 x  Q 🎲  ?  Translation Thesaurus


こと (translations)→ a.k.a. agenda anything as business cause circle contemplation course episodes event fact hit idea insight it matter matters moment news occasion occupation occurrence part pass problem process question reason scale score sense shit solution something story stuff target task that thing time truth what word worth

わるさ (translations)→ mischief wrong

恰好 (translations)→ about appearance costume gesture getup look pose posture shape sight state way wear

行動 (translations)→ act activity advance behavior conduct coup deed do game journey move operation outlook performance

勝負 (translations)→ duel fight fuckin’ match play race

衝動 (translations)→ bout desire drive impulse inclination instinct reflex seizure shock stirring urge vector

身のこなし (translations)→ antic grace manner motion movement

戦い (translations)→ battle clash fierce struggle war

戦闘 (translations)→ campaign combat contest field hostilities hostility warfighting

対応 (translations)→ handling parallelism response

動く (translations)→ dance dart function go labor shift stir tick turn walk wander work

動作 (translations)→ mechanics

反応 (translations)→ attitude bounce expression handle react reaction reactivity respondence result take uptake

対策 (translations)→ alternative antidote barrier consideration dealing with the problem defense strategy

