× Q  ?  翻訳類語辞典


たんなる の訳語→ all just mere ordinary simply

ほんの の訳語→ almost brief but desperately even fairly little merely only precious really relatively very

an array of anabasis anabiosis analects analogy analysand analyse analysis analyze anarchy anatomy ancestor ancestral anchor ancient ancillary ancilla and so on and anecdote anemic aneurysm anew anger angle angling angrily angry angst anguished anguish animadversion animadvert animalistic animal animated animate animation anima animus annexation annexment annex annihilation annotation announcement announce annoyance annoyed annoyingly annoying annoy annually annulus annul annunciation anodyne anoint anomaly anonymity anonymous anonym anorak another answerer answer antagonistic antagonist antecedence antecedent anteroom anthem anthology anthropomorphism anthropomorphization anti- anticipate anticipation antick anticlimactic antic antidote antiestablishmentarian antinomic antipathy antiquated antiquate antique antiseptic antithesis antithetical anti anxiety anxiously anxious anybody anymore anyone anything anytime anyway anywhere any
