あたり (translations)→ area around at everything guess level neighborhood now part per place region section so somewhere things
いう (translations)→ accuse add address admit advise affirm agree announce assure blurt call claim confess confide continue cry declare describe discuss divulge exclaim explain express expression give hint insist intone invite kind know like liken make mention muse note object observe phrase point proffer promise pronouncement propose put read recite refer reflect remark repeat replay reply report resume say show sing snap sound speak suggest swear talk tell think unburden urge volunteer warn
うわべ (translations)→ appear pretense superficial
けはい (translations)→ about indication sense sign
そぶり (translations)→ acknowledgment act
めいたもの (translations)→ half semblance
印象 (translations)→ appearance conclusion feel feeling impress impression look memory perception sensation strike suggestion thought
感覚 (translations)→ doubt emotion estimation experience flair insight judgement sensitivity sentience way
気 (translations)→ attention chi composure concentration convinced desire heart hunch idea impulse intention interest life mind mood motive nerve nerves oneself purpose qi short something temper vitality wish
気配 (translations)→ edge foretaste hear movement presence signs stir symptom thud warning wind
気分 (translations)→ atmosphere attitude mentality predicament prospect spirit
響き (translations)→ chord echo resonance ring seem thunder
空 (translations)→ above heaven quite sky
空の (translations)→ celestial empty
空気 (translations)→ climate pulse sigh situation thing tone vibes weather
空中 (translations)→ aerial flying free high-wire mid-air
手つき (translations)→ gesture hand hands technique touch
息 (translations)→ breath breathe breathing
調子 (translations)→ apostrophe beat cadence convey curve echo-like effect faculty key manner pace rate sort stroke tempo trend vein voice
表情 (translations)→ angle face feature form image line mannerism reaction
風 (translations)→ breeze bullshit custom of sickness
風貌 (translations)→ countenance demeanor
物腰 (translations)→ bearing carriage discretion
雰囲気 (translations)→ airy atmospherics aura context environment flavor karma moment nature occasion persona scheme surrounding vibe
様子 (translations)→ apparent behavior behaviour condition layout that welfare
陽気 (translations)→ cheerful festivity gayness good humor hilarity jovial season