つく (translations)→ attendance belong come cover dispose draw explore fill gather get have head hit imprint lean make man place prop put reach ride serve settle sit stick strike supply take
運ぶ (translations)→ bring channel handle happen lift move raise stuff transport work
会得する (translations)→ learn master
獲得する (translations)→ acquire garner
骨を折る (translations)→ intercession travail
実現する (translations)→ actualize effectuate find realizing
習得する (translations)→ internalize
成就する (translations)→ accomplish attain realize
達する (translations)→ begin calculate evolve rise spread touch win
達成 (translations)→ accomplishment fulfilment victory
到達する (translations)→ aspire hope
役に立つ (translations)→ beneficial cogent contribute enlightening help lend oneself to matter useful worth
握る (translations)→ assume control fold grab grip hold pick up squeeze
手に入れる (translations)→ accue buy gain obtain purchase secure snap up stumble