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be an undeniable sth   be angered by sth   be angling onto the loose rock of the shoulder   be angry   be angry at sb   be angry with sb over sth   be announced   be annoyed   be annoyed at not having had sb on call   be annoyed because sb thinks that sb has guards out there   be annoyed sb   be another child   be another guy   be another man   be answered   be answered with a diffident gesture towards the display of maps   be anxious   be anxious as hell to do   be anxious to do   be anxious to go see sb   be anxious to hurry on   be anxious to see   be any good   be any number of bears   be anything but vivacious   be anything save a beauty   be apart   be appalled   be appalled at how unobservant one has been   be apparently attracted to sb   be apparently no spur of the moment thing   be apparently too much for sb   be appealing   be apprehensive   be appropriate   be apt do   be apt to   be apt to be deviant   be apt to do   be apt to get depressed   be arguing over the price of a rib   be armed   be around   be around Christmas   be around the corner   be around the house   be around thirty years old   be around to hear sth   be aroused   be arranged   be arranged directly under the window   be arrested   be arrested for doing   be artificial   be as brave as a bull   be as casual as hell   be as clear as day   be as common as cheese   be as crooked as sb is   be as exited as sb   be as far away as Pago Pago   be as full as a tick   be as good a place as any   be as good as a word spoken   be as good as dead   be as good as new   be as good as ours   be as good as unskilled   be as happy as sb ever expect to be   be as ignorant as one claim to be   be as large as life   be as mad as a wet hen   be as old as sb   be as rampant as sth   be as reticent and mysterious as sb   be as sensational as any great dramatic coup   be as silent as the ocean depth   be as simple as that   be as smart as paint   be as stiff as if sculpted   be as stumped as sb is   be as unsubstantial as ever   be as vocal as in sth   be as well able to size sb up as sb   be as well satisfied as sb is   be as wet as a dishcloth   be ashamed of oneself   be ashamed one do   be ashen   be asked   be asking too much   be asleep   be asleep and do   be asleep and snoring   be assembled   be assigned   be assigned to sb   be assigned to ...   be associated with sth   be assume to do   be assumed to do   be astonished   be astonished and moved   be astonished by sth   be astonished to hear from sb   be astonishingly all smiles   be astronomical   be at a dead end   be at a loose end   be at a loss   be at a loss as to what one should do   be at a loss as to what one should say   be at a loss for wards   be at a loss for words   be at a loss what to do   be at a loss what to say   be at a premium   be at a reform school for boys   be at a total loss   be at all explicit   be at attention   be at best   be at best ambivalent   be at best biased   be at best occasional   be at best still in progress   be at dawn Action Stations   be at ease   be at first relieved   be at great pains to do   be at hand   be at last beginning to feel sleepy   be at last fully reconciled to doing   be at least partly genuine   be at least thirty   be at odds with sb   be at once alert with hope   be at risk   be at sb   be at sea   be at stake   be at sth a lot longer than sb   be at such close range   be at the center of German economic strength   be at the new stage now   be at the tail end of a cold   be at the wheel of the Porsche   be at the wrong family functions   be at war with sb   be at work   be attached to sth   be attacked   be attacked as preposterous   be attentively silent   be attracted by sth   be attracted by the light   be attracted by the notion of doing   be attractive enough to make people like one   be attractive to sb   be attuned to sth   be audibly expressive of people   be augmented by fiction   be automatic   be available   be available for the evening   be averse to heat   be avoider of publicity   be awake   be awake in a way   be awaken to a painful reality   be awakened from a state of blissful slumber   be aware of an element of violence   be aware of sth   be aware of the courtesy due to a guest   be away   be away for days at a time   be away from sb   be away on a trip   be awed to silence   be awesome   be awfully blunt   be awfully cheap for a man   be awfully easy to lose in traffic   be awfully feeble for a cat like Lily   be awfully popular   be awfully popular with the girls   be awfully silly   be awfully tired   be awfully touchy about it   be back   be back home   be back in business   be back in sth   be back in the same old slot   be back more in tune with the world   be back to make a nest at the home one have once spurned   be back to square one   be backwatered   be bad   be bad about facing things   be bad and become successful   be bad business   be bad enough   be bad news for both   be bad-tempered   be bad-tempered and silent   be badly beaten up by sb   be badly nicked or marred   be badly shaken   be badly twisted   be baffled   be baffled by life   be baited   be balding   be bare   be bared   be barely a half hour   be barely aware of where one is   be barely eight Turns old   be barking mad   be barking up the wrong tree   be barren of resources   be baseball-obsessed   be based between China and Moscow   be based on a new hard information   be based upon sth   be bathed in bright overhead lighting   be bathed in cologne   be battered to death   be beaded with perspiration   be beaming   be beaten   be beaten and beaten big   be beaten to death   be beaten up   be beautiful   be beautifully made   be becoming a new man   be becoming absurdly clear   be becoming as crazy as everybody else in this damn family   be becoming clear   be becoming increasingly bored at doing   be becoming less English   be becoming less easy to recall   be bedded down   be befriended   be befuddled   be beggaring sb   be beginning to do   be beginning to feel one can no longer cope   be beginning to relax again   be beginning to run down   be beginning to sound drunk   be beginning to weep   be beguiled by such sycophantic flattery   be begun at once   be behaving like a fool   be behind   be behind 3-0   be behind all this   be behind sb   be being acquisitive   be being affectionate   be being blasphemous   be being cared for with reverent dignity   be being careful to the point of paranoia   be being deliberately designed to do   be being disregarded   be being disturbed   be being exceptionally cryptic   be being extravagant   be being forced to beg a favor from sb   be being looked at out of Financial Crimes   be being mildly joshed   be being spoiled for choice   be being taken care of   be being thrown from pillar to post   be being too suspicious   be being traded   be being used to do   be belayed with ropes   be beneath sb   be bent forward in this queer way   be bent on doing   be bent on ~ing   be beside oneself   be beside oneself with happiness   be beside oneself with joy   be beside the point   be best served   be betrayal on the grand scale all right   be better   be better accepted   be better at doing than anyone else   be better define   be better effected by doing   be better for sb not to know   be better off   be better on land than sea   be better served   be better than sb   be better than the rate for my present job   be between friends   be between stories   be bewildered   be beyond belief   be beyond control   be beyond counting   be beyond marrying age   be beyond oneself   be beyond price   be beyond saving   be beyond sb   be beyond that   be beyond the realm of possibility   be beyond the winking lamps   be biased   be big in Latian wine   be big in the media   be biopsied   be bitter   be bitter about sb   be bitter as hell   be bitterly cold at that time of year   be bitterly the worse for wear   be blackmailed   be blamed   be blaming oneself   be blank with amazement   be blasted   be blatant enough   be bleeding away   be bleeding quite heavily   be blessed   be blessed by sb   be blessed richly by the gods   be blessed with noble blood   be blind   be blinded   be bloated with food   be blocked in with a free and swift hand   be blocked with dust   be bloody awful   be bloody clever   be bloody straight   be blotted out   be blown around by the wind   be blown away over great distances   be blown sky high   be blown through guilt by association   be blue blood   be blurred and white   be blurred into one giant blast   be boarded   be body-building enthusiast   be bogged down   be bolted   be bombarded   be bombed for fifteen hits   be bone-tired   be booming out   be booted off   be booted out of office   be boring and expendable time-wasters   be boring beyond belief   be born able to do   be born in pain   be born into a noble household   be born into sth   be born of the same mother   be born to live in exile   be born who one is   be both back on the streets   be both massive and magnificent   be both pathetic and amusing   be both working the right side of the good-and evil beat   be bothered by business of any kind connected with sth   be bothering about anything   be bounced from sleep   be bound by formalities   be bound down   be bound for trouble   be bound to be painful   be bound to become a little rusty   be bound to do   be bound to make the connection   be bound to use sth   be bound to win one eventually   be bracketed   be brand-new   be brave   be breathing irregularly   be brewing on a large scale   be brief   be bright and cheerful in the extreme   be bright and clear   be bright with the glimmer of the late light   be brightly rouged   be brilliant and creative   be brilliant genius   be brilliant idea   be brilliant observations   be brimming over with boyish excitement   be bring up from the minors   be broke   be broken by interruptions   be brooding over   be brought gloriously up to date   be brought in   be brought into the picture   be brought to justice   be brought to side with A against B   be brought together with sb   be brought up by sb   be brought up in an atmosphere of generosity and ease   be brought up in ease   be brought up on Shakespeare   be brought up short   be bubbling with joy   be buckling in places   be buffeted by homesickness   be buffled   be built below the street level   be built for sth   be built like the brick shithouse   be built over a deadly trap   be built to do   be built to last a lifetime   be built to survive an earthquake   be bullied and nagged at by sb   be bummed out   be bumped   be bunched in the booth   be bunched nose to bumper   be bungled   be buoyant   be buoyant and hopeful   be burden with care   be burglarized   be buried in the magazine   be burned   be burned away   be burned beyond recognition   be burned to the ground   be burnt out   be burst asunder   be bushed   be busily occupied   be busy day and night   be busy patting oneself on the back   be busy talking with sb   be busy with an appointment   be busy with other sexual pursuits   be busy with pain and rage   be busy with patients   be busy ~ing   be but transparent disguise for sb   be buying a house   be buying oneself a treat   be by nature incapable of not loving   be by no means responsible for   be by no means unique to Japan   be by oneself   be by this time completely bewildered   be by training an economist   be cake   be cake eater   be calculated to do   be calculating   be called   be called crazy   be called in swh   be called off   be called out   be called out in the middle of the night   be called to heaven   be called upon   be canceled   be canny enough to do   be capable of amazing bursts of sweetness   be capable of superconcentration   be captured and read   be cared for   be careful   be careful as hell   be careful as hell not to do   be careful not to be   be careful not to do   be careful not to nod too quick an assent   be careful to do   be carefully selected   be carefully weeded   be carping and critical   be carried away   be carried away by the persuasions of sb   be carried out   be carried out in an absent-minded sort of way   be carrying sth   be cast adrift in the world   be cast aside by one and all   be casually dressed   be cataloged at length in dry medical prose   be catching up on the news   be caught   be caught between A and B   be caught by surprise   be caught in a morass of despair and nihilism   be caught in a vicious circle   be caught in a web of circumstances   be caught in some new mischief   be caught in the door   be caught in the flames   be caught in the grips of a seizure   be caught in the vise of this horrible dilemma   be caught on the wrong foot   be caught out   be caught reading a forbidden book   be caught short   be caught unaware   be caught up in that fixed look   be caught up in the heat of the moment   be caught up with sth   be cautious   be cautious of pointed leaves at eye level   be centered on oneself   be certain   be certain of a great many things   be certain of it   be certain to do   be certain to pique sb   be certainly a priceless treasure   be certainly acquainted   be certainly all good publicity   be certainly frantic enough to try   be certainly not behind any other learned profession   be certainly not lovers   be certainly nothing to rave about   be certainly right down in the dumps   be certainly terrifying   be challenged by sb   be changed almost beyond recognition   be chaos   be charged up for sb like a magnet   be charged with murdering sb   be charged with obstructing the police   be charmed   be charmed by sb   be charming   be charming and phony   be charmingly addled and not quite sure   be charmingly oblivious   be chauffeured by sb   be cheap and make a goodly show for sixpence   be cheaply constructed   be checked in case   be cherished   be children in your hand   be chilled   be chiseled away   be choked by a dry sobbing   be choked for response   be choked up with a dingy mist   be choked with emotion   be choked with tears   be chopped off bottom and top   be chopped off by silence   be circulated in the papers   be civilized   be clamoring for sth   be clarified   be class a fuck-up   be classified as sth   be clean and new   be clean but for sth   be cleaned up   be clear   be clear about sth   be clear to sb   be cleared off   be cleared out of the path to make way   be cleared up pronto   be clearly a leader at sth   be clearly an intelligent man   be clearly angered   be clearly beyond any medical redemption   be clearly expensive   be clearly in a very bad mood   be clearly mature and established as a person   be clever   be clever and wise   be clever at doing   be clever enough to do   be cleverly constructed   be close at hand   be close enough   be close to crossing the Oregon-Idaho border   be close to home   be close to sb   be close to something   be close to tears   be closed   be closed for business   be closed for cleaning   be closed to the public   be closed up to Action Stations   be closely prescribed   be closely related   be closely watched   be closer to three hours away   be closer together   be closing up for the night   be clouded by   be clumped together in sth   be clustered together   be clutching at straws   be cluttered by comparison   be co-opted by sb   be coated with sth   be cocked   be cognisant of any further developments   be cold   be cold and aloof   be cold and hard   be collected on scavenger hunts   be combed neatly in place   be comfortable   be comfortable with sth   be comfortably in the saddle   be comfortably placed   be comforted   be coming along   be coming along very nicely   be coming along wonderfully   be coming and going   be coming to an end   be coming up in a week   be commendable   be committed   be common   be common enough   be common knowledge to sb   be communicated by direct skin-to-skin contact with sb   be communicating without words   be communicative   be comparatively dark   be comparing barbers   be compelled to do   be competent   be complete   be complete news to sb   be complete nonentities   be complete with the usual equipment   be completed   be completely alone in the world   be completely at a loss   be completely at sea as to what you are driving at   be completely bald   be completely bewildered   be completely cast down in spirits   be completely changed   be completely done in   be completely drenched with sweat   be completely exhausted   be completely filled with sth   be completely grossed-out   be completely groundless   be completely helpless   be completely hemmed in   be completely hidden   be completely honest   be completely immersed in sth   be completely immersed in the water   be completely inflexible   be completely mystified by it   be completely off the mark   be completely ordinary   be completely out of control   be completely privileged   be completely sincere   be completely still   be completely stoned   be completely transformed   be completely undamaged by the earthquake   be completely unfounded   be completely worn out   be complicated   be composed mostly of baseball players   be composite and unreliable   be comprehensible   be compromised   be compromised by sb   be concerned about sb   be concerned about sth   be concerned to do   be condemned to a life of anxiety   be condemned to domestic exile   be conducted at full volume   be confident enough to do   be confident sth will amaze you   be confiding in each other   be confiding in sb   be confined to bed for a long time   be confused   be confused by the idea of urban life   be confused to do   be conjured up by sth   be connected with sb   be conquered   be conscience stricken   be conservatively dressed   be considerably irritated   be considerably less romantic   be considered a benevolent presence   be considered a very special breed   be considered barely respectable   be considered eccentric   be considered most honorable   be considered rather important   be considered suspect   be considered unsociable and eccentric   be consistent with sth   be consoled   be consolidated before sb   be constant   be constantly bumping into each other   be constantly on edge   be constantly on the lookout for sb   be constantly on the television   be constantly on the watch   be consulted about sth   be consumed by rust   be contained   be contained enough to do   be content to die   be content to live in idleness   be content to spend immortality in a different light   be content to wait   be content to wait for the rest   be content with sth   be contingency plans only   be continually being offered sth   be continuing to do   be controlled   be conveniently available   be conveniently located   be converted   be convicted   be convicted of one count   be convinced   be convinced that this is the only proper way   be cool   be cool and clear   be cool and steady   be cooled out   be cooling off   be cordoned off   be cornered   be correlated   be counted in days and hours   be counted on to do   be counting on sth   be coupled up   be courted by numerous admirers   be covered   be covered in jots and rivulets of blood   be covered over   be covered with a mass of green foliage   be covered with blood   be covered with confusion at finding sth at all   be covered with glory   be covered with holes   be covered with ocean spray   be covered with sand   be covered with soapsuds   be covered with sores   be covered with sth   be covered with sweat   be covered with water   be covered with wrinkles   be cowardly to back out   be crackers about fresh air   be crafty   be crammed full of sth   be crammed with sth   be crammed with sth and sth   be crazy   be crazy about sb   be cremated   be critical   be crooked   be crooked and irregular and faint   be cross-parties   be crowded   be crowded around the door outside   be crowded as full as they could hold   be crowded with houses   be crowded with people   be crowded with sth   be crowded with tiny pebbles   be crucial   be crucified   be crude   be crude as an attempt at reassurance   be cruelly bored and frustrated   be cruelly put to death   be crushed   be cunning   be curious   be curious about sth   be curious about what it is like   be curious in an impersonal and analytical way   be curiously crowded together   be curled around   be curled up right at the bottom of the padded dugout   be cursed by evil spirits emanating from the dead dogs and cats   be curt and evasive   be curtly turned away   be cut off   be cut off without a penny   be cut out   be cut short   be cut so openly by sb   be cute   be cute as hell   be damaged   be damn near doing   be damn scarce   be damned good looking   be damned unhappy   be damp   be damp but hard   be dampened   be dampened by sth   be dangerous   be dangerously steep and winding   be dark as hell   be dashed   be dashed to bits   be daubed with clay   be dazed   be dazed enough only to remember a few particulars   be dazzled by sth   be dazzling   be dead   be dead against sb   be dead and gone   be dead now   be dead quiet   be dead serious   be dead silence   be dead silent   be dead to stimulation   be dead wood   be deadly quiet   be dealing with an intelligent human being   be dealing with sb   be dealt a blow   be dealt a heavy blow by sth   be dealt a severe blow by sth   be dealt with briefly   be dear to sb   be dearer to sb than anything on earth   be decent enough to do   be decidedly and usefully tasked by sth   be decidedly in love with sb   be decked out for Christmas   be decorated in a different fashion   be deep in conversation with sb   be deeply aggrieved   be deeply concerned   be deeply impressed   be deeply moved   be deeply pleased   be deeply pleased by any compliment   be deeply unhappy   be deeply worried about sth   be definitely not worthy of sb   be definitely planned   be delayed by untimely argument   be delicate   be deliciously terrified   be delighted   be delighted to be included   be delighted to do   be delighted to have sb   be delighted with oneself   be delighted with sth   be delighted with the little man   be delirious with fever   be delivered from sth   be delivered so quickly as to be incomprehensible   be delusional   be demoralizing   be demoted   be deployed as they should be   be depressed   be depressing and reeked of despair   be deregulated   be deserted   be deserved   be desirable   be desperate   be desperate for funds   be desperate for sth   be desperate to do   be desperate to know   be desperately anxious   be desperately eager to do   be desperately struggling to do   be despicable   be despondent about the prospects ahead   be destine to do   be destined surely to lead long secure lives   be destined to be the final out of the game   be destroyed   be destroyed in an air raid   be destroyed in the war   be destroyed with no basis in fact   be detected   be determined   be determined not to do   be determined to   be determined to become a clown   be determined to do   be determined to pass muster   be determined to succeed at all costs this time   be devastated   be developed   be developed sth primarily with one scenario in mind   be developing advertising concepts   be deviled up   be devised   be devoid of meaning   be devoted   be devoted to all of you   be devoted to sb   be devotedly attached to each other   be different   be difficult   be difficult indeed   be difficult to describe   be difficult to do   be difficult to explain   be difficult to get on with   be difficult to put up with at all   be dignified   be directed to do   be directly ahead   be directly below   be directly keyed to sth   be disappointed   be disappointing to say the least of it   be discarded   be discharged from the hospital   be disciplining sb   be discomfited by sth   be discomfitted   be disconcerted by sth   be disconcerted to find oneself   be disconnected   be discontinued   be discouraged   be discovered   be discovered and make it big   be discreet   be discussed and speculated about   be discussed publicly   be disdainful and reserved   be disgusted   be disgusted with oneself   be disgusted with oneself for doing   be disinclined to quickly agree   be disintegrated   be dislodged   be disloyal to sb   be dismembered and remembered   be dismissed   be dismissed for any number of indisputably logical reasons   be dismissed in fovour of sb   be disoriented   be dispassionate   be displeased   be disrupted   be dissatisfied   be dissatisfied with sth   be dissed   be dissipated as heat   be dissipated by the she-wolf   be distant cousins   be distinct   be distracted   be distracted by a striking woman   be distracted by other matters   be distracted from sth   be distracting the hitters   be distressed   be distressed by sth   be disturbed   be disturbed sb very much   be divided equally between AA and BB  

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