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barrelhead   barren   barrette   barricade   barrier   barrier is built   barring   barroom   barstool   bartender   barter   bartime   bartime buddy   barware   baryton   basal   base   base is clear   base of the neck   base path   baseball   baseball bookie   baseball historian   baseball shoe   baseballer   based   based on sth   basehit   baseless   baseline   baseman   basement   bash   bash the window out   bashful   bashfully   bashfulness   basic   basic attitude about sth   basically   basically shrug   basically treat sb as the enemy   basin   basis   bask   bask in the attention   basket   basketball   basketeer   bass   bassackwards   bassoon   bassoonist   bastard   bastardize   bastion   bat   bat and bowl at the same time   bat in 121 runs   bat right-handed   bat sb cleanup   bat the breeze   bat zero   batch   batch job   bate   bated   bath   bathe   bathhouse   bathing   bathing suit   bathing-dress   bathos   bathrobe   bathrobes   bathroom   bathtub   batik   baton   batshit   battalion   batten   batter   battered   battery   battery eggs   battery of sth   batting   batting eyes   batting-practice   battle   battle ensign   battle fatigue   battle regalia   battle with a part of oneself   battle-axes   battle-flag   battle-hardened   battle-map   battlefield   battlefront   battleplane   battleship   battlewise   batty   baud   baulk   bawdy   bawl   bawl sb out   bawling-out   bay   bay at sb   bay-sized   bayonet   bazaar   be   be American to the core   be Greek   be Homicide brass flat out   be It   be XX and still full of doubts   be XX pounds poorer   be a Mets licensee   be a bad jigaboo to fuck with sth   be a bad mover   be a bad omen and everyone know it   be a bad scene   be a ball of fire   be a better prospect   be a better word   be a big Dutch and English item   be a big boy   be a big day for sb   be a big deal   be a big hit   be a big pop   be a big thing for a child to feel guilty about   be a big thing with sb   be a big tipper   be a bigger job than sb can handle   be a bit brusque with patients   be a bit dense   be a bit different from the usual   be a bit disappointed by sth   be a bit like oneself   be a bit much   be a bit odd   be a bit of a Don Juan   be a bit of a cook oneself   be a bit of a dilettante   be a bit of everything   be a bit overdramatic   be a bit overwhelmed oneself   be a bit possessive of sb   be a bit rough   be a bit stupid   be a bit too careless   be a bit too weird   be a bit unnerving   be a bit weepy   be a bit weird   be a bitter man to be raised by   be a bloody marvellous idea   be a blunt and discourteous young man   be a bold fellow   be a bona fide businessman   be a bored young man   be a breach of etiquette   be a brick throughout the ordeal   be a bright and promising fellow   be a bundle of nerves   be a bungler   be a busy man   be a calculated risk   be a calming influence around one   be a card   be a certainly a fickle one   be a changed man   be a characteristic gesture when sb is especially alert   be a cheerful and active soul   be a cherished one   be a cinch   be a classic dumbbell   be a close call   be a close one   be a close portrait of a real person   be a close relationship   be a closet cynic at heart   be a collector of sth   be a common occurrence   be a common phenomenon   be a compactly built man   be a competent swimmer   be a complete and utter fraud   be a complete failure when compared to sb   be a complete fool   be a completely different experience   be a compulsive list maker   be a concern of sb   be a conditioned response   be a confirmed busybody   be a congenital flop at watching kids   be a constant burring between sth and sth   be a constant struggle to do   be a contemptible fucker in many ways   be a coolheaded master of logistics   be a copper   be a country mile away   be a couple of decades younger than sb   be a credit to the undertaking   be a crime   be a cross-dresser   be a daily occurrence   be a dear   be a decent sort of female   be a delight to the eye   be a dereliction of values   be a difficult man to handle in incarceration   be a dozen years junior to sb   be a drawing card   be a dull grey from head to foot   be a fact   be a fading memory   be a fairly good student   be a false alarm   be a fan of sth   be a far cry from sth   be a favorite of sb   be a favorite with sb   be a feature that attracts sb   be a fierce independence to sb   be a fine shot   be a first rule of thumb   be a fool and a coward from the first   be a fool to destroy the best chance one have ever had at a second start   be a foolhardy venture   be a former pitcher   be a full moon   be a funny thing to say   be a gas   be a gay lot to look at   be a ghoul   be a good base runner   be a good boy   be a good contact hitter   be a good cook   be a good deal of haughty arrogance   be a good example   be a good kind girl   be a good long time   be a good man of business   be a good neighbour   be a good one   be a good place for ready-made clothes   be a good sandlot baseball player   be a good scout   be a good sport about it   be a good street man   be a good tipper   be a good workman   be a grade-school teacher   be a great deal in common between A and B   be a great deal more powerful than sth   be a great deal too far off to trouble myself about sb   be a great help   be a great money player   be a great old soldier   be a great one for facts   be a great one for siding with sb   be a great relief   be a great risk   be a great source of frustration to sb   be a great success   be a great success for an aristocrat   be a great talker   be a great temporary   be a great traveling companion   be a hard-core lawn freak   be a hard-core social climber   be a healthy thing   be a heartbeat away from sth   be a heartrending sight   be a heavy mass of building   be a hell of a way to ruin the conference   be a highly skilled doctor   be a holiday churchgoer   be a hotter property in A than in B   be a interesting read   be a justification   be a kind of Boche   be a kind of a hard thing to talk about   be a kind of lady killer   be a kind of thick   be a kind of warning   be a kindred spirit   be a lame duck   be a legendary fastball hitter   be a letdown   be a liability   be a liar from beginning to end   be a light sleeper   be a light turnout   be a likable sort   be a liked guy   be a little alarmed at what one have done   be a little better   be a little concerned   be a little confused   be a little crazy   be a little drunk and happy   be a little fat now   be a little frightened   be a little frozen up   be a little grave   be a little guilty   be a little humiliating   be a little hurt   be a little impatient   be a little irritated by the sound   be a little jealous   be a little kinder   be a little late   be a little less than dazzling   be a little lost   be a little more observant   be a little negligent   be a little nervous when one see how small sth is   be a little off the beaten track   be a little orchard   be a little overdramatic   be a little remiss   be a little shriveled   be a little silly   be a little sneaky   be a little sorry for sb   be a little strong   be a little taken aback   be a little too hot to be dismissed as mere annoyance   be a little too much of a cult for me   be a little too old to be reckless   be a little troublesome   be a little uneasy   be a little uneasy with the idea   be a little wiser   be a little worried   be a living   be a living doll   be a load of nonsense   be a lonely man with no one around me   be a lonely man with no one around one   be a long shot to do   be a long speech for sb   be a long time ago   be a long way gone over in one direction of time   be a long way off   be a losing battle   be a lot better   be a lot better looking than sth   be a lot more patient   be a lot smaller than one sb expect   be a lousy conversationalist   be a lousy love life   be a lover   be a low-ball hitter   be a loyal fiancee   be a lucky break   be a maddened outcast   be a magnificent competitor   be a man full of murder   be a man given to abrupt mood changes   be a man given to frequent depression   be a man of considerable reputation with the ladies   be a man of temperate habits   be a man of the world   be a man who obviouly deserved the title   be a manifestation of sth   be a mass of greenery   be a match for sb   be a matter of public knowledge   be a mean fighter   be a mean old man   be a medusalike mass of tangles   be a mental giant for conceiving it   be a mercy killer   be a mess   be a mighty lowdown trick   be a mile of base   be a mind-reader   be a miracle of diplomacy   be a model of tidiness   be a monk all the way   be a monstrous piece of effrontery   be a much less serious thing   be a musical experience to treasure   be a mystery   be a nationwide sentiment for the coming season   be a natural resentment   be a negative connotation   be a new thought   be a newfound friend   be a nice job   be a nice man until sb make one angry   be a nice rich marriage for her   be a nice sideline   be a nice touch   be a noble tree   be a nonentity   be a note of reserve   be a nothing job   be a nurse in a hospital   be a one-day trial   be a one-way trap   be a pain in the ass   be a pal from the old days   be a pansy   be a past president   be a pathological philanderer   be a peacock in everything but beauty   be a period of absolute sensual fulfillment   be a person   be a person of no particular distinction   be a person of strong opinions   be a piece of cake   be a place of great skilfulness   be a pleasant man   be a pleasantly clear-cut type   be a pleasure to do   be a pleasure to observe   be a police matter   be a poor return   be a poor sport   be a potential liability   be a pretty easy touch   be a pretty good fighter   be a pretty intelligent person   be a problem   be a product of sixties   be a professional   be a profitable enterprise   be a publisher   be a pure pleasure for sb   be a question that need not detain sb   be a quick read   be a quiet and modest man   be a raker and a shoveler   be a rare organization   be a rather big word   be a rather dead place   be a rather easygoing sort of fellow   be a real bastard   be a real blessing   be a real bummer   be a real champion of virtue   be a real character   be a real danger   be a real dilemma   be a real fan of sb   be a real friendly bastard   be a real kidder   be a real man   be a real pro   be a recent widower   be a regular thing   be a relief pitcher   be a reminder for sb   be a restorative measure the body is taking on its own   be a return to the strictly traditional   be a rising star   be a rushing sound in the sky like rain   be a sadder & wiser man   be a safe bet   be a scene of incredible holocaust   be a schoolboy   be a scrofulous creature   be a sensible idea   be a serious drinker   be a setback   be a shambles   be a sharp motherfucker   be a sharp systems guy   be a shock to the system   be a shopkeeper   be a sick man   be a sight to behold   be a silly girl   be a simple job   be a simple one   be a size smaller than sb   be a slap in the face   be a slow start   be a sly boots   be a sly puppy   be a smart kid and want to move up   be a smart piece of work   be a smartass   be a smoke-free environment   be a softness in the head   be a somewhat awkward athlete   be a sordid man   be a sort of death   be a sound sleeper   be a special pleasure for sb in doing   be a spirit moving among mortals   be a splendid judge of character   be a spoiled brad   be a sprawling estate   be a step from crossing the line between A and B   be a stickler for red tape   be a sticky business   be a straight recitation of facts   be a strange diversion   be a strange one   be a stranger   be a struggle   be a study in hypocrisy   be a sucker for old things   be a swarm of activity   be a terrible athlete   be a terrific card   be a terrific dab at any sort of game   be a terrific line   be a terrific snob   be a terrifying moment for sb   be a terrifying thought   be a thick curtain of rain   be a third or fourth cousin   be a thirty-to-one shot   be a thoroughly bad lot   be a thousand times more sophisticated than sb   be a threat   be a tight fit   be a torment to sb   be a toss-up   be a total disaster   be a total monk   be a tricky job   be a triumphant tone   be a troublemaker   be a truly vile creature   be a unique AA way of doing things   be a useful addition to the family   be a vain sort of thing to do   be a valued guest   be a very Catholic concept   be a very complicated and devious man   be a very good golfer   be a very hard nut   be a very light eater   be a very methodical sort of person   be a very proud man   be a very serious matter   be a very sick man   be a very small spy   be a very sound ecological practice   be a very special skill   be a very unlikely candidate for doing   be a very witty guy   be a way of life   be a wee bit fat around the thighs   be a welcome respite   be a well-kept secret   be a whiz at playing that kind of subtext   be a whole brand-new can of beans   be a wholly new experience for sb   be a widower   be a wildcat for fair   be a wise guy   be a wonderful man for starting a chase   be abandoned   be abandoned and rebuilt   be abashed   be abhorrent   be able   be able to act   be able to appear more ladylike   be able to cast all doubts aside   be able to contribute pertinent information   be able to do at last   be able to do what one thinks is right   be able to enjoy all sorts of later advantages   be able to find some niche for sb   be able to go on   be able to manage not ~ing   be able to negotiate the course pretty well   be able to remember and understand   be able to stand sweaty heat   be able to stick with something and finish it   be able to take a full View of the whole Performance   be able to understand   be able to use a financial bucket-loader   be able to work things out   be aboard   be abolished   be about 25 years old   be about XX years old   be about a block from the house   be about as much use to sb as a hole in the head   be about done   be about far from being passionate and committed   be about ready to do   be about right   be about to   be about to ask questions   be about to be consummated   be about to begin   be about to bust sb   be about to cry   be about to do   be about to fall   be about to give up in despair   be about to go out   be about to go out of business   be about to say   be about to say is something sb finds painful   be about to win   be above it   be above it all   be abrupt   be abruptly intent   be absent   be absolute angels   be absolutely delighted   be absolutely determined to do   be absolutely drunk   be absolutely furious   be absolutely ignorant of the language   be absolutely indispensable   be absolutely mystified about which way to go   be absolutely paralyzed   be absolutely plumb crazy   be absolutely puzzled   be absolutely relaxed   be absolutely right   be absolutely sure one can get away with it   be absolutely thrilled about sth   be absolutely watertight   be absolved of any responsibility for the messages   be absorbed by every moment of it   be absorbed in doing   be absurd   be absurd beyond all belief   be accepted   be accepted as gospel   be accepted scientific fact   be accessible in a campus library   be accompanied by a few odd giggles   be accompanied by a slight whoomph   be accompanied by loud applause   be accompanied by sb   be accorded   be accused by the public prosecution as an emigrant   be accustomed to dealing with sb   be accustomed to do   be accustomed to doing at that time   be accustomed to receive a great deal of most gratifying attention   be achieved by adherence to scruple   be achieved by laughing   be achieved only by profound changes in sth   be acquainted with sb   be acting like morons   be acting like wimps   be acting strange   be active   be active and committed to the church and its beliefs   be active on port tt23   be actively committed   be actively infected   be actually awake   be actually in charge   be actually pleased   be actually watching   be acutely uneasy   be adamant   be adamantly determined to do   be addressed as   be adept at doing   be adept at wielding numerous aliases   be adjourned for the day   be admirable of sb to do   be admirable things for the observer   be admirably done   be admitted   be admitting it   be adopted everywhere   be advanced in years   be advantage of handling products through a first-rate distributor   be advisable to get quickly upon the track of sb   be advised to do   be affable   be affected   be affected by a lot of things   be affected with the unrest attendant   be affectionate   be affirmed   be afflicted with a painful feeling of inferiority   be affluent   be affronted   be aflame   be afraid   be afraid of   be afraid of falling into the American trap   be afraid of nobody   be afraid of sb doing   be afraid of the nervous ferocity sb might display   be afraid of torrent plunging into the basin below   be afraid of trouble with sb   be afraid sb may take it badly   be afraid sb might injure oneself   be afraid sb will be furious   be afraid something like that would happen   be afraid to do   be afraid to put on public display   be afraid to take sb out of the air   be after   be after all a patently illegal act   be after sb   be after sb this trip   be against the wall   be aggressive   be aggrieved   be aghast   be agile   be agitated   be agitated about something   be ahead   be ahead 5-0   be ahead of oneself in school   be ahead of time   be aimed at oneself   be alarmed   be alarming   be alert   be alert as ever to nuances of speech   be alert for any opportunity to avoid sth   be alert to sth   be alerted by sth   be alerted for a grand arrival   be alike   be alive   be alive and well   be alive though in a bad way   be alive with authority   be alive with sth   be all   be all a complete blank to sb   be all a pack of lies   be all alone in the office   be all at sixes and sevens   be all awake   be all away   be all bloodshot   be all buckshee speculation   be all business   be all butt   be all caked in dirt   be all confused   be all crowded together at one corner of it   be all devoted to sb   be all done doing   be all dressed up   be all ears and elbows   be all ears as sb gabs on   be all expectation   be all for doing   be all for show   be all going direct the other way   be all gone   be all impatience to be gone   be all in   be all in a clove hitch   be all in league to do as sb choose   be all in line   be all in place   be all in pretty good case   be all in the eyes   be all locked up   be all mouth   be all of a tremble oneself   be all on the surface   be all on the up and up   be all one can think of   be all one needed   be all out in the open   be all out of breath   be all over   be all over sb   be all over the map   be all over the place   be all prepared to commit murder   be all pretty much alike   be all pretty much as usual   be all pure conjecture   be all purely abstract information   be all put on   be all quiet and serene   be all right   be all right at anything   be all right behind sb   be all right for a bit   be all sb can count on   be all sb do   be all sb got   be all sb need to know   be all set   be all set to do   be all smiles   be all smoldering under various pressures   be all square   be all squeezed rather tight on the platform   be all strung out   be all sweating profusely   be all tense   be all too evident   be all too pat   be all true   be all up to us now   be all up with sb   be all very casual   be all very innocent   be all very well for a start   be all wasted upon sb   be allayed   be allowed the fullest freedom   be allowed to do   be allowed to graduate   be allowed to pass unharmed   be allowed to sleep   be allowed to suffer alone and in peace   be allowing oneself to look beyond sth   be almost all set to do   be almost always looking for new ways to do   be almost an accusation   be almost beside oneself   be almost bound to miss   be almost captured by humanity   be almost certainly false   be almost completely deprived of any means of communication with sb   be almost dead   be almost do   be almost doing   be almost entirely lacking in any real desires or ambitions   be almost exactly as sb remembers it   be almost exactly like sth   be almost haunted   be almost impossible to see   be almost in the class with sb   be almost killed already with fatigue   be almost moved to tears   be almost never there   be almost not there   be almost out of control   be almost paralyzed   be almost passionate with gratitude   be almost ready to go   be almost right   be almost silent   be almost sure to   be almost tender   be almost the same as   be almost too much to ask   be almost too quiet   be almost too tired to remember things oneself   be almost unbelievably boring   be almost unnatural   be alone   be alone and only a sojourner in the land   be alone with sb   be along for the ride   be already ashes   be already beginning again   be already beyond all hope   be already dripping wet   be already egging on sb   be already falling to pieces   be already feeling better   be already filled with sth   be already in place   be already more than she is meant to carry   be already proving a worthy sth   be already registered here as a guest   be already set on the idea   be already too far away too see   be already too much for sb   be already too old   be already treating sb like a criminal   be also a remarkably heavy drinker   be also quite positive as to sth   be altogether accurate   be altogether more than anyone can possibly eat   be altogether possible   be altogether too ordinary   be always a heroine   be always afraid   be always amazed to see it in oneself   be always apparently in good spirits   be always aware   be always bad   be always delighted to be summoned to act as arbiter   be always designedly held prisoner   be always doing   be always fatigued in mind and body   be always ferociously loyal to sb   be always glad of a bit of news   be always hanging on sb   be always hard up   be always heavily wrapped up from head to foot   be always horrified when I look at sth   be always in a state   be always in calm good spirits   be always in demand by sb   be always in flux   be always in the way   be always left with the baby   be always much in demand   be always nowhere   be always one for a bit of life   be always part of a large family   be always present and clear   be always quickest with figure   be always ready for a little argument   be always ready to bother others busier than oneself with annoying requests   be always ready to consider a better offer   be always referred to in this way   be always saying remarkable things   be always seen by public in the act of bowing   be always slightly feverish   be always so circumspect   be always so incoherent   be always somewhere   be always somewhere else   be always studying the timetable   be always suggesting things   be always sweating   be always the case   be always the same   be always there   be always trying to do   be always trying to outdo each other in displays of bravery   be always understood   be always way ahead of sb   be always wondering anxiously   be amazed   be amazed and delighted   be amazed to hear a woman make such a good sense   be ambitious to do a good job   be ambushed   be amenable   be among sth   be among the first states to do   be among the first to do   be amused   be amused in spite of oneself   be an absolute tempest   be an accomplished sleight-of-hand artist   be an adept in the art of how exactly to do make the proper approach   be an agonizing disappointment   be an amazing thing   be an appealing scenario   be an ascending team   be an astronomer of sorts   be an avid reader   be an awful feeling   be an easy person to talk to   be an effect of pain medication   be an effective means of doing   be an event   be an ex-Met   be an exact copy of sb   be an exaggeration   be an excellent man of business   be an excellent target for teasing   be an exception to every known rule   be an expert at doing   be an expert at sth   be an icy dip   be an ideal match   be an ideal place for doing   be an image issue   be an immediate success   be an important part of sth   be an impressive roue   be an indefatigable worker   be an inseparable part of the same downward spiral   be an insignificant feature of sth   be an inspiration to sb   be an inveterate gambler   be an obvious escape   be an odd match with sb all delicacy and bone   be an old and constantly lost cause   be an old fart   be an old haunt of sb   be an older man   be an ominous scene   be an operator on a determined scale   be an ordinary woman at heart   be an original   be an outrage   be an unbearable thought  

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