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burst into life   burst into raucous dirty laughter   burst into raucous laughter   burst into such a hearty and unusual peal of laughter   burst into tears   burst into tears again   burst into the most raucous laugh   burst open a door of idiotic obstinacy   burst out   burst out doing   burst out in a choked voice   burst out in an exasperated tone   burst out laughing   burst out like a stifled cough   burst out weeping   burst through the dam   burst through the shadow   burst with   bursting   bury   bury in the sofa   bury sb in sth   bury the case   bus   busboy   bush   bush bean   bush telegraph   bushed   bushel   bushranger   bushwah   bushy   bushy eyebrows   bushy eyebrows draw together   bushy-tailed   busiest season   busily   busily eating a second pastry   busily wield a broom in the hall   business   business acumen   business associates   business at hand   business be lean   business begin to suffer   business buildings   business card   business client   business cycle   business dealing   business done   business dries right up   business enterprises   business goes splendidly   business has been great   business hours   business imposes its restraints and its silences and impediments   business is not good   business is rotten   business of police work   business partner   business people   business pick up noticeably   business world   businesslike   businessman   businessmanchild   businessmen often have home demonstrations   businessperson   businesswoman   busload   buss   bust   bust chops   bust sb up good   bustard   bustle   bustle about from room to room   bustle along   bustle away   bustle forward   bustle off   bustling   bustling night streets   busy   busy doing   busy meanderings sufficiently to drift off   busy rich   busybody   busyness   but   but I can   but I refuse to believe it   but I wonder for how long   but all the same   but also   but anyway   but as for me   but do let us go   but enough of that   but everything is so quiet it makes sb nervous   but fear is accompanied by another instinct   but for   but for A tend to B   but for all of that   but for some utterly inexplicable reason   but hell!   but in fact   but just then   but more than that   but no   but now   but of course   but sb cried out now   but sb think they are nice grand words to say   but see that sb is looked after   but still   but tell me   but that   but then   but to my credit   but under a new hairstyle   but very superficial   but what about it   but what it that?   but with the interested object of squeezing oneself back again   but you know   but you know me   but you must   butch   butcher   butchery   butler   butt   butt into the conversation   butt of office jokes   butter   butter up sb by bringing sb some tribute   butterfly   buttermilk   buttery   buttock   buttocks   button   button up   buttoned up and constipated   buttoned-down   buttoned-down type   buttoned-up   buttonhole   buttons and banners   buttress   buttress the smile   buxom   buy   buy A a little something with B   buy a peach of a car   buy a whole new wardrobe   buy all sth at whatever price sb demands   buy all the gear   buy an awful lot of something   buy by the gross   buy for a song   buy for the purpose   buy into that view   buy off   buy oneself a job   buy oneself some new clothes   buy sb a meal   buy sb new ones   buy sb off   buy sb over   buy sth   buy sth off sb   buy sth rashly   buy sth to take home as a souvenir   buy the line   buy the straight line   buy-in   buyback   buyer   buyout   buzz   buzz sb in   buzzer   buzzing   buzzword   bwong   by   by Gad   by God   by a combination of sth and sth   by a few degrees   by a long way   by a massive exertion of the will   by a miracle   by a trick of light   by accident   by accident or by prearrangement   by all account   by all accounts   by all means   by and by   by and large   by any chance   by any common-sense standard   by any means   by any standards   by bedtime   by being willing to do   by brute force guessing   by chance   by closing time that day   by common consent   by comparison   by conscious choice   by consensus   by contrast   by day   by day and by night   by daylight   by days of the month   by definition   by degrees   by design   by far   by far the less organized of the two   by feel   by following such a course   by good Luck   by gum   by horse and buggy   by inches   by innovative methods such as new brain-imaging technologies   by long-nurtured reflex   by lucky accident   by many years   by means that so pointedly resulted in doing   by minute   by mistake   by most accounts   by night   by no means   by no stretch   by normal standards   by now   by now sb be cold sober   by numbers   by oneself   by oversight   by proxy   by pure thought   by restless energy   by sb personally   by sheer concentration   by some bare margin   by some chance   by some improbable circumstance   by some improbable logic   by spending the day doing   by stages   by surprise   by ten of   by that means   by that standard   by that time   by the book   by the book of things   by the by   by the dozens   by the end   by the end of sth   by the fire   by the hour   by the light of an aged and sputtering lantern   by the middle of the summer   by the minute   by the river   by the river bank   by the run   by the same token   by the short night   by the sound   by the sound of laughter of sb   by the time Monday roll around   by the time it begins to get dark   by the time one came on the scene   by the time one got home   by the time sb arrive home   by the time sb got there   by the time sb was eighteen   by the time the subject is exhausted   by the way   by the way he asked   by then   by then it is summertime   by this time   by tomorrow   by turns   by turns naive and cunning   by virtue of their vocational rootlessness   by way of acknowledgment   by way of communicating sth   by way of precaution   by way of sb   by-product   by-your-leave   bye   bye-bye   bye-law   bygone   bygone eras   byline   bypass   byplay   byproduct   bystander   byway   byword   byzantine   cab   cabal   cabaret   cabaret act   cabbage   cabbage rose   cabdriver   cabin   cabin boy   cabinet   cable   cable-length   cache   caches of weapons   cachet   cackle   cackle wildly   cacophony   cad   cadaver   caddy   cadence   cadet   cadge   cadge a lift back with sb   cadre   cadre of middle- and upper-level managers   cafe   cafeteria   caffein   caffeine   caffeine-induced   cage   caged   cagey   cahoot   cahoots   cairn   cajole   cake   cakebox   cakewalk   calamitous   calamitous blow   calamity   calculate   calculated   calculating   calculation   calculations   calculator   calendar   calender   calf   calf love   calfskin   caliber   calibration   calibre   calico   calisthenics   call   call a mechanic to come   call a meeting for first thing in the morning   call after sb   call back   call boisterously after sb   call down   call for a vet   call for sth   call forth   call from sb   call in   call in Question   call in an uncertain voice   call indignantly after sb   call it a night   call it ecstasy   call it even   call it quits   call it what you like   call it whatever   call more loudly   call of duty   call on sb   call on sb for help   call oneself AA   call out   call out in a confused way   call out in a louder voice   call out orders   call out recklessly   call out the door and tell the world   call out to one another   call out to sb   call out to sb about sth   call out to sb in an angry tone   call over   call sb   call sb a few choice names   call sb a fool   call sb a great lump   call sb a liar   call sb a rude name   call sb all the dirty names one has ever heard of   call sb back   call sb every foul name one can think of   call sb home   call sb in   call sb names   call sb out   call sb over   call sb over to sb   call sb regarding sth   call sb savage names   call sb sir   call sb sth   call sb the worst names   call sb up   call sternly into the silence   call sth good   call sth insane   call that day and say sb want to see me. I agree   call the foul   call the pitches   call the roll   call the shots   call the spade the spade   call the whole game   call through the light rain   call to ask if one could come by to see sb   call to mind   call to sb   call to sb from outside the door   call to sb sharply   call up requests   call-up   call-up papers   callback   called strike   callee   caller   callers who are not close friends of the family   calligrapher   calligraphic   calligraphy   calling   calling for the separation of Church and Stage   calling forth one of two basic emotions   calling in life   calling phone   calliope   callous   callously   callousness   callow   callow Yale fantasist   callus   callused   calm   calm and comfort   calm and easy   calm and peaceful   calm down   calm oneself   calm sb   calm sb down   calmlike   calmly   calmness   calorie   caltrop   cam   camaraderie   camber   camcorder   came dashing back like an arrow   came in very handy   camel   camera   cameraman   camouflage   camp   camp little smile   camp people   camp-meeting   campaign   campaigner   campfire   campus   can   can I be frank?   can I help you?   can I leave everything up to you?   can I make a little suggestion?   can I restore sb to you?   can a fella ask a question?   can a person get overdosed on vitamins?   can accommodate oneself to any place with ease   can act this with powerful realism   can afford to be liberal   can afford to be so spacious   can almost agree with sb   can almost see sth   can almost see the strength flow back into sb   can also take a dive   can always do   can always make sb another   can always tell when sb is not telling one the truth   can axe sth out of the sky   can barely do   can barely hear it   can barely speak above a whisper   can barely swim   can barely think of anything else   can barely walk   can be a pain in the bun   can be a real pain   can be approved without reservation   can be arranged   can be attributed mainly to all the running about   can be awfully grouchy   can be completed   can be counted on to do   can be decided by an act of pure reason   can be done profitably   can be engineered   can be explained   can be fatal   can be found in sth at all hours   can be frank and at ease   can be heard   can be heard day and night   can be imagined   can be laughed to scorn   can be made as short as desired   can be mixed up in such a wild venture   can be myself completely   can be nothing more than suggestion   can be obsessed by sb   can be of some help   can be overlooked   can be quite an assault on the nerves   can be real clever when one work at it   can be seen from the street   can be sth   can be talked out of that   can be up and about like this   can be upset like a house of cards   can be very snotty   can become famous   can become involved in no personal danger   can become part of the game in a moment   can best be refound through solitude   can bring the whole scene back again   can care less about how one look   can cast off at will   can catch sb   can certainly do   can change   can change the face of the future   can charm sb with the slightest gestures   can cope with about anything   can count on sb   can deal with sb   can deal with sth once and for all   can do   can do a better job   can do a better job than most   can do anything with   can do anytime   can do little more than wheeze   can do no more than bow   can do nothing   can do nothing by oneself   can do nothing to stop sb   can do one thing   can do or say anything one want   can do something about it   can do very few things   can do with a good run   can do with all white flowers one can get   can do without sth   can easily discern   can easily do   can easily get sb out of the way   can eat any more   can endure a lot   can even do   can exaggerate a little   can expect sb to do   can faintly recall photos of sb   can feel as bad as sb want to   can feel at home   can feel no real sympathy for sb   can feel oneself being embraced by this light   can feel oneself drifting off now   can feel secure and can do   can feel the pain beginning to assert itself again   can find it   can find no words   can find nothing out of the ordinary   can find nothing unusual about it   can find things around the house   can find traces of green   can fix things back home   can fix what one like   can foul and jam the pistol   can fully understand   can get a fair deal out of sb   can get into things and get out of them   can get it all straight   can get new uniform   can get nothing to go upon   can get sb to laugh pretty hard   can get some action   can get the fuck out   can get the mission green-lighted   can get through to sb   can get to do   can get very distant   can give sb no material assistance   can give you a good block   can go climb trees for all sb care   can go up there on the Honda   can grasp only the vaguest outlines   can guess   can handle it   can happily go back to bed   can hardly avoid publicity   can hardly be critical on that score   can hardly breathe   can hardly breathe for the heat coming off the bodies   can hardly complain   can hardly do   can hardly even guess   can hardly ever do   can hardly hear oneself   can hardly hear sb   can hardly help laughing   can hardly help saying them out loud   can hardly make out the meaning   can hardly move it   can hardly pick a better place   can hardly see   can hardly see straight   can hardly stop oneself from doing   can hardly stop oneself smiling   can hardly wait   can hardly wait for sb to do   can hardly wait to do   can hardly wait to see the expression on the face of sb   can have a real effect   can have great adventures   can hear everything   can hear it for miles   can hear more sirens approaching   can hear sb   can hit   can hit the ball a long way   can hold an audience over a distance like that   can hurt sb real bad   can identify what is going on   can imagine   can in no way be amended   can just as easily consider   can just do   can just laugh off   can just loosen up and let oneself go   can just make out   can just make sb out   can keep up with sb   can look a lot alike   can look anyone in the face   can make a lot of money real fast   can make a mistake   can make it   can make it at least as far as the living room   can make nothing more of it   can make nothing of it   can make nothing of the scene   can make partial restitution   can make reasonable use of sb   can make up something to tell sb   can manage the whole lot of them   can manage to be quick enough to fend it off   can meet sb all right   can move no more   can never be sure if one have grounds for complaint or not   can never be taken   can never do   can never feel at ease   can never get really sexy   can never get too cocky   can never hope to do   can never see anything but disaster   can no longer afford that big house   can no longer be described as sth   can no longer bear doing   can no longer distinguish cause from effect   can no longer hold the wolves at bay   can no longer prevaricate   can no longer see anything   can no longer stand sth   can no longer summon up that rancor   can not   can not accommodate more than twelve or thirteen people   can not afford a scandal   can not afford the time away from sth   can not afford to do   can not afford to lose a minute   can not afford to neglect sth   can not alter bygones   can not always tell   can not answer   can not avoid noticing   can not be   can not be carried out over the phone   can not be graded along the scale of achievement   can not be heard   can not be lower   can not be many years older than sb   can not be ruled out as contributing assassins   can not be taken by surprise   can not be taken care of by doing   can not be taught   can not be trusted   can not bear being cooped up with sb   can not bear the sight of sb   can not bear the thought of doing   can not bear to let a phone go for more than a ring or so   can not bear to tell sb   can not believe   can not believe it   can not bring oneself to embrace sb   can not bring oneself to say anything to sb   can not care less   can not command that tone and form of language   can not compete with sb   can not conceal everything about oneself   can not conceal from oneself that aspect of affairs is very alarming   can not concentrate   can not concentrate too hot   can not control oneself   can not cover up   can not cut in practice   can not cut it with sb   can not deal with sb   can not decide what to do with sth   can not deny that   can not describe it any more concretely   can not discuss   can not do   can not do anything   can not do much about it by sth   can not do sth without due regard for decency and decorum   can not do worth a damn   can not dredge up   can not easily be brushed aside   can not easily cast off   can not even begin to guess   can not feel right about ~ing   can not figure out   can not figure out sth   can not find it worth a damn   can not find something better to do   can not find the courage to do   can not find the plate   can not forgive sb for ~ing   can not get into the right mood   can not get off the ground   can not get over   can not handle   can not hang around   can not have cared less   can not have sb doing   can not hear a thing except sth   can not help being slightly disappointed   can not help but enjoy   can not help chuckling   can not help chuckling to oneself   can not help doing   can not help it   can not help laughing at this   can not help oneself   can not help smiling   can not hope   can not hope to achieve   can not hope to survive for more than a few days   can not imagine even doing   can not imagine what   can not just stop on a goddam dime   can not keep oneself from doing   can not keep sb from doing   can not leave sb at home   can not let one go by unnoticed   can not let sb keep doing   can not locate sth anywhere   can not lose another minute   can not make a living   can not make it for dinner   can not make out   can not make out a word   can not make sb do something if sb do not want to   can not make total restitution   can not manage sth   can not muster a irresponsibility to do   can not muster an answer   can not overcome   can not persuade sb to do   can not possibly do   can not possibly do in any case   can not put away the automatic habits   can not put this crime right   can not quite look at sb   can not really do   can not recall things accurately   can not recognize any of them   can not recover oneself   can not relax unless one do   can not remember   can not remember a time one have felt more foolish   can not resist a dig   can not resist another look around   can not resist doing   can not resist the impulse to do   can not say for sure   can not see sb   can not see sb for a few days   can not see sb so hot   can not see the sidereal projects for beans   can not see what is going on   can not seem to do   can not settle down   can not shake off the vague feeling of dread   can not skimp the courtesies   can not sleep   can not speak for a minute   can not stand by and watch any longer   can not stand it   can not stand looking at sb   can not stay sad very long   can not stop oneself from doing   can not stop thinking about sth   can not sufficiently admire sb   can not summon the energy to do   can not sweat a drop   can not teach sb how to really do   can not tell   can not tell difference between AA and BB   can not touch sb   can not understand   can not understand a Syllable   can not use chopsticks   can not very well cut sb off   can not very well interrupt sb   can not wait   can not wait XX days   can not wait any longer   can not wait to do   can not wait until tomorrow   can not wish anything better than to do   can not withstand close scrutiny   can not write very well   can offer little hope   can omit the formalities   can only   can only be dealt with as ill   can only be expected to see so much   can only consider   can only do   can only gaze at sb   can only give a fella a chance   can only look puzzled   can only mean one thing   can only walk gingerly and with great effort   can outwit the worst cutthroats   can pay sb back   can pick up pretty quick   can picture sb doing   can play only part-time   can play the French horn with a certain amount of proficiency   can play the piano   can pretend to ignore   can put all that stuff together for you   can quite easily do   can read it off the sheet music   can read perfectly well   can really feel the night   can really get on with sb   can really play the piano   can really watch sb doing   can reason with sb   can reason with the dope   can recite sth from memory   can remember when he had muscles   can return to the world with nothing to fear   can rightfully be called sth   can say any goddam thing one want   can say nothing   can sb do it?   can see   can see ahead for more than a month   can see deeply into the manifold wickedness of human heart   can see sb as   can see sb doing   can see schools of fish darting back and forth   can see some goldfish   can see that it is overcast outside   can see that sb is bleeding to death   can see the process   can see what lies ahead   can see who one is to sb   can seldom resist even a moderately presentable woman   can sense   can sleep easy   can smell a hot meal   can smell criminal written all over sb   can soak out any results for sb   can sort of scare you a little bit   can spin a tale   can spin it out for long   can squeak through   can stand extremes of environment   can state it quite positively   can stay here and look after the house   can stay on a couple of days next week   can still breathe easily   can still do it   can still get to school   can still get very excited   can still like sb   can still only partially believe   can still remember   can swear to sth   can take a lot of punishment   can take being stiff-armed   can take care of oneself   can tell   can tell sb is distracted   can tell something is wrong   can tell that sb is lying   can tell that sb is struggling   can tell what sb is thinking   can think of no more bad names to call sb   can think of no one   can think of nothing better to do than do   can throw sth with unerring accuracy   can touch sb for a loan   can turn a buck   can understand almost every word   can understand it   can understand sb trying to do   can use   can use a few names   can very easily verify it   can wait   can wax Christlike   can we be sure?   can we talk?   can wheedle what one want out of sb   can with difficulty do   can work around that   can you be a pal and do that for me?   can you do   can you get rid of your friend?   can you guarantee their silence?   can you identify the people in this picture?   can you imagine that?   can you imagine?   can you still see the place where it happened?   can you tell me where I might find sb?   can-do   canal   canaliculus   canard   canary   cancel   cancel the course  

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