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しかける (translations)→ begin dispose feed offer secret start

つくる (translations)→ buy distill draw gather have introduce invent make manufacture raise wear

つのる (translations)→ arouse feel grow increase mounting

建てる (translations)→ establish set

高まる (translations)→ rise strengthen upwell

骨格 (translations)→ framework structure

作る (translations)→ configure cultivate develop fix form prepare scribble sew

作成する (translations)→ concoct generate

身体 (translations)→ body condition figure frame health man position posture

設計 (translations)→ designing projet

体つき (translations)→ feature physicality stance

体格 (translations)→ built size

体型 (translations)→ physique shape

築く (translations)→ construct

誘う (translations)→ allure arrange ask attract bring drag entice hypnotize invite lube spark steer suggest talk woo

立ち上がる (translations)→ feet get back to one’s feet rear rising

説明する (translations)→ apologize assure brief define delineate describe discuss elucidate explain express fill illustrate intone lay out narrative note press reckon render say summarize tell

builder building buildup
