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〜すると (translations)→ after before once until

〜ながら (translations)→ although as but despite while

〜ながらも (translations)→ even nevertheless otherwise with

〜のわりには (translations)→ for

(translations)→ hi oh well

ああ (translations)→ gawsh God ma’am Mm my no okay phew profound same son too why yeah yes

いや (translations)→ boy except gad hate indeed more neh nope not sick um weary

(translations)→ however if instead now then when

しかし (translations)→ actually alas fortunately Jesus nonetheless rather still whereas yet

しかしながら (translations)→ inevitably

しかも (translations)→ alone also besides especially fairly interestingly plus

それでも (translations)→ anyway

それにしても (translations)→ surely

ただ (translations)→ all bum just meaningless merely nothing only perhaps plain purely quite really sheer silently simply solitary sometimes that totally

ただし (translations)→ mind

でも (translations)→ already aw example regarding some unfortunately

ところが (translations)→ unhappily

とにかく (translations)→ absolutely altogether always first maybe so somehow sorta try whatever

ながら (translations)→ during

(translations)→ business like news of purpose something than to wonder

むろん (translations)→ certainly naturally obviously understandably

もっとも (translations)→ appropriate fully highly least reasonable sound ultimately unless

仕方がない (translations)→ desperation finally inevitable justify pity should unavoidable understand very

thought-provoking thoughtfully thoughtful thoughtlessly thoughtless thought
