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be divided into three main sections   be divided on whether to do   be divorced on the quiet   be documented better   be dog-eat-dog   be dogged in the hunt   be doing   be doing a hectic trade   be doing a little better each day   be doing all right   be doing as one go deliberately   be doing better   be doing great   be doing pretty well   be doing research for a Ph.D. in sociology   be doing right   be doing something longwinded   be doing things for each other   be doing to show   be doing well enough without doing   be dominated by reason   be dominated by sth   be dominating   be done   be done all over the world   be done but for the intervention of sb   be done for   be done in   be done on the phone   be done talking about sth   be done with sth   be doomed   be doomed to failure   be doomed to haunt sb   be doomed with sb   be dopey from lack of sleep   be dotted with buds   be dotted with fine beads of sweat   be dotted with sth   be double-tongued   be down among the dead   be down here   be down in the dumps   be down the toilet   be down the tubes   be down to sth   be down to whiskers of difference from one to the other   be downright astounding   be downright bawdy   be downright wily   be dozing off to sleep   be drafted   be drafted into the armed forces   be dragged off   be dragging   be drawing blanks   be drawn by its unflinching self-assurance   be drawn into manufacturing   be drawn into the conversation   be drawn into what could be a crime   be drawn with a clever economy of line capturing pose and character   be drenched by the rain   be drenched in sweat   be drenched with blood   be dress charmingly for a country outing   be dressed all in black clothing   be dressed as neatly as possible   be dressed fastidiously   be dressed in a bright green wrapper   be dressed in a sort of semi-military leisure suit   be dressed in authentic cowboy gear   be dressed in black   be dressed in ...   be dressed like a banker in a smart necktie   be dressed like a young man of fashion   be dressed nicely   be dressed sharp   be dressed to go out   be dressed with care   be drifting   be dripping badly   be dripping with sweat   be driven by greed   be driven by mixed emotions   be driven into a corner   be driven out of business entirely   be driven to oneself   be dropped out   be dropping off   be drugged to some extent   be drunk   be drunk and ready to fall out of the high seat   be dubbed   be dubious still   be ducked out on me   be due for a respite   be due over with sb   be due to graduate soon   be dull and poky   be duly noted for the record   be dumb enough to do   be dumbstruck   be dying   be dying for a hunka-hunka burning love   be dying to do   be dying with visual happiness   be each plainer than the next   be eager and energetic womanizer   be eager to do   be eager to get to work   be eager to stop and make a search   be eagerly awaited by sb   be eagerly ensconced in the safe house   be eagerly sought   be eagerly waiting for sb   be early enough   be earnest in cessation   be earthy   be easily detectable   be easily discerned   be easily duped   be easily flattered   be easily infected   be easily influenced   be easily led   be easily moved   be easily panicked by the challenge to do   be easily won over   be easy   be easy prey for stronger men with wickeder ideas   be easy to be around   be easy to be with   be easy to domineer   be easy to figure out   be easy to get on with   be easy to understand   be easy with people   be easy with sb   be eaten alive by the fourteen tanks   be eaten of worms   be eaten up by houses   be eaten up with rust   be eaten up with urgency   be eccentric and rich   be ecstatic   be edgy   be educated   be educated at a grammar school   be eerie   be effectively carried out   be efficient   be effusively grateful   be egged on by sb   be eighty per cent full   be elated   be elected as an independent in a stunning upset   be elegant   be embarrassed   be embarrassed as hell   be embarrassed by the praise   be embarrassed for the kindly old dollmaker   be embarrassed in front of the huge crowd   be embarrassed to death   be embarrassing   be embroiled in an ugly confrontation   be eminently more rational   be emotional   be emotionally cranked up   be emotionally distressed   be emotionally upset   be employed   be empty   be empty and deserted   be empty and forlorn   be empty and still   be enamored of sb   be encamped under a thatch-roofed shelter   be enchanted with sb   be enclosed by a high brick wall   be enclosed by impenetrable blackness   be endangering sb   be endeavouring to raise a fund to buy sb sth   be endless   be energized by sth   be enervated   be enfeebled by age   be engaged   be engaged in a business conference   be engaged in a drawdown   be engaged in a massive land war   be engaged in doing   be engaged in earnest conversation   be engaged in frequent travel as a public speaker   be engaged in profound thought   be engaged in sewing   be engaged in some out-of-channels courtship of sb   be engrossed in practical problems   be engulfed at either end by sth   be enjoying doing   be enormous   be enormously confident   be enough   be enough responsibility   be enough to buy sb some time   be enough to do   be enough to keep sb going   be enough to make sb swoon   be enough to make you puke   be enough to send sb into one of enraged depressions   be enough to shake nerves of steel   be enraged   be enslaved by passion   be enslaved by things we approve of   be entangled   be enthralled   be enthusiastically appalled   be entirely and utterly monogamous   be entirely appropriate for sb to do   be entirely correct   be entirely lost   be entirely out of place in that magazine   be entirely purposeless   be entirely up to sb   be entirely without guile   be entitled to know sth   be entitled to self-determination   be entitled to this   be entranced by sb   be entreated by sb   be enveloped in paralyzing gentleness   be equipped   be equivalent to seven hundred and fifty Japanese yen   be eroded   be escorted by sb   be especially earnest teaching sb   be especially good with a knife   be especially taken by sth   be especially thankful to sb   be especially touchy   be essential   be established   be established as natural and proper   be established as the regular short-stop   be estranged from others too   be even   be even a hundred times better than one have thought them   be even angrier   be even better   be even cuter than sb   be even more blissful than sexual fulfillment   be even more interested in doing than anything else   be even more intimidating   be even more nauseating   be even more of a slave to convention than one is now   be even more sensitive to the cold   be even more serious   be even quite sensitive in some ways   be even worse   be ever conscious of sth   be everywhere   be evident to sb   be evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark   be exactly as it has been   be exactly matched   be exactly the same   be exactly what it is not   be exaggerate   be exaggerating   be exaggerating the whole thing   be exalted   be examined by doctors   be exasperated   be excellent for doing   be excellent in small quantities   be excellent lever to get sb to inform on others   be excellent lever to procure information   be exceptionally short with sb   be excessively polite   be exchanging favors   be excited   be excited to do   be exemplars of the dreadful   be exempt from these concerns   be exhausted   be exhausted by travel   be expected   be expected by sb   be expected to do   be expecting that question   be expecting to do   be expensive   be experiencing a fading lack of control   be explainable   be explicit   be exposed   be exposed to inadequate schooling   be exposed to the eyes of those about one   be exposed to the injuries of the weather   be exposed to the public gaze   be exposed to the world as a thief   be exposing oneself   be exquisitely coordinated   be extolled as admirable   be extolled to the skies   be extraordinarily contagious   be extraordinarily kindhearted   be extraordinarily malleable   be extraordinary to do   be extreme   be extremely cold   be extremely difficult   be extremely difficult to telephone   be extremely dominating   be extremely fine grain   be extremely flattered   be extremely fond of sb   be extremely frugal   be extremely gifted   be extremely good   be extremely hard to do   be extremely helpful   be extremely inhibiting   be extremely modest but well maintained   be extremely relieved   be extremely sensible   be extremely tardy in ~ing   be extremely tense   be extremely tired   be extremely upset   be extremely young   be exuberant   be faced with a daunting bill   be faced with this exact problem   be factored into analysis   be fading   be fair   be fair and square before sb   be fair enough   be fair with sb   be fairly brazen   be fairly brimmed with excitement   be fairly dealt with   be fairly good spirits   be fairly kind-spirited   be fairly resourceful with words   be fairly smothered under work   be fairly sure   be fairly sure about   be fairly unremarkable sort   be fallible   be falling apart inside   be familiar   be familiar to sb   be familiar to sb by sight   be familiar with the general concept   be fanatical about sth   be fantastic   be far ahead   be far and away the best   be far away   be far behind   be far better hitting team   be far enough   be far from coast   be far from keen   be far from meaning a lack of interest   be far from sure one agree   be far from well   be far gone   be far gone on sb   be far inferior in every respect   be far mistaken   be far more common than you realize   be far more diplomatic than a human can ever think of becoming   be far more dramatic   be far more than most sons ever do   be far the largest   be far too busy to do   be far too careless on sth   be far too cautious to do   be far too frightened to call   be far too much astonished to cry out   be far too occupied with doing   be far too overwhelmed to notice   be far too positive to allow any quarreling   be far too serious for ...   be far too young for something as big as this   be farfetched   be farther gone than anyone of sb   be fascinated   be fascinated at oneself   be fascinated by sth   be fascinated by this image of sth   be fascinated to do   be fashionably hip   be fashioned from iron pipes   be fast   be fast asleep   be fast to anger   be fastidious in nature   be fatal in woman   be favored by fortune   be feared   be featured in every mammalian brain   be featured on television   be fed   be fed up   be fed up with inactivity   be fed up with wisecracks   be fed well   be feeling a little vulnerable   be feeling black and ready to do oneself in   be feeling cynical   be feeling increasingly desperate   be feeling left out   be feeling oddly heavy   be feeling out of sorts   be feeling particularly pleased about something   be feeling perfectly healthy   be feeling pretty raggedly   be feeling proud of oneself   be feeling serious about sb   be feeling wise to sth   be feeling worn out   be feisty   be felled by the flu bug   be ferried in the police paddy wagon   be fervently misinterpreted   be fetched by sb   be few and far between   be fiddling secretively in a satchel   be fiery and passionate   be fighting and struggling   be fighting crazy mad   be fighting down the stretch   be fighting like sons of bitches   be figuring the matter out   be filed away by an official   be fill with dust   be fill with quarts of sth   be filled full of .32s   be filled to the brim with water   be filled with Victorian houses   be filled with a feverish pity for sb   be filled with a hushed sense of gravity   be filled with a new and deep sense of disappointment   be filled with a new awareness of the power of the opposite sex   be filled with a sense of freedom and joy   be filled with a sort of emotion   be filled with an enormous and unreasoning anger   be filled with anxiety   be filled with disgust   be filled with figures   be filled with piss and vinegar   be filled with sb   be filled with standing rainwater   be filled with sth   be filled with sunshine   be filled with the blink of an occasional signal light   be filled with the full blast of the music   be finally consummated   be financially embarrassed   be finding it hard to breathe   be fine   be fine enough to catch the new note all but drowned in the fierceness   be finely modeled and exquisite   be finely tuned   be finished for the time being   be finished not long after the start   be finished on sth   be finished with sb   be fired   be fired up   be fired with the idea   be firm enough   be firmly engrossed in oneself   be first to arrive   be fixed up   be flabbergasted   be flamboyant   be flanked by sb   be flat out on the bed   be flat-out enraging   be flattened   be flattered   be flattered at your asking me   be flattered by sth   be flattered to   be flawed by sth   be fleet of foot   be flirting desperately with sb   be flooded   be flooded with patients   be floured with dust   be flung in a heap   be flung open   be flush with contentment   be flushed   be flustered   be fly as fly   be flying   be folded in four   be followed by sb   be followed by ~ing   be followed to the microphones by sb   be following sb closely   be fond of   be fond of the place   be fool enough to give oneself away   be fooled   be fooling me   be foolish about that spoiled brat   be for better housing   be for ever hurling insults against sb   be for real   be for sinners   be for the high jump   be foraged form somewhere   be forbidden   be forced   be forced on Japan by the Occupation   be forced to dive hurriedly behind sth   be forced to do   be forced to fend for oneself a lot over the years   be forced to run the gauntlet   be forearmed   be forever safe   be forewarned   be forthwith proceed   be fortunate   be fortunate enough to do   be forty pounds heavier without softness   be fortyish   be found and arrested for the crime of doing   be found ignorant by other people   be found out   be founded on sth   be foxing around with sb   be framed there for an instant   be framing another question   be frantic to get sb to take a cup of tea   be frantically busy   be freaked   be free at last   be free of the bonds that prevent one from doing   be free to come and go as one like   be free to fret about even more disturbing possibilities   be free to run on a dropped third strike   be free to wander around   be freezing cold   be fresh from the laundry   be fresh out of residual affection   be friends   be frighten of sb   be frightened   be frightened by sth   be frightened of sth   be frightening   be frighteningly discreet   be frightful about time   be frightfully willing to do   be fringed in all its length with sth   be from a wealthy family   be from personal experience   be from sb   be from sth   be from the same part of the country   be from the same part of the country as sb   be fronting for sb   be frozen   be frozen in aspic   be frozen in place   be frozen solid   be frugal   be frustrated by sth   be fucking dying here!   be fucking wrong here   be fuddled   be full of   be full of animals   be full of balm   be full of beliefs without kindness   be full of blood   be full of enthusiasm   be full of gold   be full of hatred   be full of hesitations and uncertainties   be full of hot news   be full of jimmied mailboxes   be full of mischief   be full of noisy jeers   be full of oneself   be full of patients   be full of shit   be full of spirit   be full of sth   be full of sunshine   be full of the adventure of youth   be full of the elevating light of success   be full of the most marvellous ambitions   be full of the sound of rain   be full of the usual doubts   be full of twitches and complexes   be full of unexpected feelings   be full of unexpressed feelings   be full of useful suggestions   be full of wine   be fuller and softer   be fully clothed   be fully cognizant of the situation   be fully described   be fully formed   be fully informed   be fully light   be fully revealed to sb   be fully trained   be fun   be funny   be furious   be furious at having sth discovered so soon   be furious at sb   be furious at the idea   be furious when unhappy or dissatisfied   be furious with sb   be fuss with sb   be fussy and resentful   be gaining fast   be garbage   be garrulous over some detail of the household   be gathered   be gathering oneself up on hands and knees   be gay   be gazing fixedly at sth   be gazing intently at sb   be generally inaccessible   be generally known   be generally so much more appealing to sb than those from the cultured and moneyed nobility   be generous   be generous of heart   be gentle to sb   be genuinely frightened   be genuinely startled   be genuinely taken aback by the irrelevancy   be getting a big kick out of the whole thing   be getting ahead of oneself   be getting an ulcer   be getting better   be getting carried away   be getting colder   be getting corny   be getting excited   be getting expensive   be getting full   be getting hit   be getting into less familar territory   be getting light out   be getting loud and clear   be getting on   be getting pretty annoyed   be getting ready to do   be getting reckless   be getting so excite about   be getting so well used to queer things happening   be getting the excrement off sth   be getting to be quite the New Yorker   be getting used to sth   be getting worse every day   be given a weekend pass   be given black tea and cakes   be given kind and courteous treatment   be given on entering junior high school   be given practically nothing to eat   be given special treatment   be given sth   be given such a warm welcome   be given sudden glimpses of the future   be given the whole treatment   be given the whole truth   be given to caution   be given to sentiment   be given up   be giving each other hard knocks   be giving it a go   be giving off a white dust   be giving sb a desperate rush   be giving sb the break   be glad   be glad at Heart to do   be glad sb is there   be glad to see sb at peace   be glad to see sb in the galley   be glad to walk slowly with   be gladdened   be glazed on three sides   be glimmered with rare directness   be glued to the telly   be gobbled up by sb   be godsend to the life of the place   be going   be going a bit far   be going ape   be going away   be going badly awry   be going beyond the beyonds   be going bye-bye   be going down the road of shortcuts to hell   be going nuts   be going out   be going slowly   be going still   be going to be a day late   be going to be a knot   be going to be a linebacker someday   be going to be a part of baseball history   be going to be a permanent fixture   be going to be a waste of time   be going to be all over there   be going to be all right   be going to be difficult to get out of it   be going to be fine   be going to be fun   be going to be hard customer to deal with   be going to be leaving soon   be going to be okay   be going to be suspected   be going to be unbeatable   be going to break down   be going to dispense with the small-talk   be going to do   be going to dress up really fine   be going to duck   be going to fall   be going to feel better afterwards   be going to fool sb   be going to get better   be going to get every one of them   be going to get oneself killed   be going to get sb   be going to get that bitch   be going to go untold   be going to have other fish to fry   be going to have to deal with me   be going to make a difference   be going to miss sb   be going to put sb in the hospital   be going to put up with sb   be going to really have us something here in a minute   be going to run sth   be going to see what one can see   be going to sit and listen to the music   be going to think   be going to ticket sb myself   be going too fast   be gone   be gone awhile   be gone beyond the beyonds   be gone dead again sb   be gone fast   be gone in a flash   be gone much of the time   be gone pure mad with the drink   be gone running madly down the street   be gonna be doing   be gonna do it   be gonna swing by   be good   be good and goddam dead and bloody   be good at doing   be good at making up complicated lie   be good at picking out patterns   be good at sth   be good built   be good but not that good   be good enough for one to be proud of sb   be good enough to give advice to poor folk who are in need of it   be good for doing   be good for sb   be good for the stomachache   be good to a child   be good to do   be good-for-nothing   be good-looking   be gorgeous   be got a lot of nerve   be gouged out   be governed by gravity   be grabbed   be graceful   be gradually getting caught up in the excitement   be grandly festive   be granted   be granted the chance to reflect   be grateful for medical care   be grateful for the balmy warmth of the starlight night   be grateful for the invitation   be grateful to be handed such a convenient segue   be grateful to sb for sth   be grateful when sb decline to take offense   be gratified to do   be great   be great social friends   be greater   be greatly relieved   be green around the gills   be green with envy   be greeted by dead silence   be greeted by sb   be greeted by the smell of blood   be greeted warmly by sb   be greeted with a noisy atmosphere almost of celebration   be greeted with the usual morning cordiality   be grief-stricken and angry   be grieved   be grilled   be grinning   be grotesque   be ground down   be grounded   be growing   be growing away too fast   be growing dreadfully skilful   be growing luxuriantly   be growing steadily stronger inside sb   be growing up too fast   be grown   be grown as a crop   be grown up   be guaranteed to be wooden in any event   be guaranteed to make 75 percent of what one earned the twelve months before   be guilty   be guilty as hell   be guilty of a grievous sin   be guilty of incontinence   be guilty of some terrible sin   be haggard with fatigue   be hailed as the answer to grave emotional distress   be hailed with enthusiasm   be half asleep   be half crazy   be half decided to do   be half drunk   be half joking   be half right   be halfhearted   be halfway through a roundhouse punch   be halfway to becoming a god   be hammered into shape   be hammered out   be handed a major part   be handed around   be handed down   be handled right   be handling everything   be handsomely compensated   be handsomely dressed   be handsomely tipped   be happier than a person hopes to be   be happily married   be happy   be happy doing   be happy enough just to do   be happy to   be happy to defer to the other   be happy to do   be happy to explain   be happy to share this extensive knowledge with sb   be happy with sth   be harassed   be harassed by sb   be hard   be hard as hell to do   be hard at work at Bristol   be hard not to like sb   be hard on sb   be hard pressed   be hard put to do   be hard to disagree   be hard to do   be hard to explain   be hard to find   be hard to get used to   be hard to please and distinctly lacking in sympathy and understanding   be hard to tell   be hard to understand   be hard up   be hard work   be hard-nosed   be hard-working   be harder to talk about sth   be hardly a borderline case   be hardly a prize for sb   be hardly a strong enough word for it   be hardly a threat   be hardly able to breathe   be hardly able to leave home at night   be hardly an overnight sensation   be hardly bothered by sth   be hardly credible   be hardly drink   be hardly ever at home   be hardly extraordinary   be hardly fair game for sb   be hardly functioning   be hardly likely to cast sb aside   be hardly more than a nap   be hardly more than an idea   be hardly off the ground   be hardly prepared for confusion so extreme   be hardly the most difficult question   be hardly the point   be hardly the term   be hardly the way sb is supposed to behave   be hardly what they should be   be harmonized   be haughty in manner   be haunted   be haunted by the thought of the tragedy   be having a fine time of it   be having a fit   be having a good time   be having a hard time following the conversation   be having a hard time responding   be having a wonderful time with sb   be having dinner with sb   be having dry spell   be having financial problems   be having fun   be having too much fun   be having trouble doing   be head over heels in love with sb   be head to head with sb   be headed for a nasty fall   be heading back to where one had been   be heading toward a boil   be headlined   be healthy   be hearing things   be heartened   be heartless   be heavily damaged   be heavily made up   be heavily on fire   be heavily punished   be heavily spiced with names and quotations   be heaving slightly as if one were out of breath   be heavy on the ground   be heavy with sleep   be heavy-set   be hectic and upset   be hedged and qualified   be held a lot in reserve   be held hostage   be held inviolate in safe custody   be held up   be held up by a phone call   be helicoptered out   be hell bent on doing   be helped by sb   be helped into a chair   be helpful   be helping all one could to stop sb1 seeing sb2   be helping one to be much more compliant   be helpless   be helpless and bewildered   be helpless with laughter   be hemmed in   be here   be here to help you   be here to stay   be hesitated   be hidden behind locked door   be hidden by books   be hidden in a large crowd   be hidden in price   be hiding out in the backwoods   be high already   be high in the air   be highly alarmed   be highly correlated   be highly made up   be highly presumptive   be highly probable   be highly unusual   be hinged   be hip   be hired   be hired for fill-in duty   be history   be hit by a jolt of electrical power   be hit by a swirling wave of static   be hit in a vulnerable spot   be hit upon an experiment   be hoisted above the surface of the water   be hoisted up to the kitchen counter   be holding back   be holding back on sb   be holding oneself together   be holding up progress and industry and the free market   be home   be home and dry  

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