いじる (translations)→ adjust deal juggle move pet tip twist
うかぶ (translations)→ cross pass register see strike touch
うたう (translations)→ praise sing
かける (translations)→ about begin bestow cover crank dump equip hook launch lay make nearly pay pepper place provide put rest run say scamper seat set shake show sit sling spend start take throw under waste wear worth wrap
する (translations)→ acquire become bring come conduct develop do fall feel gain get give go incline keep manage observe offer switch tell try use want
つかむ (translations)→ catch clasp close clutch figure find gather grab grasp grip hold know land learn reach snaffle understand
とぼける (translations)→ guile shirk
ふざける (translations)→ funny goof horseplay loon romp waggish
もてあそぶ (translations)→ enjoy finger fuck interfere roll scout tamper worry
やる (translations)→ act all earn follow force handle happen inhale murder perform pull send smoke stoop tackle work
よぎる (translations)→ across appear drift hit swim
演じる (translations)→ cast commit feign
加減 (translations)→ application brand point quality
楽しむ (translations)→ fun like love pleasure relax revel sip
気どる (translations)→ enact false hear
仕掛ける (translations)→ perpetrate
芝居 (translations)→ actor game masquerade part performance playacting theatre
従う (translations)→ atrail attend committed comply serve stand support
勝負 (translations)→ action duel event fight fuckin’ match race score
吹く (translations)→ blow boast burst course puff
占める (translations)→ absorb capture fill house occupy
相手にする (translations)→ back have meet mind
打つ (translations)→ bat beat smack sound spank
聴く (translations)→ hearken listen
夢中だ (translations)→ adore care
鳴らす (translations)→ blast honk press snap toot
鳴る (translations)→ bleat chink clack echo ring rise wail
遊び (translations)→ adventure entertainment practice sport
利用する (translations)→ capitalize push salvage
流す (translations)→ channel circulate drain feed flush stream wash
流れる (translations)→ coast escape flow travel
遊ぶ (translations)→ hang out horse idleness playdate
守る (translations)→ abide adhere carry cling defend ensure field honour manage to protect obey preserve protect stick uphold visor