no skill in the English tongue   have no special allegiance to sth   have no sth left   have no stomach for sth   have no talent with plants whatsoever   have no temperature to speak of   have no ties of any kind with the other people   have no time to spare   have no time to waste being diffident   have no trouble believing it   have no trouble doing   have no trouble talking   have no trouble with sb   have no ulterior motives   have no understanding of the true nature of love   have no useful purpose   have no way of doing   have no way of knowing   have no way of knowing if such an interpretation would hold   have no whiskey   have no wife   have no work to hold   have not a chance   have not a clue   have not a little trouble   have not a moment to lose   have not a thing to be concerned about   have not aged at all   have not any idea of how to bet   have not appeared   have not arrived   have not be at work   have not been able to get around to doing it once   have not been born yesterday   have not been in touch   have not been involved in any way at all   have not been quite sure what to expect   have not been seen   have not begin to do   have not changed very much   have not done for nothing   have not done the plants much good   have not entirely gone   have not expected to find oneself doing   have not faced reality   have not fancied anything Japanese   have not felt satisfied   have not got any balls   have not got around to a formal examination   have not got time to do   have not got very much farther   have not got very much out of sb   have not had a good time   have not had much sleep for the last few days   have not had some humiliating nose problem   have not heard from sb   have not heard from sb yet   have not heard that name in XX years   have not known if sb is alive or dead   have not made a whit of progress   have not markedly advanced   have not meant to do   have not miss much   have not missed a word   have not much longer to live   have not noticed before   have not noticed many   have not one fucking iota of understanding regarding sth   have not one trace of affection for sb   have not put it better   have not really persuaded sb   have not received any direct word of sb   have not slept well at all   have not spoken   have not spoken before   have not started a moment too soon   have not the faintest idea   have not the foggiest   have not the least intention of doing   have not the scale to travel   have not the slightest idea   have not the slightest intention of doing   have not the will power to do   have not thought twice   have not time to do   have not trusted sb   have not turned up yet   have not yet come   have not yet had the pleasure of sufficient conversation   have nothing   have nothing against sb   have nothing better to do   have nothing more to do with sb   have nothing more to do with you   have nothing on   have nothing on sb   have nothing on sth   have nothing really to do   have nothing to complain about   have nothing to do   have nothing to do with sth   have nothing to do with the truth   have nothing to eat or drink since breakfast   have nothing to feel bitter about   have nothing to gain and everything to lose   have nothing to lose   have nothing to say   have nothing to say against sb   have nothing to show for it   have now brought up the rear   have now gone on for XX months   have now had its full effect   have nowhere to go   have obviously be freshly laundered   have official permission to use   have old scores brought up against one   have on a suit of the villainously fitting clothes   have on a sweater buttoned all the way up   have once been married to each other   have once made an oblique reference to sth   have one child leave in the nest   have one hell of a time to do   have one helluva time doing   have one hundred copies printed  

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