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Palawan Council for Sustainable Development   Paleobiology Database   Paleozoic   Palestine Liberation Organization   Palmer Archipelago   Palmer Basin   Pan-African event   Pan-America Ramsar Regional Meeting   Pan-American Meeting   Pan-European Operational Level Guidelines   Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework   Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits   Panel Committee on GHG Emission Calculation Methods in the Supply Chain   Panel on Earth Sciences and Environment in the North Pacific   Panel on Euthanasia   Paper Recycling Promotion Center   Paracelsus   Parallel Plate Interceptor   Paris Conference for Global Ecological Governance   Paris Convention   Park Volunteer Activity Promotion Program   Park freehold title   Parliamentarians and Biodiversity Forum   Parliamentary Secretary of the Environment   Parshall flume flowmeter   Part   Participatory Rural Appraisal   Partner Organization   Partner country   Partnership Initiative   Partnership for Sustainable Communities   Pasquill stability categories   Pasquill-Gifford chart   Passive Microwave Radiometer   Pastoral Land Act   Patent Cooperation Treaty   Patent Law of the People's Republic of China   Paton Peak   Paul Muller   Pd   Peace Keeping Forces   Peace Keeping Operation   Peace-Keeping Organization   Pearson's chi-square test for 2-by-2 tables   Peclet number   Pedestrian Transportation Program   Pedotron   Pelangi   Pelecypoda   Pelton turbine   Penal Code   Pensacola Mountanins   Pentalagus furnessi   People and Systems for Shaping a New Era-and Building a Network   People for Shaping a New Era   People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals   People's Finance Corporation   People's Forest   People's Lodge   People's Outdoor Recreation Area   Perfluorinated compounds   Periodic Safety Update Reports   Permanent Forum of Indigenous People   Permanent Inter-states Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel   Permanent shallow marine waters in most cases less than six metres deep at low tide   Permission for Forest Products Business- Natural Forest   Permission for Use by Forest Products Business-Natural Forest   Permission for Use by Forest Products Businesses-Plantation Forest   Permission for the Use of Wood   Permission for the Utilization of Woo   Permit System for Bioprospecting and Exporting indigenous biological resources   Persian Gulf   Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee   Personnel Division   Pesticide Forum   Peterson Glacier   Petroleum Act   Petroleum Association of Japan   Petroleum Energy Center   Phaeophyceae   Phalacrocorax atriceps   Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis   Phalacrocorax urile   Phanerozoic eon   Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council   Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency   Phase I strategic research project   Phe   Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development   Philippine Council for Sustainable Development   Philippine National Police   Philippine tarsier   Philippine teak   Phoenix Plan   Phylloscopus iijimae   Physeter macrocephalus   Physeteridae   Phytopharm   Phytotrade Africa   Picot static tube   Pilot Phase   Pilot Programs of Inventing Cool City   Pilot Project of the ETV   Pilot Project of the Environmental Technology Verification   Pine Weevil Countermeasures Law   Pintado Island   Pinus halepensis   Pitfall trap   Plan 2002 for Promoting the Construction Waste Recycling   Plan for Conservation of Lake Water Quality   Plan for Creation of Eco-Friendly Ishikawa Prefecture   Plan for Creation of Environment Capital Yamanashi   Plan for Epidemiological Study and Research on Adults   Plan for Reduction of Areawide Total Pollutant Load   Plan for Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago   Plan for the Conservation of Water Quality of Lakes and Marshes at the Kamafusa Dam Reservoir   Plan for the Fulfillment of Industrial Raw Material   Plan of Action to Combat Desertification   Plan of Implementation   Plan of Ocean Raft System for Hydrogen Economy   Planning Committee   Planning Committee of the Council for Ports and Harbors   Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region   Plastic Grocery Bag Tax   Plaza Accord   Plecoglossus altivelis   Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis   Pleistocene   Pliocene   Plu-Thermal project   Pm   Podolie region   Pointe-Geologie Archipelago   Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law   Poisson ratio   Poisson's ratio   Polhogda   Policies for Car Noise Reduction   Policies for Global Environmental Conservation   Policy Coordination/Evaluation and Public Relations Division   Policy Planning Division   Policy and Coordination Division   Policy for Access to and Use of Genetic Resources in the NT   Pollutant Release and Transfer Register   Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Law; PRTR Law   Pollutant Release and Transfer Register system   Pollutant Standard Index   Polluter-Pays Principle   Pollution Control Act   Pollution Control Financial Law   Pollution Control Public Works Cost Allocation Law   Pollution Dispute Coordination Commission Establishment Law   Pollution Levy System   Pollution Prevention Management System   Pollution Session of the Diet   Pollution-Related Health Damage Compensation and Prevention Association   Pollution-related Health Damage Certification Council   Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation Association   Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation Grievance Board   Polychaeta species   Ponderosa pine   Ponpoko Utopia   Population Decline and the Environment   Port Lockroy   Port Plan   Port Regulation Law   Port State Control   Port and Harbor Landscape Development Model Project   Port and Harbor Law   Portfolio of Water Actions   Ports Subcommittee of the Council for Transport Policy   Ports and Harbors Council   Ports and Harbors Law   Portunidae   Postal Savings for International Volunteer Aid   Potamogeton species   Pr   Prairie Pothole region   Precambrian   Precision method   Preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction   Prefectural Council for Environmental Pollution Control   Prefectural Environmental Dispute Settlement Committee   Prefectural National Center for Promoting Activities to Prevent Global Warming   Prefectural Nature Conservation Council   Prefectural Ordinance   Preliminary rulings regarding admissibility   Preparation for the fourth review of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism   Preparatory Commission   Preparatory Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Eminent Persons Forum   Preservation of the Natural Environment and Promotion of Outdoor Activities   Presidency   President of QC Circle Headquarters   President of QC Circle Region   President of QC Circle Section   President of the European Parliament   President of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CBD   President of the tribunal   President's Initiative Against Illegal Logging   Preslik Spur   Priestley Prize   Prime Minister's Office   Prime Minister's statement   Princess Elizabeth Land   Principles for Responsible Investment   Principles for Reviewing Grant Applications   Principles for the Management of Chemical Substances based on Comparative Assessment of Environmental Impact and Utility   Principles of Conduct in the Field of the Environment for the Guidance of States in the Conservation and Harmonious Utilization of Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States   Prior Informed Consent procedures   Priorities for Action Beyond 2000   Private Finance Initiative   Private Finance Initiative method   Private Sewerage System Law   Private Small Scale Timber Plantation   Private University Scientific Frontier Promotion Program   Pro   Pro Europe   Pro Forma for Grant Application   Procedural Flow of Application for Grant   Procedural guide ? Initial responses to applications that are non-compliant or complex   Procedure on Emergency Measures against Photochemical Oxidants   Procedures and Guidelines for Access and Collection of Genetic Resources in Malawi   Procedures and Mechanisms relating to Compliance under the Kyoto Protocol   Procedures and Operational Mechanisms to Promote Compliance and Address Issues of Non-Compliance   Procedures for access in protected areas and communal lands   Procedures to Submit Objections concerning JBIC Guidelines for Confirmation of Environmental and Social Consideration   Proceedings of the National Acadey of Sciences   Proclamation No. 120/1998 Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment Proclamation   Proclamation No. 482/2006 - Access to Genetic Resources and Community Knowledge and Community Rights Proclamation   Product Produce Method   Production Forest   Production Tax Credit   Productive Green Land Law   Products   Professional Urban Forester   Program concerning Comprehensive Measures of Minamata Disease   Program for Developing Infrastructure for the Next-generation Waste Treatment Technology   Program for Developing Nature Learning Trails   Program for Improving the Conditions for Facilitating Forest Environmental Education Activities   Program for Leasing Environment Purifying Equipment   Program for Promoting Environmental Education in Environmental Sciences   Program for Promoting Greening Activities to Prevent Global Warming with Citizen Participation   Program for Promoting International Environmental Cooperation by Joining Forces with Local Governments and NGOs   Program for Promoting Model Council Activities for the Protection of Animals   Program for Promoting Volunteer Activities of Young People   Program for Promoting the Effective Implementation of Technical Cooperation   Program for promoting the purchase of eco-friendly products   Program for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law   Program for the Promotion of Environment-Friendly Fishing Port Creation   Program for the Promotion of Environmental Learning through Experiences   Program for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents   Program for the Rehabilitation of Natural Habitats and Maintenance of Viable Population of Okinawa Rails   Program of Capital Assistance for Small Business to Purchase Equipment   Program of Measures to Improve the Utilization of Released Resources in Inland Waterway   Program to Improve the Protection Forest for Conservation Purposes   Program to Promote Long-term Nature Experience Activities for Youths   Program to Promote Recovery of the Specified CFCs   Program to Promote the Development of Fish Ladders in Agricultural Irrigation Facilities   Program to Support Initiatives Introducing Measures against Climate Change in the Public Service Sector   Program to Support Local Learning Activities through Cooperation with Local NPOs   Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes   Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21   Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States   Programme on Man and the Biosphere   Programs for the Development of Methods to Properly Manage Inland Water Resources   Programs for the Promotion of Familization with Forest   Programs for the Rehabilitation of Natural Habitats and Maintenance of Viable Populations   Progress   Progress I   Progress I Station   Progress II   Progress II Station   Progress Lake   Project Design Document   Project Tree CO2 Sequestration   Project Tree Monitoring Plan   Project commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment   Project contracted by the Ministry of the Environment   Project for Building a Highly Efficient Recycling System for Discarded FRP Boats   Project for Comprehensive Development of Forest Spaces   Project for Developing Environment for Nature Learning   Project for Developing Mountain Trails at Japan's Hundred Famous Mountains   Project for Developing Supply Bases for Marine Products   Project for Developing the Environment for Marine Resources   Project for Improvement of Environmental Information Network   Project for Lively living Things   Project for Promoting the Creation of Lively Fishing Villages   Project for Reinvigorating Visitor Facilities of Natural Parks   Project to Improve the Environment around the Soil Erosion Control Facility   Project to Promote Forest Kids Club Activities   Project to Subsidize Integrated Rural Sewage Resource Circulation   Project to Survey the Habitat Environment of Marine Creatures   Projected Effects   Projected Impacts of Global Warming   Promotion of Measures against Hydrocarbons for the Prevention of Photochemical Air Pollution   Promotion of Minamata Disease Countermeasures   Prosecutor General   Protected Areas Management Board   Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau   Protected areas   Protecting Biodiversity so that Nature's Blessings can be Enjoyed and Passed on   Protection Forest   Protection Forest Promotion Plan   Protection Forest for Health   Protection of Community Rights   Protista   Protochordata   Protocol Concerning Co-operation in Combatting Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency   Protocol Concerning Constitution of an International Commission for the Protection of the Mosel against Pollution   Protocol Concerning Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas   Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft   Protocol for the Protection of Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources   Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Source   Protocol of MARPOL73/78   Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty   Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil   Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Their Transboundary Fluxes   Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions   Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe   Protocol to the London Convention   Provdiv Region Industrial Pollution Improvement Plan in Bulgaria   Provincial Cities Water Supply and Sewerage System Improvement and Expansion Project   Provisional Guidelines for Prevention of Water Pollution by Agricultural Chemicals Used at Golf Courses   Provisional National Targets and Actions   Prunus nipponica   Prydz Bay   Pseudomonas   Public Administration Act   Public Administration Act regarding individual decisions   Public Authority Control Board   Public Cleansing Law   Public Corporation Employees' Mutual Law Association   Public Environmental Reporting Initiative   Public Finance Management Act   Public Health Act   Public Information Disclosure Law   Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors   Public Opinion Poll on the Protection and Utilization of Nature   Public Prosecutor's Office   Public Prosecutors Offices   Public Relations Office   Public Sector Employment and Management Act   Public Sector Management Act   Public Service Notices   Public Trust Volunteer Fund for Nature Conservation   Public Trust: Fuji Film Green Fund   Public Utility District   Public Water Body Reclamation Law   Public Waters Reclamation Law   Public Welfare Science Council   Public liability insurance   Publicly Available Specification   Publicly-Offered SRI Investment Trust   Pulse Amplitude Modulation   Pure Water Renaissance II   Purpose of National Policies and National Plans   Pusan   Pygoscelis Antarctica   Pygoscelis adeliae   Pygoscelis papua   P波   Q flag   Q mark   Q-S退会   QA   QA/QC   QA/SAC   QALYs   QA表   QC   QC Circle   QC Circle Conference   QC Circle Counseling Forum   QC Circle Cruising Seminar   QC Circle Headquarters Honorary Advisor   QC Circle Koryo   QC Circle Overseas Study Team   QC Circle Regional Chapter   QC Circle Regional Secretary   QC Circle Regional Section   QC Circle Symposium   QC Circle leader   QC Circle leader's council   QC Circle meeting   QC Circle member   QC Circle shop talk session   QC Circle-monthly magazine   QC Conference for Customers   QC Conference for Foremen   QC Conference for Manager and Staff   QC Conference for Top Management   QC activity   QC diagnosis   QC diagnosis by Deming Prize Committee   QC diagnosis by general manager   QC diagnosis by president   QC diagnosis by top executives   QC process chart   QC process table   QC project   QC story   QCD   QCDS   QCサークル   QCサークルシンポジウム   QCサークルメンバー   QCサークルリーダー   QCサークルリーダー会   QCサークル交流会   QCサークル会合   QCサークル公開相談室   QCサークル地区   QCサークル地区長   QCサークル大会   QCサークル支部   QCサークル支部世話人   QCサークル支部幹事   QCサークル支部幹事長   QCサークル支部長   QCサークル支部顧問   QCサークル本部世話人   QCサークル本部事務局   QCサークル本部幹事   QCサークル本部登録   QCサークル本部長   QCサークル本部顧問   QCサークル洋上大学   QCサークル海外研修チーム   QCサークル綱領   QCストーリー   QCストーリーの歯止め   QC七つ道具   QC工程図   QC活動   QC診断   QD   QDSD   QELRO   QMS Ordinance Article 6 Para 2   QMS document architecture   QMS ordinance compliance   QMS文書体系   QMS省令の遵守   QMS省令第6条第2項   QMS組織体制   QOL   QPWS   QPWSの地域スタッフが認識している史跡   QRL   QSAR   QSR   QSR master file   QSRマスターファイル   QWQC   Qualification I Analysis   Quality Assurance Standard for Voluntary Carbon Offsetting   Quality Assurance/Science Activity Centre   Quality Control Award for Factory by Deming Prize Committee   Quality Control Symposium   Quality Management System Inspection of Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostics   Quality Management and corresponding general aspects for Medical Devices   Quality Management-Guidelines for Quality Plans   Quality Month   Quality Month committee   Quality Month slogan   Quality Month text   Quality of the Environment in Japan   Quantified GHG Emission Limitation or Reduction Commitments of Annex I Parties   Quantitative Analysis Department of the Japan Energy and Economy Institute   Quaternary   Quaternary science   Quaternary system   Queensland Biodiscovery Act   Queensland Department of State Development   Queensland Government   Queensland Herbarium   Queensland Heritage Act 1992   Queensland Heritage Register   Queensland Museum   Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service   Queensland waters   Queensland's Biodiscovery Act 2004   Quercus crispula   Quick Guide to Energy Saving Standards for Residential Buildings   Quiet Circle   Quiet Sector   Qマーク   Q旗   R & D   R & D Management standard   R Mark   R factor   R.R.S. Willliam Scoresby   R/D   RAC   RAM   RAN   RAPMS   RBA   RBC   RBE   RBGs   RC   RCB   RCRA   RCU   RDB species   RDB種   RDF   RDF generation   RDF manufacturing facility   RDF processing and storage facility   RDF production plant   REACH   REACH regulation   REDD   RG   RI   RIO+20   RIS   RIS; Information Sheet   RITE   RIZA   RI計器   RM   RMA   RMP   RNA   RO   ROC   ROCs   ROI   ROK   ROM   RORO ship   RORO船   RPBBI   RPS   RQ   RQAP-GLP   RQD   RRA   RRGV   RSIS   RT   RTK   RVT   Ra   Radiolaria   Rahman   Rahydophyceae   Railway Technical Research Institute   Rainforest Action Network   Ramsar Administrative Authority   Ramsar Advisory Mission   Ramsar Bureau   Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type   Ramsar Convention   Ramsar Convention Bureau   Ramsar Criteria   Ramsar Criteria for Identifying Wetlands of International Importance   Ramsar Database   Ramsar Endowment Fund   Ramsar Handbook   Ramsar Handbook No.9   Ramsar Handbooks for the Wise Use of Wetlands No.XX   Ramsar Information Sheet   Ramsar List   Ramsar Management Guidance Procedure   Ramsar Oceania Regional Meeting   Ramsar Regional Centre for Central and West Asia   Ramsar Secretariat/Bureau   Ramsar Site Ecotourism Project   Ramsar Sites Database   Ramsar Sites Directory   Ramsar Sites Information Service   Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetlands Conservation and Wise Use   Ramsar Subregional Meeting for West and Central Asia   Ramsar Support Officer   Ramsar Technical Report   Ramsar Toolkit of Wise Use Handbooks   Ramsar Training Framework   Ramsar West and Central Asia Subregional meeting   Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award   Ramsar Wetland Data Gateway   Ramsar Wetland Training Service   Ramsar Wise Use Handbook   Ramsar guidance   Ramsar liaison officer   Ramsar region   Ramsar site   Ramsar site designation   Ramsar structures and partners   Ramsar wetland classification system   Ramsar's regime   Ramsar-listed site   Ramsar-listed wetland   Ramsnathan   Ratio of Low-emission Vehicles in the Total Domestic Shipment of Four-wheeled Vehicles   Rauer Group   Raynaud's disease vibration syndrome   Rb   Re   Re-style   Read Report   Realization of a Recycle-oriented Society Based on Waste Reduction and Treatment   Recklinghausen's disease   Recommendation Concerning Safety in the Use of Asbestos   Recommendation of the Council on Environmental Assessment of Development Assistance Projects and Programmes   Recommendation of the Council on Measures Required to Facilitate the Environmental Assessment of Development Assistance Projects and Programmes   Recommendation of the Council on Principles Concerning Transfrontier Pollution   Recommendation of the Council on the Assessment of Projects with Significant Impact on the Environment   Recommendation on the Application of the Polluter-Pays Principle to Accidental Pollution   Recommendation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods   Record of Commitments/Partnership   Recovery of White Beaches and Green Pines Program   Recreation Dam Reservoir Development Project   Recycle Mine Park   Recycle Mine Park project   Recycled Resource Utilization Promotion Law   Recycling Law   Recycling Promotion Office   Red Data Book   Red List   Red List Index   Red Sea   Redfield ratio   Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation   Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation   Reed Colony Conservation Ordinance   Reeves's muntjac   Referral of a situation by a State Party   Reflection Meeting on the Global Multilateral Benefit-Sharing Mechanism   Refrigerant Recovery Promotion Center   Regional Activity Center   Regional Administrative Evaluation Bureaus   Regional Administrative Inspection Branch   Regional Administrative Inspection Bureau   Regional Administrative Inspection Office   Regional Affairs Office   Regional Agricultural Directorate   Regional Centre for Training and Research on Wetlands in Western and Central Asia   Regional Coast Guard Headquarters   Regional Coordination Units   Regional EST Forum in Asia   Regional Ecosystem Diversity Survey   Regional Environment Office   Regional Environmental Administration Information Support System   Regional Environmental Affairs Office   Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe   Regional Environmental Monitoring for the Arab Republic of Egypt   Regional Environmental Offices   Regional Fisheries Coordination Committee   Regional Forum for Environment and Health in the Southeast and East Asian countries   Regional Overview   Regional Platform   Regional PrepCom for Asia and the Pacific   Regional Preparatory Meeting   Regional Seas Programme   Regional System for Practical Use of Eco-Fuel   Regional Wetlands Management Officer   Regional Workshop on Protecting Coastal and Marine Ecosystems from Land-based Activities in the Asia-Pacific   Register of UK Woodland Carbon Projects   Registered Quality Assurance Professional in Good Laboratory Practice   Registers of Intellectual and Industrial Property   Registration Certification Committee   Registration Withholding Standards of Agricultural Chemicals concerning Prevention of Water Pollution   Regulations for Carbon Offsetting Scheme Implementation   Regulations for Expert Advisory Panels and Committees   Regulations for Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships   Regulations for Vehicle Categories in Specified Areas   Regulations of toxic and hazardous materials etc   Regulations regarding registration of pesticides and toxic substances   Regulatory Review Committee of Chemical Substances Related to the Protection of the Ecosystem   Regulatory Standards for Noise Emitted from Specified Construction Operations   Rehabilitation Project of the 4th Thermal Power Plant in Ulaanbaatar   Reid's paradox   Relationship with the other components of the Antarctic Treaty System   Relaxing Vacations in Fishing and Mountain Villages Promotion Program   Relief Fund for Oil Pollution Damage in Fishing Grounds   Relief Law   Rendering Plant Control Law   Renewable Portfolio Standard   Reparation and Compensation System for Damages by Oil Pollution   Reparations to victims   Report by the Open-Ended Working Group of Member States on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits   Report of the Second Oceania Regional Meeting of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands   Report on BAT Levels for Reduction of Unintentional Contaminant HCB in TCPA and Solvent Red 135   Report on BAT levels concerning by-product HCB in TCPA and Solvent Red 135   Report on Emergency Response Systems for Large-Scale Oil Spill Incidents   Report on the Collection of Contributions from Business Operators as Appropriations for the Payment of Relief Benefit   Report on the Heat Island Phenomenon - Analysis of the Current State and Countermeasures   Report on the State of Air Pollution   Republic Act No. 8371: The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997   Republic Act No. 9147: Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act   Republic Act No.9147   Republic of Korea   Republic of Indonesia   Republic of Korea   Republic of Singapore   Republic of South Africa   Requirements for regulatory purposes   Requirements for the Kyoto Protocol to Enter into Force and Ratification Status   Research Agreement   Research Center for Chemical Risk Management   Research Center for Chemical Risk Management at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology   Research Institute for Environmental Pollution   Research Institute for Humanity and Nature   Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth   Research Team on International Atmospheric Environment   Research and Development Theme for Practical Application   Research and Information Office   Research for the Future Program   Research on Trends in Environmental Considerations Related to Overseas Activities of Japanese Companies   Research on a Strategy for Wildlife Conservation Using the Chromosome Map and Individual Based Model   Research on establishment of genetically engineered cells expressing human liver enzymes for novel mutagenic assay   Research on the Evaluation of the Effects of Far East Siberian Forests on the Global Environment   Research on the effect of hormone-like chemicals in the environment on reproduction and development   Resilient Cities 2010   Resolution VII.1   Resolution VII.7   Resolution on Urgent Action for Africa   Resource Conservation and Recovery Act   Resource Recovery Act   Resource Recovery Plan   Resource Recycling Forest   Resource Utilization Promotion Law   Resources Research Institute of the Science and Technology Agency   Responses to Three Crises of Biodiversity   Responsible Care activity   Responsible Person for Promotion of Industrial Standardization and Quality Control   Restoration of Urban Environmental Infrastructure in Metropolitan Area   Restricted Zone   Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment   Result of the Medical Data Examination for Acknowledgment of Designated Diseases under the Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief   Results of FY 2002 Water Quality Survey of Groundwater   Results of the 7th Green Purchasing Survey   Results of the FY 2001 Nationwide Water Quality Survey of Public Water Areas   Results of the Social Contribution Activities Survey   Retroreflector In Space   Revenue Passenger-Km   Revenue Ton-Km Performed   Review Conference   Review of guidance to the financial mechanism   Review of the Operations of the Regional Environmental Pollution Control Program System   Review on the Development of Dioxin Analysis Research Facilities   Revised Forestry Code   Revised Japan Environment Corporation Law   Reynolds number   Reynolds number of turbulence   Reynolds similarity law   Rf   Rh   Rhacophorus arboreus   Rhincodon typus   Rhodophyceae   Ricardian   Rice Millers' Association   Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras   Richards' equation   Ridley Beach   Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention   Right to the City: Bridging the Urban Divide   Ringelman's smoke chart   Rio Branco Commitment   Rio Declaration   Rio Declaration on Environment and Development   Rio Group   Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve   Rio+10   Rio+20   Risk Committee of the Chemical Products Council   Risk Communication Manual on Chemical Substances and the Environment for Municipalities   Risk Communication Website   River Environment Database   River Environment Development Project   River Environment Monitor System   River Law   Riverside Fun School Project   RoHS   Road Development Loan System   Road Traffic Law   Road Transport and Motor Vehicle Law   Roadside Environment Improvement Program   Roadside Law   Robert F. Kennedy Memorial   Robinson Ridge   Robinson's cup anemometer   Rockwell hardness   Rollback Malaria public health initiative   Rolling Sample   Ronne   Rookery Islands   Roots blower   Rosin's equation   Rosin-Rammler's equation   Ross Ice Shelf   Ross Island   Ross Sea party   Ross Sea region   Ross Seal   Ross sea killer whale   Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis   Rotary Biological Contacter   Rotifera   Rotifers   Rotterdam Convention   Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade   Round-table Conference on Chemical Substances and the Environment   Royal Palaces of Abomey   Royal Research Ship William Scoresby   Ru   Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Ruins of Songo Mnara   Rules of Civil Procedure   Rules of Procedure for EANET   Rules of Procedure for meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD   Ruptila   Rural Development Program   Rural Space Museum   Rural Water Supply Project   Russian Science Academy Limnology Research Center   Russian-Japan Consultative Meeting on Migratory Bird Protection and Research   Ryukyu sweetfish   Ryutaro Hashimoto APFED Awards   R因子   S-N diagram   S-N線図   S-wave   SAARC   SAB   SAC   SACU   SADC   SADR   SAE   SAFER   SAGE   SAICM   SAICMアジア太平洋地域会合に向けた国内フォーラム   SAL   SANBI   SAPs   SAR   SASI   SATOYAMA Initiative   SATOYAMA principles   SATOYAMAイニシアティブ   SATOYAMA原則   SBA   SBC   SBI   SBR   SBS   SBSTA   SBSTTA   SBW   SC-WH recovery   SCAR   SCB   SCBD   SCBD notification   SCF   SCOPE   SCP   SCP排水   SD   SDI   SDLC   SDWA   SEA   SEAFDEC   SEATO   SEE   SEEA   SEED Awards winner   SEED賞受賞者   SEI   SEPA   SER   SF5CF3   SF6   SF6-free magnesium   SF6フリーマグネシウム   SFI   SFM   SFM principles   SFM原則   SGF   SGF; Small Grants Fund; Ramsar Small Grants Funds   SIA   SIC   SIDA   SIDS   SIDs   SIL   SITE program   SLCF   SLR   SMGT   SMO   SMRs   SMS   SMTA   SN ratio   SNG   SN比   SOFC   SOFIS   SOHO   SOLAS Convention   SOP   SOS運動   SOT   SOx   SOx meter   SOx-resistance test   SOx-resisting catalyst   SP-ME-WH recovery   SPA No.1   SPARTECA   SPC   SPEC   SPEED' 98   SPF   SPG   SPIRIT 21   SPM   SPP   SPREP   SPRESSO   SP廃水   SQC   SRA   SRES   SRI   SRM   SRT   SS   SS meter   SSC   SSSI   SST   SSVS   SS    STAR   START   STO   STRP   STRP National Focal Point   SUS pipe   SUSパイプ   SV   SVA   SVI   SW Anvers Island and Palmer Basin   SWME   SWOT Analysis   SWOT分析   SWS   Sabah Biodiversity Council   Sabah Biodiversity Enactment 2000   Sado Japanese Crested Ibis Conservation Center   Safe Drinking Water Act   Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments   Safety Evaluation and Review Program   Safety Measures Committee of the Chemical Products Council   Safety for Risk Analysis   Saga-Fukutomi Road   Saghalien fir   Sagittarius   Sago spleen   Sahel region   Sahelian region   Sahelian region of Africa   Saikai National Park   Saint Kitts and Nevis   Saitama University Graduate School   Sakata Natural Environment Protection Plan   Sakurazutsumi Model Project   Salamandrella keyserlingii   Sallee Snowfield   Salmonella enteritidis   Salmonella thyphi   Salonga National Park   Saltzman coefficient   Saltzman method   Salvelinus   Sami Parliament   San Jose Record   San People   Sangay National Park   Santo Inacio Urban Park   Sarawak Biodiversity Centre   Sarawak Biodiversity Council   Sargasso Sea   Sargassum beds   Sarobetsu Plain   Sasa spp. community   Sasakia charonda   Satellite System for Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting  

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