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かわす (translations)→ avoid connect exchange miss pass say sidestep

ごまかす (translations)→ cheat cover disguise dismiss flam flimflam fob fudge glibness hedge hide juggle kid lamely swing varnish

ぬぐう (translations)→ dab dry mop pat rub swab wipe

のがれる (translations)→ out save subdue

のぞく (translations)→ admire glance look peek peer reveal scout search see squint with

洩らす (translations)→ admit blurt briefly give make offer repeat speak tell utter

洩れる (translations)→ break drift funnel issue relay

解き放つ (translations)→ uncoil unleash

高飛びする (translations)→ hie jet

出ていく (translations)→ depart disappear getaway go leave segue step vanish

助かる (translations)→ appreciate better comfortable helpful relax simplify survive

脱出 (translations)→ egress exile exodus journey

脱出する (translations)→ sneak

追い払う (translations)→ dispel reject stop uproot

逃げる (translations)→ bolt flee flinch retreat run shrink

抜け出す (translations)→ climb stroll

避難所 (translations)→ abri ark refuge

忘れる (translations)→ abandon banish fight forget lose lost

理解できない (translations)→ confound justify unrealizable

流れる (translations)→ coast drain flow move play travel

はみだす (translations)→ burst out of project slip

おさらばする (translations)→ put
