〜してみる (translations)→ ought venture
あげる (translations)→ get give have heighten hold let lift place provide push raise rise say slip uncover utter
あてがう (translations)→ dose fit fix furnish on prop put to
いきまく (translations)→ argue claim proclaim threaten
さしだす (translations)→ exhibit extend hand proffer shove
させる (translations)→ allow ask authorize encourage force leave make slap
しかける (translations)→ begin build dispose feed secret start
しめす (translations)→ communicate demonstrate emphasise evince nod set show sustain
すすめる (translations)→ dictate invite pass point speak suggest urge
する (translations)→ acquire become bring come conduct develop do fall feel gain go incline keep manage observe play switch take tell try use want
できる (translations)→ able assemble can capable chance good know open permissible possible power understand will yes
もちだす (translations)→ cause describe initiate invoke mention quote return
わかる (translations)→ admit agree apparent appreciate ascertain catch certain clear clue conscious count decide discern discover fancy fathom figure find follow form gather git guess hear identify imagine indicate isolate learn measure notice obvious palpable perceive pinpoint prone prove realise realize recognise recognition recognize register respect see sense sensitive share spot sure sympathize trace traceable understandable witness
チャンス (translations)→ advantage instant moment opportunity option shot time way
洩らす (translations)→ blurt briefly escape repeat
勧める (translations)→ persuade promote reach suggestion
言われる (translations)→ allusion comment
口を出す (translations)→ admonish interrupt volunteer
好意 (translations)→ appreciation benefit courtesy favor generosity goodwill intervention kindness like trust
差し出す (translations)→ present produce send toss
使う (translations)→ apply devote employ involve manipulate operate spend supply waste write
指摘する (translations)→ correct finger inform review
示す (translations)→ aim broadcast demonstration denote display mark reflect transform unveil
述べる (translations)→ acknowledge advance assert bubble confirm deliver explain express maintain recite state
紹介する (translations)→ entreat feature intro recommend refer showcase
申し出 (translations)→ gesture invitation request
申し出る (translations)→ signify tender
声をかける (translations)→ call intercept rattle squeal
提案 (translations)→ idea notion proposal submission
吐く (translations)→ barf dart duke emit name ruth sick spew spit spout talk vomit woof
投げつける (translations)→ sling throw
投げ出す (translations)→ discard drop fling flip
売り込む (translations)→ hawk introduce pitch
披露する (translations)→ bounce swap
魅力 (translations)→ adventure allure appeal appealing attractive charm charming comeback excitement greatness inviting mystique oomph tempting traction trait whiz
命じる (translations)→ assign ordain order
約束する (translations)→ assure guarantee promise sincerely
与える (translations)→ allot bestow endow inflict issue lend palm
立てる (translations)→ claw cross dig earn honour
話 (translations)→ account agreement business campaign chat choice commitment conference conversation cycle deal description dialogue discuss discussion episode eventuality evidence explanation history incident information intelligence item legend lie matter mouth narrative negotiation news part piece proceeding proposition question racket reasoning recounting relate report situation story stuff subject tale talking thing thread topic torrent truth version word yarn
言う (translations)→ accuse acquiesce add announce answer confess contend declare demand direct exclaim get at imply insist instruct mutter note profess pronounce protest read recall reply respond sell sound submit unload whisper