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いぶかしむ (translations)→ curious queerly quizzical

いぶかる (translations)→ distrust marvel questioning think

うかがう (translations)→ alert challenge check discern eye glance investigate look note peer regard reveal scout search see size study trouble watch

おびえる (translations)→ dread fright scared terrify terror thrill

とまどう (translations)→ confused embarrassment

(translations)→ all business like news of purpose something than though to

唖然 (translations)→ bewilderment wonderment

解せない (translations)→ puzzle queer

勘ぐる (translations)→ suspect

感心 (translations)→ admiration amaze awe tribute

感動 (translations)→ excitement exhilaration

危惧する (translations)→ afraid alarmed

気がかり (translations)→ bother concern uneasy unsettling worrisome worry

気にかかる (translations)→ concerned disturb disturbed

気になる (translations)→ annoy care conscious determined disconcerting distract disturbing embarrassing feel harrowing mean notice perplexing possibly prepare prepared question remember stick swear

気を揉む (translations)→ worried

疑う (translations)→ believe doubt guess know surprised sus

興味がある (translations)→ interest interested want

恵み (translations)→ provide providence

好奇心 (translations)→ curiosity curiousity curiousness wondering

考える (translations)→ absorb approach ask assume chew compose conceive concentrate consider contemplate convinced count debate decide delve design determine disguise dwell examine expectation fancy feature figure find gather idea ideate imagine judge meditate occur plan ponder process prospect realize reason recall recognize register remembrance result ruminate scheme seek speculate suggest suppose theorize thought through waver weigh

思う (translations)→ accept admit anticipate anticipation apparently argue bear buy conclude conjecture deem estimate expect frightened hope impression learn love make mind pretend qualify realise reckon reflect remark seem sensible sound sure take tell try understand view wish

思案する (translations)→ deliberate

思案に暮れる (translations)→ indecisive wrestle

首をかしげる (translations)→ doubtful suspicious

想像する (translations)→ draw dream envision vision visualize

頭をひねる (translations)→ calculate

悩む (translations)→ distress suffer

不思議 (translations)→ impressive mysterious odd remarkable strange strangeness surprise surprising

夢見る (translations)→ hell-bent

問いかける (translations)→ demand discover inquire say speak

wonderfully wonderful wondering
