〜から (translations)→ ’cause above among at by that
〜ごしに (translations)→ across past through
〜のあいだに (translations)→ midst while
あいだ (translations)→ between for gap hour interim moment relationship when
おさまる (translations)→ bate contain cool die dull ease fall fit hit modulation pass quit rest settle sit soothe subside
おしまい (translations)→ doomed end
から (translations)→ after against because before behind derive from since so till until
そば (translations)→ beside close close-up edge here it near next noodle presence side soup
まで (translations)→ about actually also every to towards
まわる (translations)→ around pull quarter round skirt turn
やってくる (translations)→ arrive come get materialize report result tread visit waddle walk
何度も (translations)→ again constantly frequently fussily intermittently iteratively keep multiple often regularly repeated
over-sensitive overabundance overall overcome overdramatic overhanging overhear overlay overly overnight overpainted overpass overrule overseer overset overshadow oversight overstuffed overtake overtly overtone overview overwhelmingly overwhelming overwhelm overwork