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ああ (translations)→ gawsh God ma’am Mm my no oh okay phew profound son though too why yeah yes

あいかわらず (translations)→ continue continuing look still usual

いつもの (translations)→ accustomed always customary familiar normal normally old one’s perennial reserved usually

おなじ (translations)→ ditto like model original share

きまっている (translations)→ apt certainly naturally would

この (translations)→ here his last new past present recent such that these this those you

すなわち (translations)→ : basically i.e. really

そう (translations)→ correct entirely exactly follow good meet much perhaps right seem so sure truly

そっくり (translations)→ all completely entire every everything full life whole

その (translations)→ certain her its own sheer

そのまま (translations)→ consequently directly docile exact frankly immediate immediately instantly keep let originally perfectly plain remain simply straight then there unconsciously

なおも (translations)→ further little long

ひとつ (translations)→ another one part something thing

ひとつの (translations)→ singular

また (translations)→ additionally again also as back indeed more plus pretty resume while

またしても (translations)→ anew

やはり (translations)→ actually either equally likewise only other probably therefore

一つ (translations)→ among simple slight some

一つの (translations)→ autonomous partly specific

一緒 (translations)→ company

一緒に (translations)→ alongside associate simultaneously together

一様に (translations)→ seamlessly

繰り返す (translations)→ echo iterate iterative often regular regurgitate reiterate repeatedly reprise

揃って (translations)→ both none

同じ (translations)→ coincide fellow imply similar similarly with

同じような (translations)→ competitive corresponding kindred unchanging

例の (translations)→ famous typically
