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〜したい (translations)→ curious desire eager have love need prefer want

〜とも (translations)→ certainly yes

〜のように (translations)→ almost as half

〜みたいなもの (translations)→ any hint practically some

〜ように (translations)→ apparently mean sort

〜らしく (translations)→ seemingly suitable

〜を思わせる (translations)→ reminiscent style

ありがたい (translations)→ appreciate attractive delightful easy excellent glad God-sent good grateful handy happy lucky perfect relieve sweet welcome

いう (translations)→ accuse add address admit advise affirm agree air announce assure blurt call claim confess confide continue cry declare describe discuss divulge exclaim explain express expression give insist intone invite kind know liken make mention muse note object observe phrase point proffer promise pronouncement propose put read recite refer reflect remark repeat replay reply report resume say show sing snap sound speak suggest swear talk tell think unburden urge volunteer warn

いかにも (translations)→ apparent clear completely considerable decided deeply deliberately eminently evident evidently exactly exceedingly extraordinarily extremely forsooth genuinely great highly ideally indeed just most obvious obviously only perfectly pseudo rather real really right seem simple so spotlessly strained such terribly that too true typically unexpectedly utterly very

うける (translations)→ get please relate visit

うなずける (translations)→ look possible see

うれしい (translations)→ enjoy friendly gleeful gratifying nice pleasant pleasure sweetness thankful

おなじ (translations)→ ditto model original same share

おもしろい (translations)→ amusing exciting fine fun funny inspiring instructive interesting odd-looking thought-provoking

お気に召す (translations)→ suit

こういう (translations)→ nicely these this

さながら (translations)→ nearly

その手の (translations)→ similar

たとえば (translations)→ example if including perhaps which

たのしむ (translations)→ satisfaction

なんて (translations)→ what

(translations)→ all business news of purpose something than though to wonder

ほとんど (translations)→ alike barely fairly few hardly largely little majority much near often quite rarely singularly totally virtually

まさに (translations)→ admirably appropriate begin clearly definitely effectively fact greatest precisely proper simply somewhat thereby truly

まねる (translations)→ mime recall

まるで (translations)→ absolute absolutely actually altogether amazingly clean complete entirely mostly total veritable whatever wholly wildly

みたい (translations)→ appear guess

ように (translations)→ equivalent miniature

よく (translations)→ again always better carefully close closely common constantly dreadfully enormously frequent frequently fully further hard intimately lot many occasional once periodically prolonged properly respectable seriously sometimes soundly strongly usually vigorous well

よろしく (translations)→ hello hi thank

らしい (translations)→ become befit believe expect imagine presumably probably suppose take understand wise

らしく (translations)→ sign

意志 (translations)→ accord control determination motive oneself view voice way will wish

意思 (translations)→ animus chose grace idea instinct message willing

楽しむ (translations)→ play relax revel sip

感じられる (translations)→ aware convey detect feel perceptibly

感心する (translations)→ admire congratulate impress strike touch

歓迎する (translations)→ encourage hail

喜ぶ (translations)→ approve celebrate excite pleased thrilled

嬉しい (translations)→ comforting dear delight fain happiness joy

気に入る (translations)→ care fancy fond knock trust warm

救いだ (translations)→ comfort

likelihood likely likewise
