おとずれる (translations)→ come present touch visit
おぼえる (translations)→ experience feel have know learn pick remember
かけひき (translations)→ bargaining dealing game
さしかかる (translations)→ close pass reach
とりかかる (translations)→ begin do fall start turn
にじり寄る (translations)→ creep inch roam slide step
ぶつける (translations)→ beat collision crash deliver drop expend gouge hit sling strike throw vent
まもなく (translations)→ almost eventually presently quickly shortly soon
やりかた (translations)→ art habit manner method number performance response style system tactic theory way
押し寄せる (translations)→ arise leap thronged
寄せる (translations)→ brush flood furrow hike hold issue place pull side sidle sweep
近づく (translations)→ advance draw march move near wait want
向かう (translations)→ bound head proceed sail take travel usher walk
考える (translations)→ absorb ask assume believe care chew compose conceive concentrate consider contemplate convinced count debate decide delve design determine disguise dwell examine expectation fancy feature figure find gather glance idea ideate imagine judge look meditate occur plan ponder process prospect question realize reason recall recognize regard register remembrance result ruminate scheme see seek speculate suggest suppose suspect theorize think thought through trouble waver weigh wonder
坂 (translations)→ gradient hill sloping tilt
治療法 (translations)→ therapeutics treatment
取り組む (translations)→ apply match tackle work wrestle
手 (translations)→ appeal arm card craft dodge duke employ finger fingertip gambit grasp hand help kind lead maneuver option palm paw ploy reserve stunt techniques thing trick
手口 (translations)→ act device gimmick how job methodology possibility
手法 (translations)→ exercise passport pattern perspective practice
進む (translations)→ break good headway tromp underway
進入 (translations)→ insertion penetration
切りだす (translations)→ chop say speak tell write
接近 (translations)→ access adit alongside approximation
接触 (translations)→ appulse communication contact encounter juxtaposition meeting
入る (translations)→ beginning catch emerge enter get join penetrate pitch put squeeze tag trod
迫る (translations)→ insist jump press push
方角 (translations)→ direction district
方針 (translations)→ cult ethos logic methods philosophy policy precept
方法 (translations)→ alternative arrangement course mean measure route technique
話しかける (translations)→ address confide talk
~になる (translations)→ be reduced to constitute create follow