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うるさい (translations)→ awkward bad blatant flipping fussy meddle meticulous noisily noisy pesky remarkable senseless

かまう (translations)→ care count harm mind possessive

しない (translations)→ absence avoid not refuse sparingly

たまらない (translations)→ annoy awful desperately distraction immense intolerably irresistible most so specially succumb too unbearable want

ひきうける (translations)→ agree do volunteer willing

ひっかかる (translations)→ bite catch let nag strike trap trip worry

わざわざ (translations)→ calculated careful carefully deliberately especially insist intentionally meaningful needlessly obligingly purposely solemnly special specifically

干渉する (translations)→ interfering intervene pragmatic touch

気がかり (translations)→ concern uneasy unsettling wonder worrisome

気にかかる (translations)→ concerned disturb disturbed

気にする (translations)→ attention fret matter protective put regret study

気にとめる (translations)→ think

邪魔する (translations)→ clutter encumber impede interrupt sandbag snooker stop undermine

心に引っかかる (translations)→ puzzle upset

心配する (translations)→ consider dread fear frightened suffer

辛い (translations)→ acrimonious bitter cruel difficult hard hurt miss pain painful piquant sorry spicy taxing tough

世話 (translations)→ agency arrange company help kindness live trouble turn work

大変な (translations)→ alarming appalling big confused fucked grave great serious slashing thundering uncomfortable

無視する (translations)→ break deny despite disdain dismiss fob forgo ignore marginalize obey oblivious overlook overpass override undervalue

わからない (translations)→ agnostic be hard to know decide guess ignorant lost unsure

