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be home for the holidays   be home in an empty house   be homogeneous   be honest enough as honesty goes   be honest out of fright   be honest through it all   be honest with oneself   be honorably discharged   be honored to do   be hoodwinked   be hoodwinked by scoundrels working under cover of the general chaos   be hooked   be hopelessly contaminated   be hopelessly unassertive   be hoping sb might be able to help   be horribly cast down   be horribly frightened   be horrified   be horrified by sth   be hospitalized   be hot and sticky   be hotheaded   be house-trained   be hovering in the space about sb   be hugger-mugger in bed with sb   be humble and obedient   be humbled   be humiliated   be hunched over   be hung over   be hungry   be hunted down one by one   be hurried and eager in the hopeful promise of the day   be hurrying to join sb   be hurt   be hushed   be hyper-intelligent   be icy and abrupt   be ideal for sb   be identifiable enough   be identified   be identified immediately   be idolized by sb   be ignored   be ill   be ill all day   be ill on the patrol boat   be ill prepared for the real world   be ill-advised   be illuminated by campfires   be illustrations of old page in the history of France   be imagining sth   be imagining things   be imbalanced by 75 cents   be immaculately groomed   be immature   be immediately seized by a violent coughing fit   be immensely indebted to sb   be impaled   be impatient   be impatient to get away   be impertinent   be important   be impossible   be impossible not to like sb   be impossible to distrust   be impossible to make out   be impossible to resist   be impoverished   be imprecisely charged with the investigation   be impressed   be impressed by   be impressed by boys with flashy cars   be impressed by sb   be impressed by the contrast between A and B   be impressed by the utter thoroughness with which sb do   be impressed by this kind of professionalism   be impressed with sb   be impressive   be impressive enough to stun sb   be imprisoned   be imprisoned inside the house   be improved   be improving   be imprudent of sb to do   be impulsive   be impulsive and anxious   be in   be in a bad mood   be in a bad way   be in a bemused state   be in a certain amount of pain   be in a cockeyed position way the hell over   be in a dead heat for sth   be in a deep silence   be in a different league from sth   be in a dream world   be in a far more upbeat mood than sb expected   be in a fever of excitement   be in a filthy humour   be in a fine mess   be in a fix   be in a frenzy of nerves and anticipation   be in a good humor   be in a good position to do   be in a high state of excitement   be in a hurry   be in a hurry to get away   be in a hurry to leave   be in a jam   be in a lot of trouble   be in a lotta deep doo-doo   be in a mess   be in a mood   be in a nasty hole   be in a panic   be in a parlous state   be in a particularly bad mood   be in a perfect position   be in a pitiful state   be in a position to do   be in a pretty fix   be in a pretty pickle   be in a rather dazed state   be in a rather remote corner   be in a relaxed frame of mind   be in a rotten humor   be in a spot   be in a stable position   be in a state of apathy   be in a state of collapse   be in a state of complete collapse   be in a steady decline   be in a stunned state   be in a sunny mood   be in a terrible state   be in a terrific hurry   be in a tough spot   be in a very damaged condition   be in a very deep sleep   be in a very embarrassing position   be in a way   be in a weak position   be in a world of hurt   be in a world of serious trouble   be in agreement   be in all events determined to learn how the carving came to be made   be in all sorts of trouble   be in an animated discussion about sth   be in an astoundingly good mood   be in an unusually good humor   be in and out of sleep   be in as deep as murder   be in at the death   be in attendance constantly   be in awe of sb   be in bad repair   be in bad shape   be in bad taste   be in bed   be in bed asleep   be in better shape   be in black books at present   be in bloom   be in business   be in camera   be in charge   be in charge of the kitchen   be in circulation   be in civilian clothes   be in competition with each other   be in confusion   be in constant attendance   be in constant motion   be in control   be in control of oneself   be in cosmetics   be in custody   be in danger   be in danger of doing   be in danger of drowning in the deep water   be in danger of fainting from exhaustion   be in danger of going out   be in decline   be in deep   be in deep shit   be in deep trouble   be in deep yogurt   be in despair   be in disarray   be in dreadful earnest   be in dutch with sb   be in earth orbit   be in easy circumstances as a student   be in enormous bloom   be in excellent hands   be in excellent hearth   be in excruciating discomfort   be in fact none other than sth   be in fairly wide circulation   be in favor with sb   be in fight   be in fighting fettle   be in flux   be in for another surprise   be in for hell   be in for it now   be in for something   be in for the duration   be in frantic activity   be in full chorus   be in full flower   be in full swing   be in funds   be in good shape   be in good spirits   be in great danger of doing   be in great debt to sb   be in great spirits   be in half-light in these flashbacks   be in hands for a moment   be in high good humour   be in hot water   be in ill health   be in imminent danger of being sent home   be in impenetrable shadow   be in late age   be in league with sb   be in less fortunate circumstances   be in lockstep with sth   be in lousy shape   be in love with sb   be in love with sth   be in make-shift wet dock   be in mischief down the road   be in mortal danger   be in much Pain   be in my math class   be in need of a good housekeeper and sitter combined   be in no immediate financial difficulty   be in no mood to do   be in no real hurry   be in no sense distinguished in appearance   be in no shape   be in no special hurry   be in no way inferior   be in on sth   be in one hell of a shape   be in open confederacy   be in order   be in ordinary good clothes   be in other hands   be in out of the hospital   be in place   be in poor health   be in poor physical shape   be in possession of oneself   be in pretty bad shape   be in private practice   be in progress   be in public life   be in quite a fix   be in quite a state   be in readiness to receive sb   be in real danger   be in real hot water   be in service   be in seventh heaven   be in shape   be in shock   be in short supply   be in some kind of booby-trapped spook house   be in some kind of faith contest   be in some really deep shit   be in some sense a rebel   be in some way related to sb   be in sorry shape   be in stark defiance of the opinions of sb   be in such a hurry to leave   be in such desperate need   be in such high spirits about having done   be in sympathy with new forms of art   be in sympathy with sth   be in the air   be in the archives   be in the books   be in the business of sending sb on wild-goose chases   be in the car   be in the cards   be in the closet   be in the company of someone else   be in the exact same attitude   be in the extreme about sth   be in the eye of the beholder   be in the field   be in the front of the boat   be in the genetic code   be in the gloomy library   be in the grip of a violent chill and shivering fit   be in the grip of an emotion   be in the habit of calling A B   be in the habit of doing things like this most days of the week   be in the habit of saying   be in the know   be in the middle of a situation   be in the middle of grand rounds   be in the midst of a trial   be in the midst of a very remarkable inquiry   be in the mood   be in the most unimaginable situations   be in the nature of a jest   be in the neighbourhood   be in the primary grades   be in the process of doing   be in the public domain   be in the right   be in the right mood   be in the same room as sb   be in the soup   be in the train   be in the worst state   be in this party   be in top form   be in touch   be in touch with important happenings   be in touch with sb   be in town   be in town long enough   be in trouble   be in trouble constantly   be in truth sth   be in tune   be in turmoil   be in two minds   be in two minds whether   be in two minds whether to do or to do   be in utmost Astonishment   be in vain   be in view   be in your debt   be incapable of doing   be incapable of establishing a marginal constructive emotional relationship with sb   be incapacitated with laughter   be incestuous   be inclined to acknowledge   be inclined to agree with you   be inclined to do   be inclined to hold forth   be inclined to resist   be inclined to side with sb   be inclined to support local endeavors   be included   be incognito   be incommunicado   be incompetently evaluated   be incredible   be incredulous   be indebted to sb   be indecipherable   be indeed a critical point   be indeed in a pitiable state of agitation   be indeed involved   be indescribably happy   be indignant   be indispensable   be indisputable   be indistinguishable from sth   be inevitable   be inevitably forced into the position of ~ing   be inevitably painful   be inevitably part of the secret world   be inexperienced in doing   be inferior   be infested   be infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent   be infinitesimally crawling all day   be infirm   be inflated   be inflating its significance   be influenced by sb   be informed   be informed of the situation on the phone by sb   be informed on sth   be informed that one needs massive surgery   be infuriating   be inhabited by sb   be inherently better off   be inhibited   be injured   be innocent of sth   be inordinately proud   be insane about sb   be insatiably inquisitive   be insensitive   be inseparable   be inside the house   be inspected   be inspired by dialectical materialism   be inspired by sth   be installed   be installed within the university   be instituted   be instructed to do   be insulated from the outside world   be intact   be intelligent and interested   be intended as sth   be intensely jealous of sb   be intent on spying   be intent on sth   be interested   be interested in   be interested in doing   be interested in insect collecting   be interested to know   be interesting   be interlocked   be interpreted falsely as signs of decay   be intimidated by sb   be intimidated by sth   be into a pout   be into antiques   be into it   be into more than doing   be into sb   be into simple ignorance   be into something together   be into the rhythm   be intolerable   be intoxicated with sth   be intrigued   be intriguing   be introduced   be introduced to sb   be inundated   be invariably disproved   be invisible   be invited   be invited to do   be invited to take a seat   be inviting further contact   be involved   be involved in   be involved in a court case   be involved in casual affairs   be involved in constant cutthroat competition   be involved in something like this   be involved in sth   be involved in team practices   be involved knowingly   be involved with sb   be irked   be irksome   be irrationally determined to do   be irreducible to anything other than itself   be irrelevant   be irresistible   be irresistible to tease sb   be irreversible   be irritable at sth   be isolated   be issued   be itching to get down to the meal   be its main feature   be itty-bitty   be jacketed in cement   be jaded on sb   be jail   be jammed   be jammed solidly   be jammed with sb   be jealous   be jealous by nature   be jealous of sb   be jeopardized   be jilted by a lover   be joined by sb   be joining in the game   be jostled mercilessly by the throng   be jovial and full of glee   be judged by sb   be judged negatively   be jumped on   be jumpy   be just a little bit stubborn   be just a little spaced out from traveling   be just a little too clever   be just a nonsense thing   be just able to do   be just able to get to the phone to call in sick   be just about killing sb   be just about out of it   be just about over   be just about ready to throw it in   be just an extra precaution   be just an idle spectator   be just an ordinary Ronson   be just another obscure printshop   be just another of those neighborhoods that have sprung up   be just another punter   be just as bad as sb   be just as before   be just as damn skinny as ever   be just as impatient as sb is   be just beginning to think one can trust sb   be just devastated   be just doing   be just dust   be just fair   be just feeling playful   be just fine   be just fine with sb   be just first light   be just fixing to leave   be just full of unrealistic expectations   be just full up with speeches   be just going to lie around and be sinful   be just going to take a little ride   be just hooked on sth   be just in a very deep sleep   be just intrigued   be just like sth   be just like that   be just lucky   be just not   be just not operative elements   be just not possible for sb to do   be just not ready for this yet   be just on the point of ~ing   be just out of a sb movie   be just over the squat range of hills   be just parroting the scientist   be just part of the package   be just part of the vehicular obstacle course   be just passing it on   be just plain dead   be just posing   be just punking around sb   be just routine inquiries   be just showing off   be just skin and bones   be just sleeping   be just smashed by it   be just start to do   be just starting up   be just the beginning   be just the house settling   be just the kind of thing that sb has waiting for   be just the opposite   be just the perfect spot   be just the person we need   be just the price of doing business   be just the thing   be just the way sb is   be just thing for you   be just too dumb to know it   be just too goddamn prim and prissy to be true   be just too good to do   be just too timorous   be just trying to be a friend   be just used to sb   be just very different   be just what you would expect of sb   be just wondering   be justified   be keen and lively   be keen to do   be keenly interested and just a shade jealous of sth   be keeping an eye on sb   be keeping sth tight   be keeping time with sth   be kept as well   be kept at a respectful distance   be kept at a run with sth   be kept away from home   be kept busy   be kept extremely occupied every day   be kept for the time being   be kept out   be kept waiting   be kept working on Mars   be keyed up to snapping point   be kicked in the stomach   be kicked out by sb   be kicking and struggling   be kidding oneself   be killed   be killed in action   be killed in an airplane crash   be killing everything   be kind enough to ask after sb   be kind enough to do   be kind enough to read sth   be kind of a free spirit   be kind of a shy guy   be kind of fucked up emotionally   be kind of homely looking   be kind of pruned up   be kind of shock   be kind of sour   be kind of taken with sb   be kind to sb   be kinda busy   be kindhearted as hell   be knighted by sb   be knocked down   be knocked down and out beyond where it started   be knocked flat   be knocked off   be knocked on its side   be knocked out cold   be knocked to the sidewalk   be known around the office   be known as sth   be known here   be known to do   be known to sb   be labeled sth   be lacking in consideration   be lacking in intensity   be lacking in the refinement proper to a child of good family   be laggard   be laid back   be laid bare   be laid low   be laid out in two columns and set in dense eight-point type   be laid side by side   be laid up in the hospital   be laid up just now   be largely silent throughout   be larger than one need   be late enough   be late for a cabinet meeting   be laudanumed to the scalp   be laughable   be laughed at   be laughing in this fakey way   be lay out dead on the floor   be laying without a wink of sleep   be leaden   be leaden to the point of indifference   be leaning on sb while one weep   be learned by heart   be learning all the time   be leaving sb in suspense on purpose   be led down   be led toward certain doom   be left a vegetable   be left alone   be left alone to watch the house   be left alone with sb   be left behind   be left here and there   be left holding the bag in the end   be left in the lurch   be left just as it is   be left of sb   be left on sth to rot   be left oneself   be left squirming with rage and confusion   be left to do   be left to sb   be left with unpaid bills   be legal   be legless   be less abstract   be less adept   be less cumbersome   be less distinguished   be less eager to do than to do   be less easily understood   be less formally dressed   be less generous   be less obtrusively affectionate   be less offensive   be less optimistic   be less reluctant to accept to a younger sister as a co-wife   be less subtle   be less sure   be less talkative than sb   be less than a rave   be less than a week away   be less than charming   be less than trustworthy   be less traveled   be less valuable   be lethargic   be letting sb drop the shuck on sb   be leveled by bombs falling from the sky   be liable to do   be liberal   be licked   be lifted cautiously   be like a frantic dream   be like a mystery   be like a painted sign   be like a weight that pulls sb down   be like a young cathedral   be like discovering arithmetic   be like old time   be like sth   be likely right   be likely to do   be likely to make things worse as better   be likely to spook sb   be liking me even less for saying that   be limited to a gentle lulling sway   be lined up   be lined with photos   be liquidated   be listed under   be lit brightly by the terribly white moon   be littered with sth   be lived out over the course of nearly a century   be liveliest   be lively   be livid   be living less than exemplary life   be living on borrowed time   be living quite contentedly   be living very well without doing a stroke of work   be loaded   be located   be located on a prominence with a good view   be locked   be locked and utterly without give   be locked in battle for sth   be locked shut   be locked up in the juvie pen   be lodged in sb for good   be logical   be loitering along the way   be lolling about on the grass   be lone wolf   be long behind sb   be long enough to do   be long gone   be long odds   be long overdue   be long way from fair here   be long way from home   be longing to get a chance   be looked at   be looked into   be looking a little put out   be looking a little tired   be looking about in all direction   be looking as fit as ever   be looking at death all the time   be looking for adventure   be looking for sb   be looking frailer than sb have ever seen one   be looking into oneself   be looking on with curiosity   be looking our for sb   be looking recently showered   be looking seriously alarmed   be looking thoughtful   be looking with something that is almost eagerness at sb   be loose   be loosened   be losing sleep   be lost   be lost again in recollection of the past   be lost in her dreamlike beauty   be lost in the clatter   be lost in the wonder of that meaning   be lost in thought   be lost on no one   be lost on sb   be lost to sight   be loud and violent   be louder   be lousy with dough   be lousy with sth   be lovable and good-looking   be lowest in the academic hierarchy   be loyal to sb   be lucky   be lucky to do   be lulled by constant sound of flowing water   be lulled into blissful peace   be lying crumpled up into a sort of untidy heap   be lying down in an abandon of comfort   be lying there mangled and bruised   be mad   be mad about oneself   be mad as a hatter   be mad at sb   be mad at sb for something   be mad for sth   be maddeningly indifferent to the way sb feel   be madder than hell   be madder than hornets   be made free of it long ago   be made into ruffians by the atmosphere   be made known to the whole country   be made of sterner stuff   be made of stone   be made out of good stuff   be made payable to sb   be made public   be made to last   be made up   be made use of by sb   be made useful by its beauty   be madly in love with oneself   be madly in love with sb   be magic   be make up   be making do   be making introductions   be making no secret of it   be making oneself scarce lately   be making the most outlandish noises   be making too much of it   be making up for it   be manifested   be manned   be manoeuvred into the corner   be marched back to prison   be marching in place   be marked   be marked with cigarette burns   be married   be married again to sb   be married and live in another province   be married in a simple civil ceremony   be married to XX women   be married to sb   be matched against sth   be mature in years   be maybe eight   be mean   be meandering   be meant as a joke   be meant nothing to me   be meant to be quite sarcastic   be meant to convey sth   be meant to do   be members of the Mormon priesthood   be mental mutants   be mentally alert   be mentioned   be mentioned as sth   be merely a delayed meal   be merely conjecturing   be merely knocked down   be merely possible good comrade   be messed   be messed with inside   be messier-looking   be met   be met by not a shred of reciprocation   be met by sth   be met with disapproving gasps from sb   be meticulous   be meticulous in doing   be meticulously neat   be miffed   be mighty close to doing   be mighty eager for the chance   be mildly surprised   be milling around   be milling through the crowd   be mind-fried with fear   be mine   be mine for the asking   be mired in fear and improbability   be miserable at the prospect of sth   be misguided as to do   be mislead   be misleading   be misled by inadequate information   be misplaced   be missing   be missing sb badly   be mistaken   be mixed   be mixed up with sb   be mobbed   be mobbed and messy   be mobilized   be modestly attractive to a man in the right mood   be modified   be modified by sb   be mollified   be momentarily at a loss for an answer   be momentarily flustered but quickly recovered   be monstrous   be months behind the curve   be more aggressive   be more and more puzzled   be more at home doing   be more bearable   be more beige than red and white   be more carefully tended than is usual   be more composed   be more faithful to sth   be more for show   be more frightened for sb than for oneself at the moment   be more important now   be more likely   be more of a stickler for regulations than sb   be more or less alert   be more or less all right   be more or less eye to eye with sth   be more or less good   be more or less leaving the current-day reality of sbs behind one   be more or less the boss   be more pleased than one wants to admit   be more shaken   be more specific   be more technically sophisticated than sb   be more than I can bear to do   be more than a little ashamed of oneself   be more than a little jealous of sb   be more than a match for sb   be more than compensated for by sth   be more than favorable   be more than generous   be more than half full   be more than one can bear   be more than ordinarily difficult   be more than possible   be more than the right thing   be more than three weeks late for work   be more than twice   be more than vicarious   be more thought of than sb   be more tolerant and feel warmer   be mortified   be most anxious for sb to do   be most delicately formed   be most frustrating   be most magnificently clad   be most noticeable   be most receptive   be most uneasy   be most venerable   be mostly a matter of form   be mostly amusement   be mostly hot to do   be mostly just kids   be mostly serious   be motivated   be motivated by something   be moved by religion   be moved by some such feelings   be moved by sth   be moved by the desire to gain victory   be moved so far as to do   be moved to involuntary pity by sth   be moved to tears   be moving in for the kill   be moving too much   be moving too quickly into dating   be moving toward more democratic government   be much alike   be much better than sth   be much brighter than the average   be much couraged   be much dumber than sb give us credit for   be much less confusing to handle   be much more approachable than sb   be much more oneself   be much more tender-hearted than one looks   be much taken with the thought of doing   be much the same   be much the topic of the day   be much too bold   be much too good for sb   be much too strict   be much too tough and awkward a character for sb to take on   be muffled against the night   be murdered   be muscular   be muted   be muted in here   be mutilated   be my guest   be mysterious to sb   be mysteriously fired   be mystified   be mystifying   be nagging at sb   be naive enough in a appearance   be named after   be named after sb   be natural   be natural to do   be naturally disinclined to help prosecution   be near enough handsome   be nearly deserted   be nearly empty   be nearly full   be nearly invincible   be neat   be neat and cosy   be neat and tidy  

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