〜する (translations)→ find follow make
あたる (translations)→ check graze hit intimidate jab responsible review rise see speak strike
ある (translations)→ apply bear bore certain enjoy feel get given go happen have hear hold inform involve lie locate mount notice occupy occur one own particular point presence present reach remain reside run set sit situated some sometimes stand there wait work
いざ (translations)→ crisis ready
おとずれる (translations)→ approach touch visit
かけつける (translations)→ attend flash
きこえる (translations)→ overhear seem sound
くる (translations)→ arise arrive become close consult count enrol fall grow roll start take turn
さあ (translations)→ hm just man
しゃがみこむ (translations)→ bend seat
する (translations)→ acquire bring conduct develop do gain give incline keep manage observe offer play provide show switch tell try use want
つく (translations)→ achieve attendance belong cover dispose draw explore fill gather head imprint lean place prop put ride serve settle stick supply
である (translations)→ afford derive imply lay
どうした (translations)→ Jesus well what
なる (translations)→ allow amount apt assume begin change create generate join mark potential
みえる (translations)→ guess impress must
もどる (translations)→ again back pull recover rejoin revert
やってくる (translations)→ materialize over report result tread waddle walk
移る (translations)→ catch decamp migrate move
開ける (translations)→ open part peel raise spin unwrap
顔を出す (translations)→ look probe
帰ってくる (translations)→ arrival return
帰る (translations)→ depart home leave out regress
起こる (translations)→ cause cook rouse
近く (translations)→ almost around by nearly
近づく (translations)→ advance march near
駆けつける (translations)→ rush sweep
現れる (translations)→ manifest of
効く (translations)→ assist flow good learn
向かう (translations)→ bound proceed sail travel usher way
行く (translations)→ stay stroll tear venture
参る (translations)→ like pray sore
耳に入る (translations)→ know miss
手に入る (translations)→ available
襲う (translations)→ attack blow guerrilla heist maraud mugging
出 (translations)→ er from heritage member
出てくる (translations)→ contain cross emerge slip think
順応する (translations)→ accept acclimate acclimatize adapt
招く (translations)→ can entertain hire incur instigate introduce invite mean tempt
触れる (translations)→ allude brush discuss intrude mention on refer say suggest talk tickle violate
身につける (translations)→ adopt assimilate carry master