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as I have expected
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as I have expected: 案の定 べーカー著 岸本佐知子訳 『フェルマータ』(The Fermata ) p. 75
do not bother oneself with sth, as sb have obviously expected sb would: (人の)期待とは裏腹に〜などものともしない ボイル著 柳瀬尚紀訳 『ケロッグ博士』(The Road to Wellville ) p. 633
it has worked out better than sb have expected: (人の)予想以上の好結果を産む バッファ著 二宮磬訳 『弁護』(The Defense ) p. 162
an expression as though sb have not expected that particular question: 思いがけない質問を受けた顔 吉行淳之介著 ジョン・ベスター訳 『暗室』(The Dark Room ) p. 90
the feeling is unexpectedly welcome, as though sb’s heart have been unbound: それは思いの外、甘い、心のほころびるような感傷だ 瀬戸内晴美著 バイチマン訳 『夏の終り』(The End of Summer ) p. 125