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〜しながら (translations)→ when with

〜とはいえ (translations)→ although despite

〜ながら (translations)→ as but though

〜のあいだに (translations)→ midst over

あいだ (translations)→ between for gap hour interim moment relationship through

うちに (translations)→ after amongst by in

これに反して (translations)→ contra contrarily however

しばらく (translations)→ awhile bit briefly calculated continue hi minute remain second some temporarily

ずいぶん (translations)→ awful awfully considerable considering dearly decidedly deeply enormous enough extremely fairly large lot much numerous often pretty rather really remarkably so somewhat sure too try very way

ちょっと (translations)→ almost brief brisk casually faintly few hey jiffy just little maybe merely mildly nearly nominal now pinch psst pure quick quickly quite right sec short shortly simply slight slightly small something sort subtly totally touch tut

(translations)→ accordance because besides depend then whenever

でも (translations)→ already aw even example except instead once only regarding still unfortunately well yet

ともかく (translations)→ certainly whatever why

とりあえず (translations)→ anyway available indeed preliminary provisionally

なかに (translations)→ here inside

ながら (translations)→ during

にしても (translations)→ if nevertheless

ひとしきり (translations)→ constantly general momentarily session stream whet

また (translations)→ additionally again also always another back further more plus resume same

まで (translations)→ about actually at every till to towards until

もっとも (translations)→ appropriate especially fully highly least perhaps reasonable sound ultimately unless

やがて (translations)→ afterward eventually finally gradually later long long-run slowly soon

(translations)→ bedchamber circumstance course delay lag pause period room silence time timing whilst

手間 (translations)→ effort embarrassment trouble

少し (translations)→ begin certain dash handful iota light lightly narrowly remotely thinly vaguely

途中 (translations)→ middle progress

同時に (translations)→ abruptly along concurrently incidentally simultaneous together

一方 (translations)→ meanwhile on the other hand one-way simultaneously
