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have one little errand to do for sb   have one more shove to win   have one of those near-death calls   have one positive virtue   have one some Scotch   have oneself a crew   have oneself a dilly of a headache   have oneself communicated with sb   have oneself got so infernally steamed up   have only XX weeks in which to do   have only a limited appeal for sb   have only a little way to walk home   have only oneself to blame   have only oneself to thank   have only to do   have orders from sb to do   have other lovers   have owned sth for about a year   have paid a call upon sb   have part of a cup of coffee   have patronized for so long just like sb before one   have picked up a number of mannerisms   have pitch   have plenty left to live on   have plenty of room on both sides   have plenty of time   have plenty to be angry about   have political ambitions   have pow-wows   have power over us   have powerful friends   have practically given up on sth   have private discussion   have private security guardpost   have prominent cheekbones   have protection   have proved oneself faithful and trustworthy   have pushed a little too soon   have put in a word with sb   have quieted down   have quietened down considerably   have quite a long argument with sb   have quite enough to do   have ragged and always on edge   have rather an odd way of going about things   have rather forgotten my Wagnerian days   have reached the limits of hope   have reached the point of desperation   have read more than sb would fancy   have real charm   have really got it in for sb   have really no idea   have reason to be proud of sb   have reason to do   have reasoned oneself out of the whole thing   have recognized sth soon enough   have recorded   have relaxed the cords of discipline   have relevance to sth   have remarkably deft hands and a keen patience   have remissions   have repeated to oneself   have respect for each other   have room to spare   have round to make   have said the wrong thing   have saved up so much to talk about   have saving grace of antiquity   have sb   have sb all get up   have sb around   have sb arrested   have sb by the arm   have sb checked out   have sb do   have sb down and let sb up   have sb ganging up on me   have sb here all the time   have sb in marriage   have sb in play   have sb in your pocket   have sb on the bench   have sb over   have sb pinned down   have sb place ad   have sb pretty well buffaloed   have sb put one through   have sb reeling right from the start   have sb sewn up   have sb solidly plunked in the ribs with a pitch   have scraped by a whole year   have second thought   have second thoughts   have seemed taken aback   have seemed to lead a charmed life   have seen   have seen babies in stores and so on   have seen each other   have seen no reason to do   have seen plenty of such stuff over the years   have seen sb perform this routine before   have seen sb three or four more times   have seen the last of me   have seen to sth   have seen too many   have seen why   have sense enough to rise to the occasion   have separately and jointly arrived at disturbing possibilities   have serious questions   have served as a kind of fertilizer   have served in the military   have served in this church for XX years now   have set out upon the forbidden path   have settled for a graphic demonstration   have several jobs that have to be finished   have several tubes running in and out of one   have sex without consequences   have shaved head   have skill with women   have skipped many of these meetings   have slept badly   have slipped into doing   have small-town roots   have so far not had any opportunity to do   have so far received no bad news   have so few acquaintances among sb   have so little time   have so little to go on   have so many million award miles   have so successfully posed as a Man of God   have social conscience of sb   have some coffee in front of one   have some damn good reason   have some extraordinary things to say   have some final feint in store   have some glum thoughts about sb   have some good times   have some hard times   have some healthy produce   have some idea   have some important news to tell sb   have some light   have some lip to give   have some money in the show   have some of the qualities of a young Stephen Crane   have some quality of magnetism   have some recollection of sth   have some saving graces   have some second thoughts   have some soft spots   have some supper   have some tall teaching to do   have some very careful talks   have some very good luck   have some very narrow escapes   have some wine   have some work that one like for a change   have somebody good to dance with   have someone particular in mind   have someone wake me up in three hours   have something   have something else in mind   have something for sb   have something going   have something good inside one that sb lacks   have something in common   have something in mind   have something just a little mysterious about sb   have something like a terrible nightmare   have something on sb   have something that is bothering one   have something to amuse sb   have something to blab to sb   have something to do with sth   have something to prove   have something to show   have something to tell sb   have something unpleasantly grown-up about one   have something written across the back   have something wrong with one   have sometimes yielded to uncontrolled weeping   have sort of a feeling then that something is coming   have sort of been down this pass before   have spent an awfully long time   have spent so many years developing   have spit all over the pillow   have spoken carelessly   have sprung fully grown and totally lost   have started going strong with another girl   have stayed with it for profitable reasons of fun and adventure   have sth   have sth around the house   have sth clearly bounded   have sth confirmed   have sth in place   have sth in the house   have sth looking fresh every morning   have sth memorized   have sth much worse   have sth out   have sth planned   have sth tied up   have sth to defend oneself   have sth to excuse   have sth to oneself   have sth together   have sth with one   have sth wrong   have still much to learn   have strange fancies   have strong opinions about sth   have succeeded   have such a high time of it   have such a mundane side to one   have such a vacant look   have such promise   have such strength of mind   have suffered a lot   have suffered through many hangovers   have sufficient actual knowledge   have sunk pretty low   have swerving eyes   have sworn ice-cream off during Lent   have swung between these two opposite poles   have taken all the heart out of sb   have taken care of oneself a long time   have taken only a few blistering occasions to teach sb   have taken the greatest advantage of the least amount of time   have taken this up to pass the time   have taken to doing   have tea and cake   have terrible hard work doing   have terrific taste in some things   have that effortless feeling of a natural high   have that experience frequently   have that suppression always shut up within one   have the ability to put people at ease   have the abortion   have the advantage over poor handicapped sb   have the afternoon and part of the evening   have the appearance of skeletal giants with bushy heads of hair   have the bad judgement to do   have the ball rolling at last   have the balls to face what one should have   have the better part of the day ahead of one   have the bitter experience of doing   have the buzz from Scotch   have the charge of the funeral   have the coat made   have the correct answer   have the cut and jib of a lane boy   have the effect of setting people on edge   have the entire management of everything   have the entire run of the upstairs   have the estate to manage   have the experience   have the face of the most beautiful of women   have the facility   have the farm   have the feeling one have missed something   have the finest eye   have the full run of computer   have the gall to do   have the generous habit of giving sth away to sb   have the good Fortune to do   have the good sense to stay out of the way   have the grace to do   have the greatest admiration for sb   have the highest figures both for number of cards and frequency of use   have the highest regard for sb   have the hots   have the hots for sb   have the idea   have the immediate effect of causing sb to freeze   have the immediate reaction of guilt and responsibility   have the jump on sb   have the key in ignition   have the last word   have the least adj. flavor   have the least regard   have the license to do   have the little six-nozzled aperture   have the look of one used to authority   have the lowdown on this scene   have the makings of a detective in one   have the makings of an excellent technical surgeon   have the measure of what has been going on   have the mind of the most resolute of men   have the most controlled and phlegmatic attitude   have the most enjoyable paces   have the most spectacular views of the mountains   have the most terrific trouble doing   have the nature of sth   have the nerve to take a chance and hire sb   have the order all screwed up   have the patience to do   have the picture   have the power of human speech   have the power to do   have the privilege of meeting   have the problem taken care of   have the reputation of being a good son   have the right connections   have the right family background   have the right school   have the right to die without fear and worry   have the right to do   have the ring of truth   have the same expression   have the self-centered thoughts   have the sense not to press sb   have the sickly green glow   have the slightest fuckin idea   have the slightest intention of ~ing   have the small-time peculiar   have the sole responsibility for sth   have the sort of charm meant to reflect breeding   have the start of sb   have the strength of mind to hide it   have the talent to make such an ambition work   have the temerity to say   have the testy manners of a country solicitor   have the thing out   have the tone of voice of a self-declared expert   have the troubles with sb   have the truth out of sb   have the upper hand   have the usual drilling sense of isolation   have the vapours   have the venerable look of somebody who has mixed it up with life   have the water boiled first   have the whip-hand   have the whip-hand over sb   have the whole air of sth   have the whole ballpark   have the whole evening free   have the wit to do   have the woeful feeling   have the word bookman stamped all over sb   have the worse word for sb   have the wrists of a golfer   have the wrong address   have their roots deep in sth   have there the solution   have thereby set an example for American womanhood   have these Holy Joe voices   have these odd fits of depression   have things under control   have this groping sensation   have this grotesque mental image   have this incredible knack with sth   have this kind of money   have this little scene   have this strict thing   have those bandy legs   have thought for a while   have thought of refusing   have thought that was obvious   have thought this through   have three or four fat chins   have thrown on the first thing that tumbled out   have thrown on the first thing that tumbled out of the dryer   have thrown the ball eighty-two times   have thus far done   have time for one startled gasp   have time only for sth   have time strictures   have time to register the fact   have to   have to accept sth as a part of normal life   have to accept sth as a part of oneself   have to admit   have to agree with sb   have to agree with what sb say   have to ask   have to ask it   have to attend personally to some business   have to be   have to be abandoned   have to be careful   have to be careful about that   have to be careful with sb   have to be done in total secrecy   have to be especially careful what one say   have to be fired   have to be going on   have to be held back from fighting sb   have to be nice to sb   have to be removed to the rear areas   have to be resolved   have to be revived with a bucket of cold water   have to be right on target   have to be talked about sometime soon   have to be treated with respect   have to be very brave now   have to be very patient   have to bear a hand   have to bicker over nothing   have to consider most seriously   have to count on sliding by   have to deal with sb all the time   have to decide rapidly whether to do or not   have to do   have to do a lot of guesswork   have to do although one know one will hate to do it   have to do before sb get a chance to do   have to do for some reason   have to do with paradox   have to draw the line somewhere   have to dream   have to eat and keep going   have to eat the fuel expense   have to end   have to fight to do   have to find out where one want to go   have to get back to work   have to get married one day   have to give in   have to go   have to go down oneself and do   have to go without sb   have to grow up tough   have to hand it to sb   have to join the army   have to keep a constant watch on sb   have to keep a hold on oneself   have to keep oneself from doing   have to keep sb on a tight rein   have to know   have to know what happened to sb   have to laugh   have to learn not to dress too flashy   have to leave the sentence unfinished   have to live   have to live by the rules   have to live that way   have to live up sth and be very dignified   have to live with danger   have to modify sth   have to pay an extra thirty thousand yen   have to pay out   have to put this thing to rest   have to say preempted everything else   have to say something   have to see   have to see several people   have to smile thinking that   have to squeeze between the shoulders of two people to grab hold of the bar   have to stay up all night   have to stoop to do   have to take a decision   have to take on one the cares of woman at once   have to talk to sb   have to tell oneself   have to think this one through   have to try to do   have to wait a long time   have to wait for days   have to watch sb every minute   have to watch what one be doing   have to win   have to work at a smile   have tons of writing to do oneself   have too many feet and hands   have too much booze to do   have too much character   have torn oneself free from sth   have tradition of doing   have tried every way   have tried to begin many times before but unsuccessfully   have tried to cultivate that   have tried unsuccessfully to bum a loan from sb   have trouble being oneself with sb   have trouble believing sb   have trouble breathing   have trouble doing   have trouble fitting in with sb   have trouble in sth   have trouble keeping up with payment   have trouble with sb   have trouble with sth   have tubes running in and out of one   have two appointments   have two children   have two or three shots smack in sth   have unaccountably neglected to return to sb   have uncanny timing   have undergone constant change throughout the long ages up to the present   have undergone sharp discipline which taught one wisdom   have undesignated irons in the fire   have unusual secrets   have vanished all in a moment   have vanished completely   have vanished now   have very few expenses   have very grave objections to sth   have very little savoir faire   have very long claws and a great many teeth   have very long memories   have views on sth   have vision   have visited upon one the full wrath of sb   have vivid memories of sb   have voices for everybody   have waited too often and futilely in the past for porcupines to unroll   have wide contacts   have willed the sickness on oneself   have wine and a real blow-out   have wipe sb out   have wisdom   have wisdom and farsightedness   have wonderful power of expression   have words   have work to do among people one like less   have worked longest   have worked particularly meritoriously during the year   have worked too hard and long   have wrapped themselves together for the purposes of plesure   have yards of heart   have yet to become fully developed   have you just flipped or something?   haven   having a drink   having come this far   having gone through that kind of experience   having no desire to be entertained by a cat-and-dog combat   having trouble getting to sleep?   havoc   haw   hawk   hawker   hay   hayfield   hayfork   haymaking   haywagon   haywire   hazard   hazard guesses   hazardous   haze   haze over   hazily   hazy   he   he asked for it   he feared it would be another humiliating defeat   he has thins to learn   he is beautiful   he is giving her a whirl   he is married to sb   he is not a man for this age   he keeps on sipping away   he knew he was gone   he looks like a tough bastard   he may come close   he never had done in his life   he only knows about research   he really amused me   he was practically your own son   he was struck again   he was the most angelic person   he wears his high hopes for mankind right there on his sleeve   he will play ball   he-who-hesitates-is-lost   head   head back   head be far back on the rest   head down   head down the hallway   head downwards   head for home   head for the car   head for the shade   head for the street   head for the tavern to get a pitcher of beer   head honcho   head is on one hand   head jerking   head north   head of the accounting department   head out   head out to do   head over heels   head over the cliff   head porter   head south across sth   head things off   head toss   head turn from side to side   head up to some kind of admission   head-butting   head-on   head-to-head   headache   headachy   headband   headboard   headbone   headdress   header   headfirst   headgear   headhunt   headhunting   heading   headland   headlight   headline   headline blares   headlock   headlong   headman   headmaster   headquarter   headquarters   headrest   heads-up   headset   headstrong   headway   heady   heal   healer   healing   health   health care   health-club   health-food   healthcare   healthfully   healthwise   healthy   heap   heap blamed on sb   heap each other unstintingly with insults   heaps of time   hear   hear a Hoover whining   hear a gentle sound of movement   hear a scream   hear a sound behind sb   hear a trace of static on the line   hear about sb by word-of-mouth   hear about sth   hear about these sth and sth and such   hear an odd sound of running water   hear around town   hear astonishing news from sb   hear conflicting sirens   hear footsteps overhead   hear from sb   hear me out   hear me?   hear no more of sb   hear nothing   hear nothing at all from sb   hear nothing from sb that one have not heard before   hear oneself   hear oneself ask   hear oneself say   hear oneself saying   hear pandemonium breaking out   hear sb   hear sb before one see sb   hear sb excited   hear sb first   hear sb fumbling at the latch   hear sb growling to himself until sb is out of earshot   hear sb on the other side   hear sb only steps behind one   hear sb out   hear sb say it   hear sb scratching and scrambling about in the cimney   hear sb talk like this   hear sb walking away   hear sb yell from above one   hear so much about sb   hear some really extraordinary stories about sth   hear something   hear something straight from sb   hear that the cherry trees are beginning to flower   hear the chorus of angels singing   hear the engine strain a little   hear the few things   hear the reverberations of the steam engine   hear the rip of the ball going through   hear the rumor   hear the screech of tires   hear the sift and suck of water   hear the sound of gentle clapping   hear the tinkle of falling pieces   hear the voice of sb   hear things   hear those remarks   hear what has happened   hear what sb has done   hear whistles and cute remarks   heard   heard His Majesty say quite distinctly   heard a lot about you   hearer   hearing   hearing aid   hearken   hearsay   heart   heart attack   heart attack strikes   heart of the mountains   heart-breaking   heart-felt   heart-rending   heart-searching   heart-stopping   heart-to-heart   heartache   heartbeat   heartbreak   heartbreaking   heartbreakingly   heartbroken   heartbrokenly   heartburn   hearten   heartening   heartfelt   heartful   hearth   hearthman   hearthside   heartily   heartiness   heartland   heartless   heartlessness   heartrending   hearts of sb beat loud enough perhaps to be heard   heartsickening   heartsore   heartstopping   heartthrob   hearty   hearty eater   heat   heat of shame rushes up on sb   heat ripples   heat up   heat-induced   heat-oppressed   heat-thick   heat-up   heated   heatedly   heatedly discuss sth   heater   heath   heathen   heathenish   heating   heatsick   heatwave   heave   heave a deep sigh   heave a groaning sigh   heave sb the length of the house   heave to   heave up   heaven   heaven help me   heaven help us   heaven is my witness   heaven preserve us   heaven-sent   heavenliness   heavenly   heavens   heavenward   heaver   heaviest   heavily   heavily bandaged right hand   heavily laden   heavily overcast sky   heavily taxed   heaviness   heaving   heaving to and fro   heavy   heavy armament   heavy boots   heavy boots badly worn   heavy drinkers   heavy gold-bound federal reporters   heavy rain   heavy sea   heavy seas   heavy showers   heavy snow   heavy snows   heavy thudding of army shoes   heavy weather   heavy-bottomed   heavy-breathing   heavy-browed   heavy-cuff-link   heavy-duty   heavy-eyed   heavy-hearted   heavy-lidded   heavy-nippled   heavy-set   heavyish   heavyset   heavyweight   hebephrenias   heck   heckle   hectic   hectic business   hectically   hector   hector sb on one thing or another   hectoringly   hedge   hedge its bets   hedgehog   hedger   hedgerow   hedges filled with flowers   hedging seems sophisticated   heed   heedful   heedfully   heedless   heedless of the consequences   heedlessly   heedlessness   heel   heel so heavily   heft   hefty   hegemony   heh   heh heh heh   heh heh heh heh   height   heighten   heights   heinous   heir   heiress   heirloom   heirship   heist   held   helicopter   heliport   helium   helium-filled   hell   hell if I know   hell no   hell of a nice fellow   hell-bent   hell-raiser   hell-raising   hellacious   hellbent   hellbent for leather   hellfire   hellhound   hellion-hearted   hellish   hellishly   hello   hello again   hello there   helluva   helluva beating   helm   helmet   helmet-clad   helo   help   help foment a civil war   help it along   help make the milk flow   help make the past palpable for sb   help matters   help me out   help out   help out on a book   help pay the bills   help prop sb up   help sb   help sb do   help sb every inch of the distance   help sb forget heat   help sb in various ways   help sb into the back of the car   help sb out   help sb out a little   help sb out with awkward gallantry   help sb practice sth   help sb to practise walking   help sb up   help sth get started   help supervise the installation   help the Shah of Iran make trouble for Iraq   help those in need   help to do   help to raise sb   help when one can   help with house and yard work   help with the expenses   help yourself   help! stop! stop!   helper   helpful   helpfully   helpfulness   helping   helpless   helpless cynicism   helpless shrugs all around   helpless-looking   helplessly   helplessly charming   helplessness   helpmeet   helter-skelter   hem   hem and haw   hem in by some great sorrow   hem in sth   hemisphere   hemoglobin   hemorrhage   hemp   hen   hen and haw   hence   hence this story   henceforth   henchman   henhouse   henpeck   hep   hepatitis   her   her emotions are always catching her off guard   her entire life   her long skirt hang as if despondently about her   herald   herb   herbicidal   herd   herd sb into the house   herdsman   here   here again   here among us   here and there   here and there at the side of the road   here comes the statistic of statistics   here goes nothing   here in this very room   here is a few mysteries   here is a narrow corner   here is a riot of color and movement   here is how it is   here is sb   here is the money on the spot   here is the way it works   here is what took place   here it all is   here on my own account   here sb be   here today and gone tomorrow   here we are   here we go   here we go again   hereabouts   hereafter   hereby   hereditary   herein   hereinbefore   hereinto   hereon   heresy   hereto   heretofore   hereunder   herewith   heritage   heritage or patrimony   heritor   herkey-jerkey  

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