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あたり (translations)→ air area around at everything guess level neighborhood part per place region section so somewhere things

あと (translations)→ after aftermath another back else extra later moment more rest retrospect sequel

あとは (translations)→ next then

あらためて (translations)→ again fresh further new newly officially still thoughtfully

いいか (translations)→ buddy kid listen look okay well

いいから (translations)→ anyway just put

いいこと (translations)→ balm break good remember secret up

いい加減に (translations)→ bad indifferently tentative vaguely

いつしか (translations)→ eventually gradually inevitably suddenly

いま (translations)→ immediate present right there today

いまにも (translations)→ almost distinct going hardly presently quite ready

いよいよ (translations)→ about close even ever finally great greatly really rich steadily very

うーん (translations)→ God hmmm jeepers um

おやおや (translations)→ uh-oh

(translations)→ although as but despite however if instead though until when

ここ (translations)→ here last past where

ここは (translations)→ this time

このところ (translations)→ lately recently these

これから (translations)→ ahead begin beginning

これで (translations)→ thus

こんどは (translations)→ new-found

しかし (translations)→ actually alas fortunately Jesus nevertheless nonetheless rather whereas yet

じゃあ (translations)→ first

すぐ (translations)→ automatically closely directly dutifully easily easy immediately instantaneously instantly minute pronto quick quickly simply soon swiftly willingly

すでに (translations)→ already virtually

すると (translations)→ which

そういえば (translations)→ hell that too

そうよ (translations)→ yep yes

そこへ (translations)→ before till

それで (translations)→ consequently

それでは (translations)→ alors

そろそろ (translations)→ gently high nearly slow slowly

だったら (translations)→ for maybe therefore

ちょっと (translations)→ bit brief briefly brisk casually faintly fairly few hey hi jiffy little merely mildly nominal pinch pretty psst pure sec short shortly slight slightly small some something somewhat sort subtly totally touch tut while

(translations)→ accordance because besides depend whenever with

でも (translations)→ aw example except once only regarding unfortunately

ときに (translations)→ occasional occasionally sometimes

ところが (translations)→ boy unhappily

ところで (translations)→ incidentally meanwhile way

なあに (translations)→ why

なら (translations)→ do in

はじめる (translations)→ burst fall get launch set start

はやく (translations)→ fast

ひとまず (translations)→ initially temporarily

まあ (translations)→ might

まずは (translations)→ beforehand essentially near

もう (translations)→ anymore completely indeed perfectly point real

もとより (translations)→ certainly naturally obviously scarcely surely

やがて (translations)→ afterward long long-run momentarily ultimately

やっと (translations)→ belatedly exactly laboriously

ようやく (translations)→ barely fully rare reach reluctantly somehow

(translations)→ tonight

