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おかしなこと (translations)→ odd unstuck vapour

ちぐはぐな (translations)→ contrast different scrappy

とまどう (translations)→ embarrassment wonder

はっきりしない (translations)→ indistinct unsure

まごつく (translations)→ dismay puzzle

ややこしい (translations)→ bad complex complicated complicating confuse painstaking

わけのわからない (translations)→ bizarre inexplicable maddening mysterious perplexing senseless strange unaccounted unintelligible unreasonably

気になる (translations)→ annoy care concern conscious determined disconcerting distract disturbing embarrassing feel harrowing mean notice possibly prepare prepared question remember stick swear think trouble worry

混乱した (translations)→ aggrieved disjointed

混乱する (translations)→ bewilder bewildering unsettled

大変な (translations)→ alarming appalling big bother fucked grave great remarkable serious slashing thundering uncomfortable

わからない (translations)→ agnostic be hard to know decide guess ignorant lost

